Wheel of Deals


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Jan 13, 2022
Good morning.

The wheels of Deals seem to have disappeared from Gemporia's shows. They have been replaced by things like "avalanches". Does anyone know why? My husband thinks they are running out of jewellery. Considering that today's schedule is dominated by clothes and supplements, he might be right!
Interesting, yes they seem to be showing loads of other things, makeup, scarves, health and wellbeing. So that could be right.

They get their jewellery made abroad, so because of COVID have problems.
Gemporia Lifestyle especially seems to be selling all manner of tat which is widely available from other outlets. I can't help being angered as retailers continue to excavate our planets resources and form them into unnecessary articles to be shipped around the world and sent to landfill soon after as the new owners realise that it serves no function and is not attractive. Gemporia Lifestyle and increasingly Gemporia main channel is certainly part of this devastation.
Yes, I am sometimes astonished to see the tat they sell and I wonder what purpose it serves. Well, I have just switched on to see what they are selling and they are selling loose stones! I am used to seeing that on Gem Collector, but it's a surprise to see it on Gemporia, the main channel. Something is definitely going on. My sister in law thinks they are closing down...
My torch website sells "mystery boxes" for £59, and the contents MAY or may NOT be worth more or less than this amount. Is this similar to the deal wheel?
My torch website sells "mystery boxes" for £59, and the contents MAY or may NOT be worth more or less than this amount. Is this similar to the deal wheel?
I think every box is a good deal

I remember one box had 20% off. The chosen box had 40% off. I can’t remember the other three. Everyone in that auction gets the money off deal.

It’s exciting 🙄
I wonder what the t&c's will be on that voucher? I have read reviews that say people have found it almost if not mpossible to buy their chosen item using voucher codes due to the enormous amount of restrictions in the small print.

They were selling Rieshi mushroom coffee and cocoa yesterday, making lots of claims about extensive research into the health benefits. Actually, there is some research that suggests it may be beneficial to our health but there have been too few studies conducted on humans to be anywhere near conclusive. Most research has been conducted on animals. For me, beneficial to the animals or not (and it be not!), I don't lke animal testing. I struggle with my own job sometimes, knowing that medicaton I dole out to my patients has been tested but it is part of my job. I just think animal testing for mushroom coffee is unnecessary to me immoral.

They are showing an advert about changing the packaging they use to be mostly recyclable and that is great. However, the jewellery they sell comes almost always from India and China. The homewares are almost exclusively made in China, Destello and Visage are made in China. No idea where the Primal Living supplements are produced as I won't buy them. How is shipping almost everything you sell half way around the planet saving the planet? The workers in these foreign factories are paid peanuts, I have heard of wages of $1 a day. Gemporia made a big thing about employing lots of women who had "no job prospects" and training them up in lapidary. A good lapidarist takes years to master the art and let's not forget that women in these countries earn around half the wages of a man. So I question, ethics versus economics?

I suspect the new packaging is more about it being cheaper than anything to do with conservation. They are always saying they have a strong moral compass (Ellis) but I just don't see it. They do a bit to help out in poor countries, in conjunction with other charites who never get a mention. Maybe pay to plant a few trees but I doubt they plant them personally! Then there is the old "we work on such small margins", really? Mr Bennett and family are doing mighty well for small margins, I am in the wrong job. Transfering ownership to employees was strange, of course, the Bennet family all stayed at the top of the tree. There are benefits that can come alng with a move like this, zero hours contracts, no sick pay or holiday pay and employees take the looses along with the profits the company makes. I am not saying this is happening but it has happened in other companies who have done this. I believe JLP have done it very well and it really does benefit their workers / team.

The carbon footprint of this company is huge. Okay, due to the pandemic, they have had their wings clipped. However, endless trade shows, Dave et al globe trotting buying stones and sending Adina to a trade show, I think it was Tucson 2020, what the hell is the point of sending her? The carbon footprint hardly fits with protecting our planet either.

