When did you last buy from GemsTV?


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When did you last buy from GemsTV.

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I was watching Gems.TV on the web for a change last night...first time in ages. I saw the same ring as PPC's heart shaped pink diamond ring come up on the web page and turned on the TV to watch it in real life, and guess what? The item details were wrong on the web, what they actually auctioned was a yellow diamond band ring and it went down to £290 approx when it sold...could this have been the auction you saw PPC? If you were watching on the web page then you wouldn't have known it was a different ring? I must add, however, when my pink diamond ring sold for £200 less than I paid outwith 10 days of my purchase (a day after), Gems TV couldn't have cared less about me saying I wouldn't want to shop with them again if they didn't sort it to my satisfaction...I thought I had been a very good customer with my numerous purchases of thousands of pounds and it counted for nothing. I wish you well in your attempt to be compensated, PPC, and if you do get the difference credited to you I will be pleased for you but even more disgusted in Gems.TV if they can do it for you and not for me.
I have no idea Huggles as I was only watching the web auctions online. :33: I will await with interest what CS have to say on the matter but I fail to see how they could possibly mix up two completely different rings, especially weird after I had posted about 'my' ring on here earlier. :22:

I think that is disgusting that they didn't refund you the difference and I would be spitting feathers too. Did you take your grievance to the top hon?? :pPC:
If you were watching the new chic presenting the request hours between 8pm and 10pm I am 100% sure that it was the yellow diamond ring that went for under £299, PPC. It was the pink diamond ring that was on the screen, though. Wouldn't it be great if they compensated you anyway?

No, I got a call back from a manager telling me, tough s**t (in manager speak)... that I had to put up and shut-up. I haven't really recovered from that incident and on-top of that there was a rather unpleasant e-mail sent when I requested a promised up-grade box. It was the last straw for me and I haven't favoured them with my custom since...their loss, I have really enjoyed buying from TJC and Rocks & Co since.
No, I got a call back from a manager telling me, tough s**t (in manager speak)... that I had to put up and shut-up. I haven't really recovered from that incident and on-top of that there was a rather unpleasant e-mail sent when I requested a promised up-grade box. It was the last straw for me and I haven't favoured them with my custom since...their loss, I have really enjoyed buying from TJC and Rocks & Co since.

Oh that's unbelievably bad CS. :mad: Why be feckin rude over a wooden box that costs pennies to them?? I have to say that would put me off for life too. :( :pPC:
Well imho Sacha I think they should treat any request such as mine on an individual basis and make a decision based on whether they wish to maintain a good relationship with a customer who is willing to spend a lot of money with them. I'm not suggesting that I am a better customer than anyone else who paid the same price but as there were only 5 of these rings anyway that were auctioned on 7th February, even if they were contacted by all 5 buyers (highly unlikely) they would still only be losing £1000, but keeping the goodwill of 5 people who would be happy to keep spending. A small loss but a huge gain for them.

Btw I love that green diamond ring, you and Mel are very lucky to own that...I saw it on the web and bloomin well missed it!! :D :pPC:

I completely agree with you Sue, but just added the last sentence in case its an argument Gems may make in denying you any refund.

:D Yep and I know who the other one went to but won't divulge....... :mysmilie_770.gif:

I read with interest Huggles post and that the fact you only saw the details on the web Sue. Can I just say that with a number of the 'better' diamond items - I have noticed on several occasions the wrong picture has been shown on the website. :11:
You have to click on 'View Details' to get the correct picture and details.

So I'm now wondering if it was your ring that was actually auctioned last night....but someone at CS should be
able to confirm that for you.

I read with interest Huggles post and that the fact you only saw the details on the web Sue. Can I just say that with a number of the 'better' diamond items - I have noticed on several occasions the wrong picture has been shown on the website. :11:
You have to click on 'View Details' to get the correct picture and details.

So I'm now wondering if it was your ring that was actually auctioned last night....but someone at CS should be
able to confirm that for you.

Well if it was a big cock up Sacha and it really wasn't the pink diamond ring being auctioned, then at least this discussion has raised the subject of price anomalies again as I really do think this channel should at least honour a lower price within the first 30 days, like TJC are now doing. :pPC:
oh so sorry to hear of your problems ppc and huggles. Hope you get a positive reply ppc, it does really annoy and upset when you see your purchase go for a lot cheaper like you say a few quid you can understand but not that amount. I really think that they can be a bit hit and miss with there customer services - I have experienced both excellent customer services and really bad from them - depending who you are speaking to and if they care or not! must say though they can be hit or miss also replying to emails Anyway let us know how you get on.

