Why Will?


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I think he's quite sweet but I can't work out his function. Is he a demonstrator, presenter, continuity man or just a gopher? It's a little bit distracting because I'm trying to work out why he's there when he's reading emails or whatever that I should be listening to. Surely presenters can read their own emails out?
I wish QVC would get off the fence with Will. Is he a presenter or not?

Alternatively, if he's only good enough for "behind the scenes" stuff - keep him there.
He is AY's Aid, e.g. typing, Twitting, emailing. AY used to boast that she doesn't do emails that's before Facebook came along.
He's probably a talent they are nurturing to use more fully in future. It's the same with journalism, one writes the small pieces before going on to full-length features.
Isn't Will dating one of the cameramen? Maybe their eyes met over a Michelle Hope nylon number?!
Isn't Will dating one of the cameramen? Maybe their eyes met over a Michelle Hope nylon number?!
There was a proposal on air around Christmas time not sure last or the one before last so I thought that they may have got married.
Edit: Saw the Metro after have typed my post.
There have probably been a few QVC staff got engaged over the years, yet none of them got a big fanfare with Alison Young as Will and his partner did, his partner was allowed to propose on air.............it's not what you know hey?
I think he's quite sweet but I can't work out his function. Is he a demonstrator, presenter, continuity man or just a gopher? It's a little bit distracting because I'm trying to work out why he's there when he's reading emails or whatever that I should be listening to. Surely presenters can read their own emails out?

Oh no I've got a real sense of déjà vu all over again. Every so often there seems to be a thread about what Will's role is... If you want to know how he describes himself here is his LinkedIn page:

He's obviously a presenter! Maybe not one of the main presenters but probably a co-presenter who also acts a social media agent in many shows. I imagine he began as a runner or something behind the scenes - or maybe social media guy back stage - and was brought on to air initially as an aid for digitally incompetent Alison Young?

It's not his fault he doesn't have as clearly defined role as you would like and doesn't have a big arrow with his job title on it over his head ;) I know people find him a bit irritating but I like him and think he's very professional every time he's on screen. Much more so than some a could mention!
There have probably been a few QVC staff got engaged over the years, yet none of them got a big fanfare with Alison Young as Will and his partner did, his partner was allowed to propose on air.............it's not what you know hey?

The point is both Will and his now husband both work at QVC (I believe his over half, Steve (?) is a cameraman but is def something in backstage crew) and they met though the place nearly a decade ago! I thought it was a really sweet proposal and they're obviously very devoted to one another. Plus I'd always rather watch a heart-felt proposal of marriage than have another beauty product being flogged at me!
The point is both Will and his now husband both work at QVC (I believe his over half, Steve (?) is a cameraman but is def something in backstage crew) and they met though the place nearly a decade ago! I thought it was a really sweet proposal and they're obviously very devoted to one another. Plus I'd always rather watch a heart-felt proposal of marriage than have another beauty product being flogged at me!

Sorry, did I give the impression I was interested? My mistake...................but like I said, it's not what you know hey?

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