YBF Beauty - 4th July


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I always enjoyed watching Stacey, she's such a natural and larger than life character, so I'll be glad to see her back.
Wow, stacey is very gushing!

Used to like Stacey and her shows, wonder if she has revamped her makeup formulas though

I agree. I only ever bought something from her once (I think it was a Xmas TSV) but I thought the makeup was terrible quality, and ultimately it all went in the bin. She might be a hoot to watch but I wouldn't be tempted to buy anything.
Oh dear. That letter was a tad OTT wasn't it. I feel a bit sick. Having said that she's really good entertainment and I like her
Is this a joke? Great that YBF is back and all (I found the packaging cheap but the product itself was fine). I also like Stacey. But WTF? Girlfriends, that letter sounds like she has been brainwashed by a cult.
I only have an eyeliner pencil and an eyeshadow. It was fine, but then again I can never really tell good from bad when it comes to beige eyeshadow. But lippies I can always tell good quality from bad.
Great to have her back on Q The last time I saw her on IW she looked so depressed. Then she had to cancel her YBF cruises which was a shame as they looked like a lot of fun.

I've used the YBF safari shadows and thought that the quality was fine.
She may have been fun to watch but anything I ever brought was crap quality.

Love Stacey and her shows are entertaining, but I agree with everyone about the quality of the products and packaging. Truly dire, the pigment levels of her products are virtually non-existent and yet she produces the best eyebrow product I have ever bought...weird!
Surprised she is coming back but pleased as her shows were always entertaining. I still use her yellow powder, bronzer and lipsticks/lip glosses.
ooh, she mentions Australia, I wonder if she's coming here too??

I'm surprised at the number of people saying the quality was so bad, i loved many of her products. Her lipliners and eyebrow pencils are second to none (IMHO of course!) and i still have eye shadows (granted from MP, not YBF) that I use all the time. Here's hoping it goes well for her, someone as enthusiastic as Stacey deserves to do well!
I used to love MP products - their yellow powder and bronzer were brilliant - but by the time YBF was launched I had moved on. Did love watching Stacey though.
I did try the yellow powder when she was first on with MP, it was not great quality loaded with talc which is a cheap ingredient. Also it was really yellow, BB does different shades to match fair skin upwards. Then I found the T.LeClerc which is the greatest yellow powder, so fine and no talc but rice powder which gives that light as air texture.

As I said the eyebrow pencil(which I have never used), is the one product adored worldwide. I think she could live on selling those alone.

Perhaps I have higher expectations as I use niche and high end makeup brands.
I too used to love watching Stacey and took all the Girlfriend, power to your lipstick stuff as a bit of harmless fun. I used to love the eyebrow pencil and yellow powder as a finisher cos I wore liquid foundation back then. Hers was actually very good foundation too.The lipsticks and glosses were okay as well. Now I use Avons brow pencil and mineral or Laura Geller foundation so will not buy any YBF. Oh yes the xmas TSVs were always brilliant and good value with a bag or somethung. Looking back, a few years ago I was really happy with Staceys Models Prefer stuff. Am pleased to see she is back, she ll be a welcome change to all the others.
Really glad that Stacey is coming back to QVC. I enjoyed watching her shows and love her eyebrow pencil. What I find odd is that I emailed QVC customer service back in May asking them if YBF was coming back and they said no. I thought they plan these shows months in advance and they would know what shows are coming up. I wish we could get Tarte cosmetics in uk.

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