Worst present ever!


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Jun 24, 2008
Unbelievably QVC are selling poo poori in gift boxes for Christmas presents this evening! Can you imagine giving or getting one for Christmas? I don't think I'd be best pleased to get a present that tells me someone thinks I stink šŸ˜³
Secret Santa are just awful.

One year I received religious books and last year a book based on a TV show which hadn't been on TV for over 10 years!

I am not going to partake this year.
A few years ago at work, I was the one that got bought a chocolate willy, I was furious, I don't even like chocolate. :mysmilie_17:
I would love to see someones face when they open it, when giving it as a Christmas Gift. That would be hilarious. I like Jill F now i know she loves everything. Then her hubby says here is a special gift. I bet she would love it NOT ha ha xx
I would love to see someones face when they open it, when giving it as a Christmas Gift. That would be hilarious. I like Jill F now i know she loves everything. Then her hubby says here is a special gift. I bet she would love it NOT ha ha xx

"Well you know me, I simply could not LIVE without this!" Then she'd have to try and invent a personal endorsement without actually making reference to defecating. She'd probably say she leaves one in her "downstairs cloakroom" and that her girlfriends commented on it when the came round to dinner. She's probably got on in the guest's en-suite bathroom.
They only sell it for us lesser mortals, because we all know that QVC presenters poop don't stink. :mysmilie_17:
Andi whatever do you mean?? :mysmilie_50:

I know who gave it but she kept denying it because, I only said those immortal words "no one better get me anything embarrassing like a chocolate willy" to her, it was only after Christmas that she admitted that she didn't even buy it, she was given it at a Hen night she'd been to, made the Ā£3 pack of snuggle slippers I gave her totally extravagant in comparison..........we had a good laugh about it though, ahem!
i bought some from groupon.much cheaper than qvc. they are really good if you need to do a no.2 in a public loo.........rhyme intended :mysmilie_13:
Worst present ever, a toaster on Christmas day. I mean!! A bloody toaster. It was from my mum as well - I have since put her right on what is and isn't a good present.

Mr CC once got one of those aprons with the ****s and things on in a secret santa. He was absolutely fuming, so fuming he came home early and left it on the bus :mysmilie_19: :mysmilie_19: If one of his colleagues thought he'd find that funny they were soooooooooo wrong ha ha ha.

Andi whatever do you mean?? :mysmilie_50:

I know who gave it but she kept denying it because, I only said those immortal words "no one better get me anything embarrassing like a chocolate willy" to her, it was only after Christmas that she admitted that she didn't even buy it, she was given it at a Hen night she'd been to, made the Ā£3 pack of snuggle slippers I gave her totally extravagant in comparison..........we had a good laugh about it though, ahem!

So funny! I bet the person who gave it to your friend/colleague as a hen gift had also been given it by someone else. The thing had probably been passed around many times. What did you do with it anyway (if you dare admit it)?
So funny! I bet the person who gave it to your friend/colleague as a hen gift had also been given it by someone else. The thing had probably been passed around many times. What did you do with it anyway (if you dare admit it)?

Yes Andi, the chocolate todger had indeed been through many women's hands before it got to me. :mysmilie_17: I put it in the fridge fully intending to give it her back as a joke for her birthday, I told the husband he could have it though if he wanted, he did and ate it with a cup of tea, he found it hilarious but said he broke it up first, because it felt weird eating it whole. :mysmilie_17:
Yes Andi, the chocolate todger had indeed been through many women's hands before it got to me. :mysmilie_17: I put it in the fridge fully intending to give it her back as a joke for her birthday, I told the husband he could have it though if he wanted, he did and ate it with a cup of tea, he found it hilarious but said he broken it up first, because it felt weird eating it whole. :mysmilie_17:

You and your husband sound as bad as each other. Love it!

Yes Andi, the chocolate todger had indeed been through many women's hands before it got to me. :mysmilie_17: I put it in the fridge fully intending to give it her back as a joke for her birthday, I told the husband he could have it though if he wanted, he did and ate it with a cup of tea, he found it hilarious but said he broke it up first, because it felt weird eating it whole. :mysmilie_17:

Comedy GOLD, love it!!!!! :mysmilie_15:
Secret Santa presents far too often seem to be an opportunity for sheer spite. It seems such a shame. Fortunately we don't do it where I work any more... Last time I saw a Secret Santa was in the very early 2000s... fortunately mine was a chocolate gift set from Cadburys... my love of chocolate having reached legendary status in the office :mysmilie_5:
I once got given some chocolate-coated olives.
Now I love chocolate and I love olives but not together
I think the phenomenon of regifting is awful. Giving a gift should be an opportunity to show care and thoughtfulness, not foist some rubbish onto someone. I don't do secret Santa. Never found it fun at all.
Yes buying Christmas presents for loved ones should be chosen with love and thoughtfulness, meeting work colleagues in the pub for our dinner on the last day of work before Christmas Day to have a laugh between a group of us for an hour who've worked together for years and know each other's boundaries for a bit of light hearted fun and banter, now that's another matter entirely.

As for not finding it fun Julius, well I suppose it depends who your work colleagues are and wether they're fun and think you're worth having fun with :mysmilie_3:

We did stop doing Secret Santa in the end and started giving the money we'd have spent on a jokey present to charity instead.

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