Why do we all go so mad for TSV's?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 13, 2013
I've noticed this more and more over the past year or so. I'd never much noticed it before but probably wasn't paying that much attention as I'd got sucked into the hype of believing I'd got a great bargain.

But I've noticed that when the TSV's don't sell, the next day they go back up to their full price. But if you wait a week or two they appear at an introductory price - which is often only about a fiver more than they were when they were a TSV.

So now I've started not getting myself in a tizz if I've missed out on a TSV as I know that if I REALLY want I'll be able to pick it up for around the same price in a few days anyway. It also gives a lot more time to consider if I REALLY want it or if I'm just being pushed in to buying it because the presenters say I should! :grin:

Just to confirm to myself I was right, I looked up a few of the TSV's I've bought over the past year or so ............

Laura Geller 7 Piece Italian Garden Cosmetics Collection
TSV Price: £39.96
Introductory Price : £44.16

Elemis 6 Piece British Botanical Face and Body Experience
TSV Price: £54.96
Introductory Price : £60.48

Gatineau 4 Piece Refining Face and Body Collection
TSV Price: £39.96
Introductory Price : £44.16

OPI 8 Piece Starlight Nailcare Collection
TSV Price: £32.98
Introductory Price : £36.48

I suppose the only risk is that it might sell out or you might lose out on the easy pay offer if there is one.
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You're right, you really have to do your homework with anything you buy on QVC and you can almost always get it cheaper sooner or later. Almost. They do have the odd bargain every now and then.
As I don't buy beauty items I've only ever bought a TSV for something like a handbag.

The only TSV I can remember buying this year was the Marla Wayne dress (other than LE for a gift)

I agree with the pricing and with beauty items there always seem to be stock a few days later but with bags and clothes sizes and colours never seem to be in stock after theTSV.

Actually just looking at the above MW dress the TSV was £56.95 whereas the price now is £75.
You're right, you really have to do your homework with anything you buy on QVC and you can almost always get it cheaper sooner or later. Almost. They do have the odd bargain every now and then.

Definitely. Just as an example, if you are an Elemis fan you can buy a 50ml of Pro Collagen Marine Cream and a 50ml of Oxygenating Night Cream as single items from Feel Unique for a tenner less each than what they are selling them for on Q. And that Elemis mens set they are flogging today, three items for £30 plus £5 postage, I bought a similar set which had five items in it from Time To Spa - for £40 with free postage!

You really DO need to shop around and not be sucked in by everything they tell you :wink:
if i dont need something i wont buy it just because its a tsv. i have bought l'occitane tsv's a year later, when i needed it for £2 more than the tsv price. tsv's specifically the hundreds of beauty ones are just there to encourage people to buy masses of stuff they dont need. how many foundations in various guises, mascaras, primers, eyeshadow palettes, blushers, highlighters, moisturisers, serums, toners, cleansers, scrubs, masques, oils, bb creams, drops, tanning face products, pre tanning products, body make up, balms etc etc etc.... qvc are on a roll here and the qvc customers are taking the bait
We all know the TSVs appear again a week later perhaps on intro, sometimes the TSV was not on easy pay but on intro will.

I think its the lemming effect, everyone gets caught up in the drama of making sure they get theirs. Or in some cases 3/4/5/6 TSVs(beauty only) and getting it home. Its like the Black Friday effect, people go ape sh*t over and will even fight in a store over a cheap TV brand they wouldn't look twice at on RRP. Because its half price them MUST get it.
Must admit I caught on to that little trick a long time ago, even when I used to shop with them I very rarely bought a TSV because to me, they don't exist it's just another one of their marketing ploys.
Must admit I caught on to that little trick a long time ago, even when I used to shop with them I very rarely bought a TSV because to me, they don't exist it's just another one of their marketing ploys.

It's pretty clear to all of us now that the "value" for customers doesn't exist or else they wouldn't then be able to sell it again the following week at almost the same price. They rely on the unsuspecting to get sucked in and as Donna says above they go crazy for it thinking they're getting this fantastic bargain. Obviously it's all figured in to the price from the outset - otherwise they would be selling whatever was left over at full price the second it hit midnight the day after a TSV. They're not - they're selling it at almost the same price because they've been over-optimistic about how much they were going to sell in the first place!