These are just some f the reasons why I no longer patronise Gemporia. I also think the jewellery produced of recent years has fallen drastically in standards. Poor workmanship, hastily cobbled together, inferior gemstones, low metal weights. I used to love to buy from them an awful lot but I am no lnger drinking the Kool-Aid. I am helping the planet and my bank account, winner lol.

Just my opinion of course. xx
Just had a box picked with £100 off a diamond ring that was originally £299. That put the wind up everyone on set and they had to phone management to authorise the deal.

So the ring dropped to £199. The 9ct gold weight was just over a gram. The ring, as they always do, looked big and sparkly in the lightbox. I didn’t actually see it in the flesh. It’s often underwhelming imo when they move from the big lightbox shot to the real deal so I’m thinking maybe £199 was about its whack.

And if it causes so much panic, maybe they should have a meeting about the deals put in the boxes 🤣
They are doing one at the moment. Someone chose a box with 50% off and now they are asking for people to ring in again and chose another box. Lo and behold the box chosen is £15 off and theres a £5 ticket in there as well so they have knocked £20 off. They must think we are stupid thinking they are doing a great deal. It was £99.99 and now its down to £29.99. I bet thats the amount they were charging in the first place.
They are doing one at the moment. Someone chose a box with 50% off and now they are asking for people to ring in again and chose another box. Lo and behold the box chosen is £15 off and theres a £5 ticket in there as well so they have knocked £20 off. They must think we are stupid thinking they are doing a great deal. It was £99.99 and now its down to £29.99. I bet thats the amount they were charging in the first place.
I tuned in at the point of the double box being offered and wondered what was going on.

What a fiasco 😟
Well, Toby Cavill seems to be on with a new collection every time I switch to the Channel, so at least someone is bringing new jewellery to the Channel. I don't like pearls, but I found his taper cut noteworthy because I knew straightaway that my sister would be crazy about it. According to the schedule, he will be on for the second time today, with purple moonstone. But is it just me or all the gold pieces they have been selling seem much more expensive than usual?
Prices have gone up and gold weights gone down. It is a sorry state of affairs really for those who appreciate the channel. They have a very loyal fan base and I feel they exploit this fact. The p&p is on the up as well, not had an increase i a long time but they apparently get a great deal with RM, so they are still making big profits on delivery. I just got disillusuoned with the whole company last year and decided not to buy from them again saved me a fortune!
I bought some Christmas presents from them and I was not impressed with all of them. One of the rings came with two stones full of fractures, which made me wonder about quality control, the earrings had a wishy washy colour rather than the vibrant colour on TV and the pendant had stones so miniscule that- and this is no joke- I needed my glasses to see them well. I mean, if you read the Feefo reviews people are singing the wonders of Gemporia so I am not sure whether I have just been very unlucky.
I bought some Christmas presents from them and I was not impressed with all of them. One of the rings came with two stones full of fractures, which made me wonder about quality control, the earrings had a wishy washy colour rather than the vibrant colour on TV and the pendant had stones so miniscule that- and this is no joke- I needed my glasses to see them well. I mean, if you read the Feefo reviews people are singing the wonders of Gemporia so I am not sure whether I have just been very unlucky.
I've returned quite a lot of stuff recently, but have also had some really good things too, I think a lot of it can be luck, but I always like to see the item on the hand, rather than the light box as I think that gives a better representation of what you are getting. A shame you weren't happy when they were Christmas presents though!
I've had many a ring from them over the years, and sent some of them back too. Sometimes there has been no colour at all in the stone. I won't buy unless I see it on the hand because I always wonder why they don't show it that way, so presume it is poor quality. Then there is the constant talking and not showing the item either. Sometimes they do a quick 2 second shot, and back to the light box, sorry not buying unless I can see it properly. They also take an age to refund, and go beyond the official time scale that firms have to refund customers. Naughty Gems.

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