Will it never end .


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Jun 26, 2008
Why do we have to buy something for a particular event .Today i heard them say ," you can buy it for Mother's Day " . When Mother's Day comes it will be Easter ,then ,Christmas in July ,and so on ,This commercialism ,gets on my nerves .
Just heard buy this heart eeeeeek nacklace for valentines day. I know its today but it's the thought that counts:mysmilie_13: With Q'S snail mail you might get it for Easter.
I have learned to ignore it . I tune in less and less anyway.
When I was growing up we were very poor and had no money to be extravagant at these times and that has stuck with me, im happy with very simple things .I just don't get into any hype.
We've just downsized and paid off our mortgage so we're quite comfortable, not rich but comfortable and I've got to say, QVCs opulence has always disgusted me it really has, there's no way I'd spend a weeks wages on a cake or bags of popcorn when there's kids going hungry out there, makes me uncomfortable when I see those prices QVC charge for food, amongst other things, simple things in life suit me too. :mysmilie_14:
I was discussing this the other week with two friends. Holidays of any sort are now governed by retails companies, one is over and the shops,online,TV shopping channels all leapt to the next one straight after the current on is over. Easter Eggs out on Boxing Day(yes the cream eggs, but still eggs), thankfully QVC don't seem to push for Easter. Well Spring fashion if you can call what they sell as fashion.

One of said friends owns and runs a filling station, and said the companies want the orders in months in advance. She had all her large Easter Eggs in the storage ready to put out after Valentines. She had to have the orders in back in October and the company had them delivered early January.
I watch less qvc every day, all the shows seem to be on a loop, same old same old every week. I had a quick look this morning at todays shows and there is just one I might have a look see at ... the 5oclock fashion show as I can't remember seeing it before. I just look in for a few mins now and again just in case I miss anything...:mysmilie_59:
I was discussing this the other week with two friends. Holidays of any sort are now governed by retails companies, one is over and the shops,online,TV shopping channels all leapt to the next one straight after the current on is over. Easter Eggs out on Boxing Day(yes the cream eggs, but still eggs), thankfully QVC don't seem to push for Easter. Well Spring fashion if you can call what they sell as fashion.

One of said friends owns and runs a filling station, and said the companies want the orders in months in advance. She had all her large Easter Eggs in the storage ready to put out after Valentines. She had to have the orders in back in October and the company had them delivered early January.

It's true, and it drives me mad, too, but I'll make an exception for creme eggs as I love them! :nod: You have to be really careful buying Christmas / Easter fayre early that it doesn't go off before the occasion, I've been caught out with that before! Jill was suggesting the Elemis TSV as a possible Mother's Day gift, 80 quids worth!!
I feel exactly the same. It's not the fact that OH and I couldn't spend the money if we wanted, but I strongly resent being ripped-off and even if I were a multi-millionaire I would feel exactly the same. I often think how the Powers That Be at Q (and probably some of the presenters) must be laughing their heads off at how gullible people are, spending pots of money on a top that looks no better than one that comes from a street market - and in many cases, nowhere near as nice as one from Primark. It's the Emperor's New Clothes, and of course the Q faithful would be queuing up to buy bottled rainwater if someone told them it was the latest 'fad'. Some of the prices they charge are little short of obscene, in my book, and I could never justify spending what they ask when a simple internet search tells me I'm being taken for a ride.
We've just downsized and paid off our mortgage so we're quite comfortable, not rich but comfortable and I've got to say, QVCs opulence has always disgusted me it really has, there's no way I'd spend a weeks wages on a cake or bags of popcorn when there's kids going hungry out there, makes me uncomfortable when I see those prices QVC charge for food, amongst other things, simple things in life suit me too. :mysmilie_14:
I feel exactly the same. It's not the fact that OH and I couldn't spend the money if we wanted, but I strongly resent being ripped-off and even if I were a multi-millionaire I would feel exactly the same. I often think how the Powers That Be at Q (and probably some of the presenters) must be laughing their heads off at how gullible people are, spending pots of money on a top that looks no better than one that comes from a street market - and in many cases, nowhere near as nice as one from Primark. It's the Emperor's New Clothes, and of course the Q faithful would be queuing up to buy bottled rainwater if someone told them it was the latest 'fad'. Some of the prices they charge are little short of obscene, in my book, and I could never justify spending what they ask when a simple internet search tells me I'm being taken for a ride.

