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People are obviously buying this shite otherwise why would there be so many MW hours? FGS the stuff is awful, it looks badly made, and the prices are completely ridiculous. If you're prepared to spend £40 or £50 on a vest top I think your head needs testing! and that includes people for whom money is no object. I can almost understand why these people splash out a few hundred quid on Dyson products - They're famously top of the range despite there being cheaper and better alternatives out there - It's laziness, they've got the money, so they'll go for the name. Marla Wynne is not a "name" in any sense of the word and even if it was, her branding is tucked neatly inside the label so nobody would have a clue, no logos or even a hint of something that identifies the brand, unless you're counting squares of cheap looking chiffon tacked together, or horse blankets that look like they've been cut out with garden shears - wot a load of old bollox!
People are obviously buying this shite otherwise why would there be so many MW hours? FGS the stuff is awful, it looks badly made, and the prices are completely ridiculous. If you're prepared to spend £40 or £50 on a vest top I think your head needs testing! and that includes people for whom money is no object. I can almost understand why these people splash out a few hundred quid on Dyson products - They're famously top of the range despite there being cheaper and better alternatives out there - It's laziness, they've got the money, so they'll go for the name. Marla Wynne is not a "name" in any sense of the word and even if it was, her branding is tucked neatly inside the label so nobody would have a clue, no logos or even a hint of something that identifies the brand, unless you're counting squares of cheap looking chiffon tacked together, or horse blankets that look like they've been cut out with garden shears - wot a load of old bollox!
C'mon now, say what you really mean 😋
I couldn't put it better, and I think you hit every nail on the head.
I’ve no problem with people spending their money as they wish - I wouldn’t spend the prices for beauty or smelly wax on auto delivery yet loads do and they would balk at money I would spend on jewellery, however if they are spending over the odds at least let it be for a quality item not Q tat worth a fraction of the price which doesn’t even fit properly.
People are obviously buying this shite otherwise why would there be so many MW hours? FGS the stuff is awful, it looks badly made, and the prices are completely ridiculous. If you're prepared to spend £40 or £50 on a vest top I think your head needs testing! and that includes people for whom money is no object. I can almost understand why these people splash out a few hundred quid on Dyson products - They're famously top of the range despite there being cheaper and better alternatives out there - It's laziness, they've got the money, so they'll go for the name. Marla Wynne is not a "name" in any sense of the word and even if it was, her branding is tucked neatly inside the label so nobody would have a clue, no logos or even a hint of something that identifies the brand, unless you're counting squares of cheap looking chiffon tacked together, or horse blankets that look like they've been cut out with garden shears - wot a load of old bollox!
And don't forget that while Marla is beavering away in her garage making these collectable items she thoughtfully tacks the label in so that we can remove it easily.
MW is obviously a good seller on Q to those who think they are getting a much hyped up designer range and are paying over the odds for it.Yong Kim was another one that lasted a time.Just looking at the presentations on the models tells you otherwise.The fabrics are of questionable quality and the cut and fit non existent.
Kimonos don't have ****** great slits up to the armpits ! which is a cheap way of making sure that they fit everyone, regardless of whether one is in possession of a lard arse or the size of a coat hanger.
No they don't do they? and are they not usually made from silk or satin and not a hairy blanket? God knows why she's called them Kimonos! As for the Drama bit, I suppose that could be true if you want to count something you'd throw over a couple of people to make a pantomime horse - and that's me being charitable! The Emperor's new clothes? We all know what that means = bollock naked, and quite frankly I think that's what I'd rather be if that was the only alternative!
MW is obviously a good seller on Q to those who think they are getting a much hyped up designer range and are paying over the odds for it.Yong Kim was another one that lasted a time.Just looking at the presentations on the models tells you otherwise.The fabrics are of questionable quality and the cut and fit non existent.
I got rid of three MW tops yesterday. I bought them last year. They were at a special price, so I should have been warned that they weren't selling or had been returned. The material would have produced sparks it I had rubbed it. The sleeves were too short on all of them and they dragged across the bust. Bad fabric, bad design. I should have returned them, but was too lazy. (And her 'signature' deep slit at the sides didn't drape open, as it should ... it just stretched over the hips like a gash)

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