Would we still buy if there were no live presentations.


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Mar 7, 2012
Imagine no screeching or 3 presenters talking over each other, just good pictures of the items, good clear graphics and soft background music!

In fact if the website wasn't so sh&&e and there was a video of everything we wouldn't need to switch on at all.

This will save a fortune so the P&p will be nil and the prices rock bottom. JF & Co will be employed in Liverpool checking ALL returns so it will be a win win situation.

When THEY take me up on this you can all buy me a wee drinkie !!
Imagine no screeching or 3 presenters talking over each other, just good pictures of the items, good clear graphics and soft background music!

In fact if the website wasn't so sh&&e and there was a video of everything we wouldn't need to switch on at all.

This will save a fortune so the P&p will be nil and the prices rock bottom. JF & Co will be employed in Liverpool checking ALL returns so it will be a win win situation.

When THEY take me up on this you can all buy me a wee drinkie !!

With pleasure, LATI! I can just picture Franksy, running around the warehouse in Liverpool, among the cardboard boxes, tripping over them, having to work non stop to a tight schedule. Then being told to get a mop and bucket, and clean up! Swilling the bins. Basically, she/they will be working a heck of a lot harder, manual labour, for a lot less pay. Having said all that, in jest, I have been in that position, and it makes you more appreciative of what you've got, when you've got it. Do you think the presenters take their lot for granted or, as I say, cannot believe their luck, being paid a lot, for not doing very much? Going back to the warehouse scenario, who would be the foreman/woman? Somehow, I can't see it ever happening.
I think the only reason Q are still going is due to them demoing the products on air , so take that away from them and there dead in the water.
It's a nice idea but I don't think it would work in practice. Some of the items (face creams, technology, gadgets etc) require some explanation / introduction. If stills were shown it would render QVC a televisual equivalent of the Argos catalogue. I'm not knocking Argos by the way. I like them very much, but the whole premise of QVC / shopping TV and TV in general for that matter pivots on dialogue and moving images. Personally I would quite like it if they did it in subtitles at the bottom of the screen like you used to get with the Teletext years ago. This would make it much easier to watch Anne Dawson / Alison Young / Jill Franks hours.

I think also that some of the entertainment value derives from the conversations with guests / presentations. I like it when Simon Wilson is on. It always makes me laugh when he has a diva-esque mini tantrum and his decidedly ostentacious, dinner plate sized brooch is at the wrong angle.
I`m half and half on this idea. Some presenters annoy me so I wish they`d just disappear and I`d be happy just to have graphics. At other times certain presenters make ok viewing and the show is enjoyable. Sometimes I`d like the guest to just take over the show and I think many of them could and are capable of doing a full show alone and we`d actually learn something about the product and enjoy it far more without the presenter jumping in every 30 seconds. Many of the guests are far more knowledgeable than the presenters but they`re talked over and simply not allowed the time to tell us what we`d like to know. I`m sure more people would relax and listen, enjoy and probably buy more.
Well just look at the online retailers, they do fantastic business.

But of course QVC would have to match the discounts(up to 20% or even 30% at sales times), faster shipping and offer free shipping with certain amount spent.

Never happen.:mysmilie_59:
Dead in the water, but a nice idea. Julia would have to be foreman with Kathy as deputy, maybe Chloe, Micael, Craig and Craig in despatch, Chuntley, Dale, Charlie, Claire, Sara, Pipa and Will on customer services, Alison, Jackie and Marvarine on switchboard, Simon on security, Richard Jackson as groundsman.

I can't think where I'd put Ann Dawson, Alison Young or Debbie Flint. Probably to pastures new.
I used to like QVC Night Time when it was just a series of stills set to music, really helped with my insomnia!

All I want is for every item (and variant thereof) on the website to have at least a still photo, preferably a video as well. That doesn't seem much to ask does it?
Dead in the water, but a nice idea. Julia would have to be foreman with Kathy as deputy, maybe Chloe, Micael, Craig and Craig in despatch, Chuntley, Dale, Charlie, Claire, Sara, Pipa and Will on customer services, Alison, Jackie and Marvarine on switchboard, Simon on security, Richard Jackson as groundsman.

I can't think where I'd put Ann Dawson, Alison Young or Debbie Flint. Probably to pastures new.

flint would go to market
I'd probably buy more if there were no live presentations because the one thing guaranteed to make me switch off is being told that I can't live without it or that I must jump to the phone. However, presentations by knowledgeable guests might 'sway' me. I don't buy much from QVC nowadays but, when I do, it's usually ordered online, rather than having seen a demonstration or having been shouted at by some of the more 'manic' presenters. Personally, I can't see the point of watching how to put face cream on etc and so invariably don't sit glued to beauty shows. With technology, I'm a visual/kinaesthetic learner and so being shown how to use something doesn't work for me ......... I need to do it myself. One hour demonstrations for items like a pilates machine or the H20 team cleaner bore me rigid, so I don't watch them.

The 30 mbg is the only reason that I choose to buy some items from them, although most companies do have a returns policy but, having become more 'savvy' with regards to shopping channels, (i.e. no longer sucked in by the novelty of having them on Freeview or their hype,) I can usually source items more cheaply elsewhere.

And comments/reviews on this forum have saved me a fortune over the years ........ so thanks to you all.
I have been thinking about this, and I think I would. It would be just like ordering from any other website. I think what the live presentations do is persuade us to buy more, more tat that we don't need! I have Q on when in the kitchen. I don't watch tv but it's nice to have something in the background sometimes (even Q supercedes most of the brainless drivel that counts as entertainment these days!!), so I mainly watch for entertainment purposes. I just so happen to get sucked in from time to time ;-)
I watched my first whole hr of Qvc in weeks today , the kitchen show with Jackie , she was brilliant, she clearly has no clue about cooking which made the show enjoyable. Its the same when Jill franks is in the kitchen. Its shows like that I would miss if it wasn't live.
I rarely watch any shows at all, except to flick and have a quick look. I always order online, usually via the App and I often buy just by browsing what's new from the brands I like and often after checking out this forum.
i don't watch live and sometimes i watch the videos (only sometimes because they often don't have videos) so it wouldnt bother me in the least if they stopped and just made product videos
What the presenters say and do has no influence, whatsoever, on whether or not I make a purchase. They are, fundamentally, salespeople who have one main aim : surprisingly, to maximise sales! I would place more trust in the product inventor; for example, Leighton Denny has advised me which product to use for my particular nail condition. Whilst sales are, obviously, important his reputation as a professional nail technician needs to remain intact. He is not going to give out false hope intentionally, just to sell his products, as this will not attract repeat custom.
Some of them actually put me off buying. especially Chuntley. There have been many times she has been so patronizing that it has put me right off buying an item I was almost going to buy.

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