Huggles can totally understand why you are not buying from them anymore it is awful how you have been treated - not a way to treat loyal customers is it?

:D Yep and I know who the other one went to but won't divulge....... :mysmilie_770.gif:

Guilty as charged m'lud! I have no idea how much I paid so please don't tell me that I could have got it for less Sacha! :30:
I'm just thinking...if it was the same auction I saw with the wrong details and somebody used automated ordering to purchase what they thought was a pink diamond ring, they are in for heck of a shock!
Hang on a minute ............... I'm in a serious bad mood today so forgive my grumpiness BUT

What if you're only watching on the internet and up pops a picture of a pink diamond ring. You click, you win. It's then delivered and a bliddy yellow diamond ring arrives? Regardless of what ring was actually being shown on TV, the internet picture will have had the price next to it that it was being sold for SOOOOOOOO the price of the pink diamond ring is £200 less (otherwise this is false advertising).

Edited: Huggles you and I posted at the same time!
Guilty as charged m'lud! I have no idea how much I paid so please don't tell me that I could have got it for less Sacha! :30:

No you didn't overpay pet, you paid the same lower web price as well...:)

I'm just thinking...if it was the same auction I saw with the wrong details and somebody used automated ordering to purchase what they thought was a pink diamond ring, they are in for heck of a shock!

Now that's a thought! :33:

I'm surprised no-one at Gems has already picked up this anomaly in details.....or that it hasn't been reported back
to them by a confused purchaser!
Hang on a minute ............... I'm in a serious bad mood today so forgive my grumpiness BUT

What if you're only watching on the internet and up pops a picture of a pink diamond ring. You click, you win. It's then delivered and a bliddy yellow diamond ring arrives? Regardless of what ring was actually being shown on TV, the internet picture will have had the price next to it that it was being sold for SOOOOOOOO the price of the pink diamond ring is £200 less (otherwise this is false advertising).
Excellent point Meesh. :clap: :pPC:
Now, where's the photo of the gorgeous blue diamond? :faintsmilie:
I've been driving myself bonkers Mel trying to get a decent piccie but here's the linky for it. There are diamonds encrusted all over both sides of the setting and shank and 2 'secret diamonds' either side of the gallery. I'll try again a bit later as my battery has died now. :rolleyes: :pPC:
Now that's a thought! :33:

I'm surprised no-one at Gems has already picked up this anomaly in details.....or that it hasn't been reported back
to them by a confused purchaser!

Perhaps if there was a webbuyer the ring has not yet ben delivered so they don't yet know it's the wrong thing??

Shabby treatment and sloppy work all round from Gems, IMHO .
I've been driving myself bonkers Mel trying to get a decent piccie but here's the linky for it. There are diamonds encrusted all over both sides of the setting and shank and 2 'secret diamonds' either side of the gallery. I'll try again a bit later as my battery has died now. :rolleyes: :pPC:

Cor, that's a seriously beeuwwwwtiful ring Sue. :love: No ants wotsits on the diamond weight either! Hope this has made up for the disappointment over the pink diamond ring. Any news yet on your refund btw?
Well I heard back from CS and they say that the pink diamond heart ring was not autioned on Saturday evening so it would appear the Huggles was correct and it was a web cock up. :11: However, the rest of the email basically said the price pledge ended over 12 months ago, so tough. Charming. :rolleyes: Fine....not a problem, as it will stop me spending any more money with them. :pPC:
Glad it turned out that you weren't £200 down (if you get what i mean!)
Sounds like their CS is still as bad as usual then, i don't blame you for not spending any more money with them, their loss!
IT's been a long time since i brought ,tho today i recieved this i wanted to see if it wil be ok .... its not huge but see what you think ,my daughter wanted a pink diamond ring


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I saw that ring Marie, and it's very pretty, I hope your daughter loves it.

I've been tempted by these two items, ring came last week, and is seriously sparkly, and pendant arrives tomorrow.



They look lovely Mad.........very classy.......just like your goodself..........................................................when you are clothed!!!!:22::D


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