I just do my legs and feet. (thankfully very few other body parts are ever on show - and would need gallons of self tan !). Quick blast of St Tropez mousse tan, and it tans evenly and lasts !
Just ordered ecotan today actually from eBayl a 500ml and a 200ml bottle for £20, i can use the little bottle in the run up to my trip and take the larger one with me in my case
Thank you all I'm still not the wiser though. I'm looking for something that works with nartural sun so I tan quicker, I found something for sunbeds and the reviews are mixed.
It's called Australian Gold Dark Tanning Accelerator http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000O58QAW/?tag=shoppingcom03-21
And I also fancy the EcoTan Tan Maximiser Accelerator but I can't find anywhere how to use it, before, during of after sun exposure http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008HP8MU0/?tag=shoppingcom03-21
My Ultrasun is good as it helps tanning but I thought I may add something else to it. M&S used to do excellent aftersun, when you put it after the day in the sun you become browner over night, sadly they have changed the formula, it was only £5 and £2,50 on offer for 200 ml, I'm so gutted they've fiddled with the formula. Is this what Ecotan does if used as aftersun makes you tan deeper?