which presenter/guest would you like to find in your xmas stocking.


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Oh decisions decisions!!!!!!!

Dale as I think he would be fun.

Harald would be fabulous, but I feel a bit hard work.

So Denis and I could slip Harald in too.:mysmilie_697:

Oooh eerrr Mrs:mysmilie_61::mysmilie_1037:
Is this restricted to just the Q'vsters? It would be Anthony - he could sell me tap water. Wouldn't mind Shaun from IW but in both cases they'd have to promise to be quiet for at least five minutes as I always imagine them to be as "chatty" offscreen as on. You're trying to have a quiet romantic moment whilst they're going on about easipay in you ear....
Is this restricted to just the Q'vsters? It would be Anthony - he could sell me tap water. Wouldn't mind Shaun from IW but in both cases they'd have to promise to be quiet for at least five minutes as I always imagine them to be as "chatty" offscreen as on. You're trying to have a quiet romantic moment whilst they're going on about easipay in you ear....

I wouldn't mind that, easypay is music to my ears.:mysmilie_61::mysmilie_17::mysmilie_1207:
me too. I much prefer younger men, although i would make an exception in Ralph's case

Ralph is a charming gent, but I wouldn't see him as a man. Too much of an age difference. But I would be proud, if he were my uncle, or some other relation of seniority.
Ralph is a charming gent, but I wouldn't see him as a man. Too much of an age difference. But I would be proud, if he were my uncle, or some other relation of seniority.

He's way older than me too but i definitely see him as a man:mysmilie_12:
.....and what has that got to do with it WS. You haven't denied it. Old men can be sexy too.:mysmilie_979::mysmilie_979::mysmilie_1659:

You haven't told us who takes your fancy, LH. :mysmilie_914::mysmilie_168:
There aren't too many on QVC who I fancy. Dennis is about the best of a bad lot. I honestly can't think of any others.:mysmilie_81:

I have to agree with you, LH (with the exception of Harald). :mysmilie_697:
mmm i don't know which i'd be more excited by, a naked Julian or the thorntons

I'd have to say LE, that it would be a close call, especially if it involved a Thorntons Seville Truffle (then sod Julian, sorry)
Oh, but think of the fun with Harald, haha.. Maybe we could all get him on some kind of rota system? :mysmilie_1102:
Ooooooooh Denis playing with my ojoned to the max hair whilst talking to me (amongst other things....) all night would be the perfect pressie for me!

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