Who is your favourite guest?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Imagine your friends face if you took six testers of hand cream instead of a bottle of wine to their dinner party, one they've probably never heard of L'Occitane and two, once they've stopped laughing, they'd probably think you got them free at your local department store, but then again that can't be true..........testers are bigger.. :mysmilie_15:

If one of my friends turned up with six testers of hand cream instead of a bottle of wine then they'd promptly be made an ex-friend :mysmilie_17:
If one of my friends turned up with six testers of hand cream instead of a bottle of wine then they'd promptly be made an ex-friend :mysmilie_17:

I can see OH greeting the guests and saying "Oh hand cream, lovely. Where's the wine" lol lol. He usually says don't buy wine the guests will bring some. Errrrr, they might not, we might get yankee candles or hand cream, or peony flowers or, or, or . . . . .

OH doesn't do beauty (on himself of course, I do the beauty bit in our house :mysmilie_12:).

Ha! I confess I would love a guest to turn up with hand cream or Yankees!! Maybe I should go for a presenting job!!!
Well I'm OK with all the beauty stuff and the candles but I would have to video OH's reaction and make it viral on YouTube. He doesn't get people that don't bring wine :glass:

I'd much rather have beauty bits or candles than wine.

Me too. Although as I've a fair stash of both commodities, and don't usually have wine in except around Christmas, it would be useful for guests to bring wine if they want to drink it :mysmilie_3: I like my champagne, prosecco and cava - so bubbles are welcome any time of year....
There are only a few guests that I would switch on to watch...I like Marla Wynne, Marie from kipling, Doris D good for a giggle and Dominic Aurora ... I could watch/listen to him for hours...
There are only a few guests that I would switch on to watch...I like Marla Wynne, Marie from kipling, Doris D good for a giggle and Dominic Aurora ... I could watch/listen to him for hours...[/QUOTE]

I know loads on here seem to have a wee bit of a crush on Dominic, but I find his voice so boring and monotone to listen to, it could almost put me to sleep!
In what way does she not look friendly? Genuinely curious about how someone's appearance conveys unfriendliness

I don't know about her looks, but she certainly doesn't seem friendly. Her voice, tone and manner are rather cold. She always seems to be wringing her hands in a bowl of water - so as to demonstrate the lathering luxury of her "thoapth." Fact is if she did the same with a cheap bar of "Imperial Leather" it'd do the same. She does seem somewhat Victoria Beckham-esque and rather "hoity-toity."
My favourites are:

Axel Ruth from Flora Mare - He is calming and seems pleasant.
Tova - She just makes me laugh with that way she speaks and acts. She seems stuck up yet still a nice person, and is a fun character.
Stephen from Yankee Candles - he is not shouty or aggressive.
Michele Hope - She is utterly awful, yet somehow I quite like her voice - it's kind of dreamy and relaxing. She makes me laugh when waxing lyrical about her stretchy lace so she does have some redeeming features.

The guests I don't like are:

That Bose guest - inarticulate, ineloquent and looks like a car thief from Essex!

Mat Trim - Jeremy Beadle lookalike flogging overpriced bridge cameras - he is a good photographer though, I just don't like his presenting.

Mally - shouty, shrieking banshee of a woman. Awful.

Liz "I have a house on the Isle of Wight" Earle. Her snootiness knows no bounds, and makes me want to shove her in a barrel of natural source vitamin E and roll her over a cliff, along with her carbon copy, Caroline. Liz is just a glorified Avon lady now!

Simon Wilson - Where do I start with him? He just has no likeability whatsoever. Everything from his RIDICULOUS "avant-garde" "fashion," the dinner plate brooches, his stupid jackets, his moribund, corpse-like frame, his lack of humour, really don't like him. Can't imagine any woman with class buying his stupid skull brooches. They are for women like "Pipa" Gordon who "wanna be sixteeeeeeeeen agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!"

That Ultrasun woman with the "home economics teacher" haircut and bright red lipstick. Quite how she gets away with the blatant lies she tells about her aluminium-laced potions is beyond me!
my favourites are Michelle and Tom from Alpha H
i do actually like to listen to their shows and tips
even though i think i have now learned what i can from them
and moving on ...

i don't really watch QVC as TV/entertainment
but i am familiar with most of presenters you have mentioned
having watched this or that over the years in the past

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