I couldn't agree more H, what I find amusing is when they have things like eight handfuls of popcorn on three easy pay, so you're still paying off that popcorn about eleven weeks after you've eaten it.
Why do we have to buy something for a particular event .Today i heard them say ," you can buy it for Mother's Day " . When Mother's Day comes it will be Easter ,then ,Christmas in July ,and so on ,This commercialism ,gets on my nerves .

Don't forget the stuff for your cruise(s) or going to the races. Chance would be a fine thing.
Some of them have actually managed to combine the increasing number of people we should apparently be buying gifts for (gardener, housekeeper, dog-walker, driver - you know all those people the average QVC customer has in their employ or social circle) with these endless occasions and events we should be buying them for. Jill Franks (I think it was her) earlier this week suggested something as an Easter present for the teacher. I didn't know mums now had that additional pressure on top of the Christmas and possibly end-of-year present?

Which reminds me, I must have a look on QVC to find a suitable Pancake Day gift for my stable boy.
It's true, and it drives me mad, too, but I'll make an exception for creme eggs as I love them! :nod: You have to be really careful buying Christmas / Easter fayre early that it doesn't go off before the occasion, I've been caught out with that before! Jill was suggesting the Elemis TSV as a possible Mother's Day gift, 80 quids worth!!
it makes me fume when I hear these remarks by the sales people on Q. How anyone would consider paying £80 for a Mother's Day gift I don't know. I am happy with a nice card and I always tell my daughters not to spend money on me as it's the thought that still counts for me.
If I'd bought any of Q's food items (not that I will), I wouldn't eat them.....I'd just buy them to look at in a glass case.
I always think with this "buy for the event" kind of thing that there's going to be someone who it will upset. I mean Valentines Day - your boyfriend just dumped you, your husband has died, you've never had a boyfriend or husband, you feel left out. Then Mother's Day, suppose you have no mum, or your mum has passed away, or your mum lives in New Zealand and you don't. Then Summer BBQs and having the neighbours round - suppose you don't know your neighbours or they make your life hell or you just don't know many folk and don't go to BBQs and then all this Trick or Treat nonsense, what if you hate kids? Then Christmas, again, what if you've no family, you don't have the neighbours in for mulled wine and you usually just get a pizza in so the mountains of food aren't relevant.

QVC create this fantasy life where everyone is comfortably off with lovely homes and families. Just not true and I think I myself fell into the trap of feeling a bit inadequate if I didn't match up (so spend more money to feel included). No more.

Complete Commercialism gone mad! I've cut back my presents now as cost of living is so high! Don't know how they can afford all these gifts for the present drawers but good luck to them! :mysmilie_12:
I always think with this "buy for the event" kind of thing that there's going to be someone who it will upset. I mean Valentines Day - your boyfriend just dumped you, your husband has died, you've never had a boyfriend or husband, you feel left out. Then Mother's Day, suppose you have no mum, or your mum has passed away, or your mum lives in New Zealand and you don't. Then Summer BBQs and having the neighbours round - suppose you don't know your neighbours or they make your life hell or you just don't know many folk and don't go to BBQs and then all this Trick or Treat nonsense, what if you hate kids? Then Christmas, again, what if you've no family, you don't have the neighbours in for mulled wine and you usually just get a pizza in so the mountains of food aren't relevant.

QVC create this fantasy life where everyone is comfortably off with lovely homes and families. Just not true and I think I myself fell into the trap of feeling a bit inadequate if I didn't match up (so spend more money to feel included). No more.


It's not just QVC though, if you pick up a newspaper in the lead up to Valentine's Day or Mother's Day there are pages of adverts from all the big supermarkets for the special products. It's the same on television with the three generation families having Christmas dinner. You're right though it is all a fantasy.
If your weight and shape don't change and you like classic clothes then it's good to pay more for quality that lasts so pound per wear is value.

If your weight yo yo'S or you like to have that seasons trend then the chances you buy something inbetween M&S and Primark.

The one thing you never do is pay top dollar for poorly made out of date (actually never really in date) items.

With Q the quality is crap and the price is at least twice chain store prices.
Seasonal events are the lifeblood of retailing...online as well as high street. Anything which can prompt a shopper to browse and buy. The worst of all is Christmas as it is vital for retailers to have a good Christmas to have a successful year...it's also a risky season where more businesses go to the wall for cashflow reasons. QVC take it to a whole new level... I so wish QVC wouldn't pretend their miserly reductions amount to a sale, though. It would be funny if it wasn't so arrogant.

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