Yankee Candle guest decides to 'move on'


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This has so many connotations that even Judge Rinder would have a field day!!

Ultimately, I think it's a shame that Steven has lost his job on QVC. I liked watching him occasionally but to Post these comments on Fakebook from said woman.women and then hubby to retaliate is actually beyond my intelligence???
We really do live in Social Media Mad World and it's rather SAD!!!! Enough said :wonder::wonder::wonder:
The crows, they crowed on Twitter
o'er his boyfriend's crowning glory.

Mr Psycho then grew bitter and turned tattle
into story.

The words were so offensive and
they came so thick and fast

ensuring that the fate was sealed
with consequence to last.

"Why did you go and do that?"
I really hate to fight

but this time I will make a stand
- separate beds for us each night!

And so the burning candle of love
was finally snuffed

and Psycho found all his amorous
advances, well, rebuffed.

The woman that Q got in to
replace man on the screen

was none other than Grotbags
minus make-up that was green!


Maybe she did, but maybe she didn't. Maybe she just wanted a friend (in the way Twatter makes you feel friends) to know what was being said and had no idea he would react in such a nutjob way. I for one had no idea he had previous in this area.

But if Steven is in compete solidarity with his "excessively volatile" husband and doesn't think the women he insulted deserve an apology, he is not the man I thought he was. So was his nice persona just a facade? I hope not.

The person or persons who sent the comments to Stevens husband knew how he would react as he had sent vile messages to people who made comments in a closed group previously. The result that Steven no longer works with QVC is purely down to those people and the husband for reacting as he did.
If that is the case then this husband sounds absolutely vile and I am surprised Steven doesn't bin him off. I wouldn't want to be with someone who flies off the handle like that over nothing. What on earth would he be like if he had a seriously unpleasant encounter IRL? Perhaps he is having some anger management therapy after this episode, seems like he needs it.
I don't think a gone comes out of this well. The person screenshotting a private group's fairly mild criticism was mischief-making, SC's OH could have risen above it but chose not to, SC was mute, the wronged women/supporters then perhaps were too assiduous in forcing it to QVC's and YC's attention. Lots of troublemaking and not a lot of resolution-finding going on. Maybe the will to find some middle ground was lacking?

I honestly think there are always people spoiling for a fight, and they will seize on the flimsiest of excuses to start or join a fight. SC's husband crossed a line, in my view, and the violence of his language is no laughing matter. I hope the screen-shotter and the husband are proud of what they achieved... And I feel sorry for SC caught in a no-win situation... It seems he had to choose between his marriage and his job. I think, if he loves his hubby, he made the right choice (but should still get hubby to anger management and to own the consequences of his actions). Either way, he would be criticised... I think he could have taken a leaf out of Melania Trump's book over this, and deplored the action while supporting hubby as a person who is a better person than that.

Hairgate is no more, so the swarm will light upon a new outrage and move on... So should we.
The person or persons who sent the comments to Stevens husband knew how he would react as he had sent vile messages to people who made comments in a closed group previously. The result that Steven no longer works with QVC is purely down to those people and the husband for reacting as he did.

Whilst sending the text to Steven's partner was wrong it was, fundamentally, mischief making. The texts ought to have been ignored. It is his reaction which has caused this entire situation to emanate.
Whilst sending the text to Steven's partner was wrong it was, fundamentally, mischief making. The texts ought to have been ignored. It is his reaction which has caused this entire situation to emanate.

No sorry I think both parties are to blame however either way Steven has suffered due to their actions.
No sorry I think both parties are to blame however either way Steven has suffered due to their actions.

Two wrongs don't make a right. If the silly woman hadn't sent the comments there would have been nothing to react to. If SC's husband had ignored the tweets or dealt with them more tactfully, nothing more would have come of it. I am a big believer in not giving ammunition to people. I certainly don't make it easy for them. There is an awful gossipy woman at my workplace. She seems to think that she can do what she wants because she's been there nearly 20 years. She recently accosted me in the kitchen, asking me about what I thought of my new manager. It wouldn't matter what negative opinions / thoughts I had about that manager, there was no way I was going to share them with her. I replied: "Oh yes I'm sure he's very professional. We both joined on the same day and have been through a lot together..."

