Why is our QVC site so rubbish compared to the US one?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 7, 2009
As title really!
The US site's listings carry so much more information, inc. a full ingredients list on many products, who it's for, how to use it, before & after pics, etc. etc., why is ours so basic & quite frankly.....pants?
USA site has always been better then uk, in fact everything about USA is better then the uk always has been IMHO.
Pretty infuriating though, that we have to put up with a few lines of frequently incoherent nonsense as a product 'description'! I often have the US site open, it's so useful to look at reviews for something that can run into the hundreds, gives a much clearer 'mean average' picture! lol
Pretty infuriating though, that we have to put up with a few lines of frequently incoherent nonsense as a product 'description'! I often have the US site open, it's so useful to look at reviews for something that can run into the hundreds, gives a much clearer 'mean average' picture! lol

I agree with you, i usually go on to USA site to check oput products and watch the reviews on vid as well as I love the american ways of their bubbly personality's and there friendliness, they dont do anything by halfs. I like their over the top attitude to things.
I'd love to write the descriptions for the new products, I'd do a good job of it and be really thorough. Also, I'd take the photo's and from loads of different angles. Example, sometimes on necklaces, I'd like to see the fastening but there's no picture of it.

Someone like A. Young should write the description for the beauty products and go into much more detail, it's not like there are that many new products.

From another viewpoint, I know fellow poster katiesallybliss was disappointed recently with her Kipling TSV as the shoulder strap was too short for her! As a blind person she stated she found it difficult to buy online & I'm not surprised!
This is not the bag she bought but check out the difference in description on this one for example!

Bag on the UK site:


Same bag on the US site, this time (though not using that many more words!) giving full measurements etc., inc. the full length of the strap when extended & loads more photos:

They are different companies but apart from that I think generally the US shopping sites are better. Not sure if there is any legislation or just a matter of giving the public what they demand.

Sometimes the lack of information on QVC is appalling though and not even enough to make the buying decision which is plain stupid. Only way they know something is wrong though is if people don't buy off site or make noises about it. If online were the mainstay of their business then they would know by now through lack of sales....
The videos are very useful but they don't always put them on and, sometimes, they even REMOVE them, extremely annoying! lol

for the last couple of years i have been reading the qvcus website always has been more informative with loads more pics and excellent discriptions.
they must also get a better returns rate than in the u.k.

also the reviews are top notch the americans dont hold back lol
I would like it if they could keep the videos on on all the last clicks items as there are never videos on any of those and then you dont know if they will be any good.
thats one thing that has upset me for a while, we deserve a better site

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Another annoying thing is those with Apple Mac's cannot even watch the video's, unlike the USA site.

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