Who DO we like then??!


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I can't say I truely hate any of them, some do p*ss me off big time.

Don't mind Dale, I have this idea he is secretly taking the P when presenting some items. Like yeah right this is so great, NOT!!!! Its the smile in his eyes gives it away.
Its Dale for me too. I could give Charlie a "thmack" when he starts his praying hands look ! and I like late night Gilly, there's no silly giggly girly side to her.
I don't dislike any of the presenters. I think Julia is probably the best presenter but I like Debbie G, Kathy, Jilly, Ali K, Dale, Charlie and even Jill. Because if the shows I watch and times I watch I don't seem to see Julian or Craig very often.

But honestly none of them drive me nuts.
Its Dale for me too. I could give Charlie a "thmack" when he starts his praying hands look !
And I'd thmack him again when he does that grabbing his little finger on his left hand with his little finger on his right hand in order to emphasise some crap he's spouting, it drives me nuts. :angry:
I like Kathy and Debbie G as they seem to be genuine and not all "me me and my wonderful life". Having said that the only one who really winds me up is Jill Franks, the rest of them are o k tho I find Charlie a bit "odd" when he is doing fashion and make up shows, to in touch with his feminine side for my liking. I think Julia is very good at her job in that she gives full descriptions of what is on air rather than wafting on about owning 20 of each thing and saying she can't live without it. I could not work on QVC, I would not be able to keep a straight face or keep saying "amazing" "breathtaking" "iconic" "fabulous" about stuff ranging from plant food through to underwear........
Kathy and debbie are pros, but they were on main telly before coming to QVC. But watching Pippa today on B&W she was so dreadful, giggling like a silly girl and a real turn off!!! However, the worse presenter has got to be claire, also jilly is extremely boring lately, its as if she is tired doing the QVC job. JB continues to be ok, at least she makes an effort, and is looking really well lately. Missing Ali and Claudia, shame she is not coming back. Now the men : Julian - another presenter who is now very stale, but obvisously cannot get a job anywhere else, Craig continues to be too excited, and comes over very false. Charlie, Dale, and simon are ok I guess. But none of them can beat the one and only Paul Lavers wish he could come back to spice up things at QVC. Last thought - Debbie F very disappointing since returning to QVC.
i liked paul lavers he never quite too qvc seriously but thats what made him fun to watch!
Kathy T and Debbie G, I find them the most natural and least hard sell. Not particularly keen on many of the blokes but reckon Dale is the best. Clare irritates me and Debbie F is too pushy and goes for the hard sell.
Well I usually only watch make up shows - and then only if Alison Young is presenting. That makes her my favourite with Julia R as second choice.
So, generally we all kind of like everyone and we all have different we like less (JF- which is a shame as she used to be so much more approachable seems to have watched too much sex in the city to me!)
I have my fingers crossed for Ali k, and i hope she will be back on screen really soon, breast cancer is such a horrible illness, my mum had to have a full massectimy(sp!) and her lymph glands removed, my aunty(her sis) lost both her breasts and i have great aunts and great grandmothers all who have battled this. My thoughts go to those who are going through this hard time and for their families because its hard for them too especilly when it seems to be in family.
Mmmm I think Kathy my fave but then I like Pippa, Debbie Greenwood, and miss Ali Keenan, i do wish her well, she was probably my favourite, I like Charlie and Dale the rest make my skin crawl..... and more likely to switch off even if I like the product.
Fav females are Debbie F, Pipa and Julia and fav males are Julian, Charlie and Craig :clapping:

No presenter bothers me enough that I would not watch a show I wanted to see - the worst I could say about a few is that I find them a bit bland.
My favs are Debbie Flint and Gilly, dislike Julia and her ego, Jill F both like themselves too much. The men I like are Simon, Dale but not as much as Antony,dislike Julian intenesly the others are just ok.

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