Then she asked me what I thought about another person. Now this other person I truly cannot stand - she is dim, nasty, vulgar, vindictive and goes around sleeping with black guys around half her age (how she behaves towards them is just so cringey), but I replied: "I'm sure she is a very caring person."

Just before Christmas this same woman came up to me and said: "What are you going to do this Christmas with no family? Have you thought about volunteering in a homeless shelter. You were homeless yourself once, weren't you?" I replied: "I'd rather not discuss my personal business with you, thank you."

Also not too long ago she said: "Oooh I heard you learnt to fly a plane. I wouldn't have thought you'd be any good at that as you're always so moody." I replied: "It's the CAA that judge and licence my flying, not you. "
When I was a little girl maybe 5 or 6?, my Mum and Granny started talking about my Aunt Margaret. She was my Mum's younger sister and did have health problems, I do remember at the time in and out of hospital and visiting her. Anyway something along the lines of she never seemed to want to help my Granny cleaning etc always going on about her health(my Mum worked so not round during the day). So I for some unknown childish reason decided my Aunt should know, I really loved my Aunt Margaret and thought them being nasty. Well of course it all went to hell, as my aunt went to my Granny and let rip.

The end result was my aunt and Granny had a major row my Mum brought into it and ill feeling all round for a while. Who got the blame? Me! Now okay I was a child but of course they have no filters and a innocent to me comment caused no end of problems in my family. I was told in no uncertain terms when adults talked together it was private and never ever repeat. My aunt and Granny both ended up very very hurt by my casual idea of doing what I thought was the right thing.
What has happened to Steven - Yankee Candle

Tuned in to see a lady presenting the Yankee Candle show today with Dale. what has happened to Steven Corfield. really liked watching him.

Can I say hi to every one also as I have just joined.
Welcome to the mad house of selly telly!

If you read back over the thread you will see that Stephen has left under a cloud brought about by his husband and his Face book posts.
Yes, welcome claire33.

Did anyone else see Michaela on today? What did you think? She'll take a bit of getting used to for me but she's ok. Has anyone been giving her a hard time on Facebook and/or lamenting the loss of SC?

Rosa's doing the 11.00pm show but I won't be watching as she's on with Flinty, whose only agenda will be finding opportunities to mention The Retweet, such as saying how lovely one candle would be in the lounge, or to plug her latest drivel, sorry novel, suggesting another candle gave her inspiration (the candle called Bullsh*t, which I have yet to try).
Claire, hello and welcome to the forum.

Yes Andi, I saw her. I felt she was nervous (I thought her hands shook in close up) and I have to say I thought her scent descriptions were rather lacking! I would have little idea of what to expect from what she said. She seems nice enough but I didn't immediately take to her, but then I didn't take to Jemma Forte at first so am waiting to pass judgement. I thought it was good she was on with MeCharlie as he seems quite an affable chap, even if he did slide into her and nearly knock her over!!!!

She hasn't been slagged off on Q FB that I could see so perhaps the storm has abated.

Claire, hello and welcome to the forum.

Yes Andi, I saw her. I felt she was nervous (I thought her hands shook in close up) and I have to say I thought her scent descriptions were rather lacking! I would have little idea of what to expect from what she said. She seems nice enough but I didn't immediately take to her, but then I didn't take to Jemma Forte at first so am waiting to pass judgement. I thought it was good she was on with MeCharlie as he seems quite an affable chap, even if he did slide into her and nearly knock her over!!!!

She hasn't been slagged off on Q FB that I could see so perhaps the storm has abated.


As someone on here said the other day (Tarketta?), looking at her cv, she isn't steeped in Yankee history so she won't have that knowledge or ability to list fragrance notes, compare with other or past candles, etc. Hopefully, she'll settle in to it. I don't mind MeCharlie on these shows either. As you say, he was not a bad co-presenter to have as he kind of kept Michaela afloat today. The only slight niggle I had was she seemed to say she loved every candle she presented. Gawd help us if she's ever on with Jill Franks as it will be a bun fight over who likes or owns more.

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