Where is Derek?


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Lots of luck Derek "you were my favourite",I couldn't watch you lately trying to look enthusiastic about the loads of tat,if you watched Matt today presenting the "Hidden Treasures" you'll be glad you didn't get landed with that thankless task,I felt embarrassed for him.
AW derek, you will be missed matey, I hope you find something that you enjoy, I also hope Scott doesnt leave, if that happens i dont think i'd watch again
oh nooooo I will miss your presenting Derek!! very much the people's presenter.
I wish you lots of happiness in what ever your chosen career is now...

"How many more good presenters are going to disappear from our screens"!!

Good Luck for the future Derek!!!

Mirabelle xxx
hey look on the bright side maybe Steve Bennett will snatch him up for rocks tv now that would be good best of both derek and rockstv
This is the first time for some weeks that I've come on the forum, and I'm so sorry to hear that Derek has left - he's a real sweetheart and was always a pleasure to watch. Doesn't he have his own website? I'm sure I remember something about that ages ago...

Anyway - Good luck Derek, whatever you do next.
Hi y'all,

I received a little message from Derek and, having given it some thought, I really don't think he would mind me sharing it with you:-

Thanks so much for your message - it's very kind indeed.

I can't say more at this time as you understand I know, but I have made the right move. I realise how stressed out I have been with everything over the past few months.

So, now I'm off on holiday for a week on Monday to de-stress completely - and will return with a new vigour - and I've got some calls to return, so who knows what that may hold.

I'm still very much smiling though - and thank you for caring

Derek xx"

It's sad that he's obviously gone through some stressful times, but I'm sure we'll get some positive news when he gets back from his holiday.

Hope this makes you feel a little better about Derek's wellbeing.

I havent watched gems for ages, last time I switched on it was angeline presenting but it looked different ( I think she was standing up which for some reason put me off! ) so it seems that alot of the old presenters have left....is lynn garnet ( now jinks) and rod still there? what about nick davies and drew?????
Derek was fired from Gems TV. He was instructed to attend a meeting in Redditch on his day off. He was not to paid for attending the meeting, as no presenter gets paid for attending, although most don't have to travel halfway down the country unlike Derek, who refused to attend.

Derek then wrote about his annoyance on Facebook, which many of Gems TV customers, staff, and industry associates of Derek's could be able see. When he returned to Gems TV for work, he was fired by Leigh Dicks.

Many of you may not want to know this, but what I have explained is what really happened. They're are the facts, and this is very typical behavior for Derek who can be a very difficult person to work with due to his tantrums, refusal to take products on-air, and his determination to produce from in front of the camera, and that usually doesn't work.

I wish Derek the best of luck for the future, but I also wish he learns from his experience.
The Private Message if just recieved, and my response

Graham said:
Just seen your post regarding Derek Marks, maybe you would like to let me know exactly who you are and not hide behind a user name!!!

Fingers crossed YOU are the next person to be shown the door at GemsTV.

I left Gems TV a year ago, but I'm still in touch with many of my good friends from there so I not will reveal who I am as it may reveal those who told me what actually happened.
Another private message for you to read

Graham said:
Well if you left GemsTV over a year ago you really would have no idea about Derek Marks.

Just hide and post nasty things without the guts to say who you are.

Maybe you could tell people you are still in contact with at GemsTV to get their facts right!

No, I wrote that I left Gems TV a year ago, not "over" as you wrongly inserted, and I've worked with him before at YES. I've seen him go-off a few times.

I'm not here to be nasty. As for your claim that I am hiding, I'm assuming there is nothing wrong in not providing my name, as I see many of your forum users do not provide thier true names.

The facts appear to be correct. Multiple sources say one thing, Derek appears to be saying another.

Anyway, why are you so keen to defend Derek? How come other people can't view my post?

Do you allow free speech within your forums?
Hey All,
Bless you for the messages. They´ve been very kind. I´m gonna miss all of you too (didn´t ever think that there were so many of you, but I always used to forget I was on the telly too ha ha).

Just to clarify and for no confusion - when I was talking to Maggie about stress, I was talking about a combination of work stresses, and a lot going on in my personal life too.
I´m all good though, enjoying the sunshine and chilling out in the Canaries. I´ve started some writing too which I really mad keen to develop and share for the future (there we go, said too much again - what changes eh).

I´m smiling and happy - and too lucky to have lovely people say lovely things (I´m blushing - can you see the white bits have gone red!!)

Now - enough of the where´s Derek thread - you´re all too lovely

Derek xx
Hey All,
Bless you for the messages. They´ve been very kind. I´m gonna miss all of you too (didn´t ever think that there were so many of you, but I always used to forget I was on the telly too ha ha).

Just to clarify and for no confusion - when I was talking to Maggie about stress, I was talking about a combination of work stresses, and a lot going on in my personal life too.
I´m all good though, enjoying the sunshine and chilling out in the Canaries. I´ve started some writing too which I really mad keen to develop and share for the future (there we go, said too much again - what changes eh).

I´m smiling and happy - and too lucky to have lovely people say lovely things (I´m blushing - can you see the white bits have gone red!!)

Now - enough of the where´s Derek thread - you´re all too lovely

Derek xx

Hiyers Big Gob :27: - I see we've been wasting our time worrying - Canaries indeed:14:

I'd give ya a great big hug, but you'd spifflicate :8:

Please don't forget we're here, we don't all do facebook.

Lots of love
i met derek when i went to the studios he is such a lovely man cant understand what is happening there you have caroline ,ruth and Ali on Rocks &co and our own little darling on coloured rocks why are they all leaving perhaps their sick of selling seconds on the jewellery
gonna miss you on Gems and do we get to see yer white bits keep well and good luck with the book writing
Yeah, Derky....show us your white bits!! :4: ...sorry, couldn't resist!!

You will be missed, sir, no two ways about it! Good luck in all that comes next xx
I'm really sad to hear that Derek's gone from our screens - I wasn't a regular viewer at all, but he was definitely very watchable. He sold me the last item I bought from Gems - all by himself, fair talked me into it!!!
So glad to hear he's destressing and has plans for the future!
Derek, if you pop back in again, all the best hun, hope to see you somewhere soon!

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