It's just not the same anymore. I remember years ago before the days of internet & social media when Mr Cheetycat & I would flick over at midnight to find out what the TSV was and discuss how that was a REALLY good bargain :grin: Now you can find almost anything cheaper elsewhere and you have plenty of time to do your research as you often know ages in advance what the TSV is going to be!
I must be a bit slow this morning (bad night!) and missing the point, but I don't see why a TSV being on sale at an intro price a few days later, makes it a poor value TSV. Sometimes the value is nonsense, sometimes it is good and you have to do your sums. I generally work out the unit price and if I am happy to buy it, great but do not usually go to much trouble. I will price the L'Occy and MB ones against their own sites to spot the saving. I only buy beauty and YC TSVs usually so I guess the value is fairly clear to me. I do admit to feeling the lemming effect in the past (like sometimes in supermarkets near Xmas when there is a frenzy going on near the mince pies and you fear not getting them, even though you don't want them!!!!! lol) but now we know in advance I can do my sums in advance too.
I suppose it's easier to explain it by saying it's not particularly today's special value, unless you count a couple of pound reduction that special.
Definitely. Just as an example, if you are an Elemis fan you can buy a 50ml of Pro Collagen Marine Cream and a 50ml of Oxygenating Night Cream as single items from Feel Unique for a tenner less each than what they are selling them for on Q. And that Elemis mens set they are flogging today, three items for £30 plus £5 postage, I bought a similar set which had five items in it from Time To Spa - for £40 with free postage!

You really DO need to shop around and not be sucked in by everything they tell you :wink:

That's a good buy, if all you need is the moisturiser, and will not use the other items in the kit.
i think for me i may as well keep the money in my pocket until i really need whatever qvc are selling. saving £2 and spending £40
I must be a bit slow this morning (bad night!) and missing the point, but I don't see why a TSV being on sale at an intro price a few days later, makes it a poor value TSV. Sometimes the value is nonsense, sometimes it is good and you have to do your sums. I generally work out the unit price and if I am happy to buy it, great but do not usually go to much trouble. I will price the L'Occy and MB ones against their own sites to spot the saving. I only buy beauty and YC TSVs usually so I guess the value is fairly clear to me. I do admit to feeling the lemming effect in the past (like sometimes in supermarkets near Xmas when there is a frenzy going on near the mince pies and you fear not getting them, even though you don't want them!!!!! lol) but now we know in advance I can do my sums in advance too.

I think the TSV affect is psychological.They get us to think we are getting a real bargain but in fact it really isn't.You may save a few pounds only.Then they restrict it to one day which leads people to panic and think they must have it ,the lemming effect. Then things get purchased when people don't really need them. I did myself until I realised what's going on.

I don't get sucked into this anymore and would only buy something I really want. Probably then I would buy it bargain or not.
The skin care sales personnel in particular are very good at what they do-that is to convince us that by throwing in a few medical terms about the skin regeneration and ingredients etc they actually can halt or reverse the ageing process.
I don't fall for that, and have only ever bought one skincare TSV. The products were ok but not in my opinion worth a repeat purchase,so I don't watch 8 hours of Elemis on TSV day or Liz Earle's doppleganger talking about the 345 awards C&P has won etc!!

I only tend to buy the odd cosmetic TSV nowadays as I also find they can be sourced cheaper elsewhere often with free postage.
I buy less & less these days. I've stripped my beauty regime right back now using only a few products & my skin has never looked as good. I used to always have to buy the beauty tsv's, totally sucked in with what good value, I was told it was. Now I have realised its only good value if I'm going to use every item in it & this was becoming less & less. The amount of lip sticks/glosses, blushers, eyeliners, bronzers I have that I will not use as the colour doesn't suit is ridiculous. I was almost tempted with the recent Decleor tsv but only really wanted the serum, although Ive still got half a bottle which will last ages. So decided to buy one from eBay for £20!!

Rarely buy clothes or shoes but find they will usually turn up on eBay once the returns get back to the outlet. The only thing I'm a real sucker for is the candles. Find them hard to resist, but again once you add in the postage it really bumps the price up.

I guess everyone wants a bargain, something for nothing & if they think everyone else is buying & its likely to sell out then it must be more of a bargain, so will want it more. I would say though if you do want it, buy the TSV early. Don't wait until it goes on advance order or wait-list. I've had too many times now been sent used products, its ridiculous.
I bought the last Liz Earle TSV and I'm very happy with the value of it.

I don't mind whether it then goes on sale at a fiver more... I make my decision based on the price on the night and whether I think it's good value.

I don't decide to buy because it's a TSV or OTO or whatever... I choose based on the contents and whether I want or need it.
Can't say I do! If I like the brand and want it will buy if it's a TSV or not!? Must say the hype over the Elemis one was rather OTT - could be one of the reasons I didn't buy it, LOLOLOL!!! :mysmilie_17:
I bought the last Liz Earle TSV and I'm very happy with the value of it.

I don't mind whether it then goes on sale at a fiver more... I make my decision based on the price on the night and whether I think it's good value.

I don't decide to buy because it's a TSV or OTO or whatever... I choose based on the contents and whether I want or need it.

Love love love Liz Earle- bought the Tsv in October and the Oto tonight because I worked out that the c&p in the tsv will last til New Year's Day ( how sad am I !) hahaha!
its easy for me not to buy beauty tsv's because i simply dont like the skincare that qvc sell. i have tried all the ranges back in the day when it was cheaper to buy them and it 's easy as none of them agree with my skin. making me spotty and sore. alpha h is the best of the lot but its way overpriced as individual items and the tsv bundles are never what i want. so loving glycolic i have found high street ranges with this fabulous active ingredient and use them.

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