Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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Sara G was great. I hope they don't force her into the whole modern QVC hard sell / incessant talking thing. It wouldn't work for her. I think she is far too good for QVC and would be better suited to something a bit more weighty. That said, it will be nice to see her back again.
forgive my sense of humour ...but i have visions of a shepherds hook pulling presenters off air ......not undermining the situation ...its just my sense of humour:mysmilie_845:
forgive my sense of humour ...but i have visions of a shepherds hook pulling presenters off air ......not undermining the situation ...its just my sense of humour:mysmilie_845:

My vision is more of a dagger between the shoulder blades....
I dont think Debbie G has gone for good. Her biography is still on the presenter section but all the others mentioned have now gone - Carmel, Anna etc
I'm gonna write to Paul Coia and ask him where his saccharine wife has disappeared to. She has fizzled out like a spoonful of Candarel in a coffee cup!
I dont think Debbie G has gone for good. Her biography is still on the presenter section but all the others mentioned have now gone - Carmel, Anna etc

This is all speculation but I suspect that we have seen the last of Debbie and Julian on QVC. It could be that they are still under contract to QVC but are not being asked to work and that COULD be why Debbie's biography is still on the website.

Again speculation but their contract may have a confidentiality clause in which case we will never know what really happened. It's possible, likely even, that it was coming up to contract renewal time and they couldn't agree terms...
Debbie has again been retweeting tweets from people asking where she is , I guess that's her way of saying shes gone but isn't allowed to talk about it.
How stupid! If she can't / won't talk about it, why doesn't she just say so?! This whole thing is getting annoying! I propose that we ALL telephone into Customer Serrvices and request a confirmation.
Debbie has again been retweeting tweets from people asking where she is , I guess that's her way of saying shes gone but isn't allowed to talk about it.
But Debbie has told people she can't speak about it at the moment.
Here's just one reply where she has -
Posted on Twitter by Debbie Greenwood Sept 3rd

Posted by Lauren ‏@Lolc63 3 Sep
to @DebGreenwoodTV : in all seriousness, why is there so much silence and secrecy around this?

Replied from Debbie Greenwood ‏@DebGreenwoodTV 3 Sep
to @Lolc63 : I can't say anything at the moment. Sorry.

Has anyone considered the possibility that there could be a few months still to run on the contracts and therefore any confidentiality agreement still applies. Perhaps, if this is the case, it would explain the "silence" on both sides about the situation.
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Ah! That's interesting! So she can't say anything. That's most likely either because she doesn't know the outcome or she has been silenced by a contract / request from HR. Thing is, if she is still employed by QVC why would they not have her presenting? If they are paying her, would they not want to use her services? It could be a wider strategy from QVC to help erase her and JB from the public mindset by simply putting her on garden leave. Clearly there is some uncertainty at QVC as I belive one of the presenters said words to the effect of "if I'm still here...." So from all this, I think we can confidently assume that there has been a redundancy consultation at QVC, most likely they are looking to save money by getting rid of couple of high earners following a recent dip in profits.
But Debbie has told people she can't speak about it at the moment.
Here's just one reply where she has -
Posted on Twitter by Debbie Greenwood Sept 3rd

Posted by Lauren ‏@Lolc63 3 Sep
to @DebGreenwoodTV : in all seriousness, why is there so much silence and secrecy around this?

Replied from Debbie Greenwood ‏@DebGreenwoodTV 3 Sep
to @Lolc63 : I can't say anything at the moment. Sorry.
I just called up and spoke with Tracy in Customer Services. I put several direct questions to her?

1) Is Debbie Greenwood still employed by QVC?
2) Is Julian Ballantyne still employed by QVC?
3) Why have they not been presenting for such an extended length of time?
4) Why is there so much secrecy surrounding their absence?
5) Has there been a redundancy consultation at QVC?
6) How can I find out the answers to 1-5?

Tracy's answers:
To 1 and 2 were: As far as I know, yes. We have not been told anything. (She sounded VERY uncomfortable).
3) I don't know. I wasn't aware that they hadn't been (sounded as though she was not being truthful).
4)I don't know. Nobody has been told anything.
5) Not as far as I know (sounded very unconvincing). From her tone and choice of words (seemed like feigned ignorance) I think she too is bound to silence.
6) I can log onto QVCUK.com, scroll down to the bottom and submit a question by email via the site.

I then apologised to Tracy for putting her personally on the spot and explained that people simply would like to be told what is happening as they find the secrecy puzzling and inappropriate, particularly in the case of two longstanding presenters.

I then went onto QVCUK.com, scrolled down to "contact us" and submitted the email with the aforementioned questions.
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Yes, I know,

Besides, the email goes to QVC Customer Service anyway - the very same people that answer the phone calls! I think Tracy was advising to email as she did not like being placed on the spot. I can totally understand this. I have nothing personal against her. She has been placed in a very awkward position byt QVC's management, and, I suppose, by me for asking such direct questions. I am sure most people don't want to know all the details of what is happening, just a brief explanation along the lines of...."There has been a review / consultancy regarding employments issues. "X" is still employed / not employed by this company."

Don't hold your breath Ju, there's little chance they'll answer your Qs.
Wonder how long before someone uses the Data Ptotection Act to avoid answering?

After all, questions about someone's employment will include personal data.
Yes, I know,

Besides, the email goes to QVC Customer Service anyway - the very same people that answer the phone calls! I think Tracy was advising to email as she did not like being placed on the spot. I can totally understand this. I have nothing personal against her. She has been placed in a very awkward position byt QVC's management, and, I suppose, by me for asking such direct questions. I am sure most people don't want to know all the details of what is happening, just a brief explanation along the lines of...."There has been a review / consultancy regarding employments issues. "X" is still employed / not employed by this company."

She was placed in an awkward place by your phone call about something she will know nothing about and even if she did she would not be allowed to tell you. The sort of call you don't want in customer service.
oh well you gave it go julius...and yes i agree alan ..they wouldnt be allowed anyway to give confidential details...it would be good if it gave qvc a little nudge in the right direction though :smirk:
She was placed in an awkward place by your phone call about something she will know nothing about and even if she did she would not be allowed to tell you. The sort of call you don't want in customer service.

My questions were phrased politely and delivered in a calm, polite voice. I was totally respectful to the person and mindful of the difficulties of the situation. Not having a direct line through to the Management then my only real point of contact is with Customer Services. My purpose in telephoning was to get some clarity on a matter which is being shrouded by unnecessary layers of secrecy. If somebody called up one of my former workplaces, all of which are large professional organisations, they would no doubt be informed that I do not work there any more. I don't want to know every detail about DG and JB's personal circumstances, but I do expect more transparency from QVC. It seems they are pulling a nasty trick that flies in the face of the image they try to brainwash us with. If Customer Services don't know the answer they should refer to the appropriate department to provide a response. I have worked in the customer service industry long enough to know this. Furthermore I am likely not the first person to have been in touch about this. Shame on QVC for their corporate nastiness.
I somehow suspect QVC are reading all this and probably secretly enjoying the fact that so much is being said about them. I think we should all just stay quiet and let matters take their course. We all know that QVC's lips are closed tighter than a camel's arse in a sandstorm when it comes to revealing information and no amount of cajoling is going to change that. They will only tell us, the public, if they want to. Also, it's a classic interrogators trick - go silent suddenly and the guilty party usually ends up revealing something.

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