Whats happened to QVC???


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Aug 14, 2009
I know they changed premises...but it seems to have all gone wrong since then....details not showing on the screen,due to those faithful "gremlins"....dodgy music playing in the background of every show,but loud enough that you can't hear anyone talking....deliveries (Peony) messed up.......website not working....more P&P than ever (did I see a NN OTO the other night with nearly £7 delivery??)

I am also surprised to see they didn't "cash in" on the Olympics.I remember yonks back when Liverpool FC won some major competition/league/whatever and they did special "red" pricing that day in honour of their Liverpool store house.i truly thought we'd be getting some "medal" prices or even "gold" prices....
The LOCOG are red hot on anyone using the Olympics as a marketing tool. I. Doubt QVC would have been allowed to do Olympic deals without shelling out for the privilege and sponsorship.

Doesn't explain the other problems though.
I couldn't agree with you more rainbowdottie.
They've gone down the pan.
It's the same old things, sold under the same old schedule, items that I want are out of stock, items that I don't want are flogged to death, a waitlist that never delivers, rising P&P rates and to top it all, an utterly appalling, disgraceful website.
I hope they are losing money hand over fist.
I don't remember ever seeing so many 'gremlins' in the works at QVC. They are showing so many wrong details on screen, wrong item numbers/prices etc. i think the Dreemkeeper woman got a bit fed up with it during her show. Also there seems to have been a number of black outs - they quickly switch to a recorded gardening hour with Charlie Dimmock. I have seen this twice recently.

The worst bit is the website. I have the new one unforunately and its a disaster. I tried to compare some prices last night for LE (mainly the p & p comparison). Getting the products up on the screen was a achievement in itself, typing in Liz Earle into the search bit was a waste of time. I managed to get the full range up eventually, by going round the houses, but I can't be bothered faffing around in future.
Their website baffles me. I have a desktop PC and two laptops. The desktop PC gives me the new look website while the laptops both show the old one. The URL is the same on all of them, so I'm not entirely sure how that works.

I find the new studios are dreary and depressing too. I actually don't like watching now. Not that I missing much - same old products which are the same on every show, repeat TSV's etc and that old chestnut the P&P. I find nuclear physics easier to understand than their charges for such slow service.
............ same old products which are the same on every show, repeat TSV's etc .....

They're getting more like IW with their repeated products and the same companies doing the TSV. Considering the apparent vast inventory they talk about I can't understand why other products and companies aren't offered the chance to do a TSV.

Personally, I'm bored rigid with being 'invited' to buy things like over-priced handbags, epilators, cleansers, antiwrinkle creams, computers/laptops/cameras and 'loud' clothing (with the bonus of static electricty built in) but that's all they seem to focus on at the moment.

The only thing in their favour is that, when they botch up, the phone call to CS is free which is more than can be said about the rival companies.

I can safely say that I'm well over my initial 'addiction' of buying things from them - apart from re-orders of things that I like - and that's mainly down to the lack of originality in what they present nowadays.

And with regards to the website fiasco? I'm not that 'computer savvy' but, when a friend updated their busy website they closed the old one down while they did the transfer and when I clicked on the old site in my bookmarks I got taken straight to the new site, with none of the faddling about that QVC have produced with their upgrade or whatever it's meant to be. For a large company, it's farcical!
I agree about the products that QVC have on now. I used to look up and see what the TSV was and in the
"BAD" days when i was more addicted, i used to wait to go out incase i missed something. I"m well and
truly over that now. And i dont even care what the TSV"S are now. I could probably guess, candles,
beauty product, clarisionic, colourful dresses, computer, flowers. And as for the new studios i think there
horrendous, absolutely awful. Dull, dreary, and i could have designed better, in fact even Kelly Hoppen could
have designed better, and thats saying something. At least beigh and white would have been more spacious
and open looking. And i dont think Carmel and most of all Anna have added to their appeal. Probably nice
people but Anna especially does not fit in. They need to revamp their ideas and get rid of some of the buyers
and get someone in new with a new outlook. I"d say if it wasnt for the newer customers they"re getting now
because of freeview, they"d be in deep trouble, because they seem to be losing a lot of older customers, like
most of us who have been with them for years and years, hand over fist. And as for the post and package, they
take it as we pay it, it"ll never change. Ridiculous and needs modernised. Oh now i"m tired :mysmilie_365:
When Facebook do a new release of their website they never deploy it to all users at the same time. This gives time for any problems not discovered in the testing phase to be found by those users who have switched, and corrected without pissing every customer off.. Seems to me that's what Q are doing, and it's taking ages to roll out to everyone because there are so many things wrong.
They're getting more like IW with their repeated products and the same companies doing the TSV. Considering the apparent vast inventory they talk about I can't understand why other products and companies aren't offered the chance to do a TSV.

Personally, I'm bored rigid with being 'invited' to buy things like over-priced handbags, epilators, cleansers, antiwrinkle creams, computers/laptops/cameras and 'loud' clothing (with the bonus of static electricty built in) but that's all they seem to focus on at the moment.

The only thing in their favour is that, when they botch up, the phone call to CS is free which is more than can be said about the rival companies.

I can safely say that I'm well over my initial 'addiction' of buying things from them - apart from re-orders of things that I like - and that's mainly down to the lack of originality in what they present nowadays.

And with regards to the website fiasco? I'm not that 'computer savvy' but, when a friend updated their busy website they closed the old one down while they did the transfer and when I clicked on the old site in my bookmarks I got taken straight to the new site, with none of the faddling about that QVC have produced with their upgrade or whatever it's meant to be. For a large company, it's farcical!

don't forget northern nights every other day........
Well, in all honesty, I have to thank QVC.
Thank you for your programme scheduling, thank you for your move to the new sets, but most of all thank you for your new website.

You've saved me a fortune.
You have finally, completely, once & for all cured me of any shopping addiction I had with you.

There was once rarely a week went by when I didn't order something or other.
I can't now remember the last time I ordered anything, might have been an Honora bracelet TSV a few months back. The only parcels that turn up now are the occasional auto delivery that I still have running, like the Nails Inc that I think is due soon.
think they have put the people in charge of graphics that are usually in charge of the computer system
I mentioned the other day that I still haven't seen the website so can't comment on that, apart from probably relief by the sound of it!

But the sets/shows seem to me to be punctuated by loud noises all the time - crashes/bangs/thuds/scraping - it's really distracting. Also when they are obviously moving objects on the tables/desks to change for next item, especially on beauty shows, you can hear all the pots and bottles rattling about. Drives me bonkers. And I still think the lighting is harsh.

Luckily as the products/shows are so boring now I've saved a flipping fortune in the last few weeks, after a few splurges earlier in the year, I've actually only been watching for a couple of years but the novelty has most definitely worn off. Nothing is really grabbing me, I just watch and then think 'Can I live without this?' and luckily my answer is always 'Yes', of course I don't ACTUALLY talk to myself (just the cat) but you know what I mean. Also I read on here (I think it was Tinkerbelle's idea) to use up everything in my stash of skincare stuff before buying more and to only buy TSV's if every item was useful, good advice.

I do still quite like QVC on the whole, it's just a bit dull & boring at the moment.
I have only bought 4 things this year one of which went back due to me being suckered in by a load of hype. Am very pleased with myself as this was a lapse and not a relapse into my previous addiction, plus they help me to spend less as has already been commented on by having nothing new and interesting to tempt me. I think that a lot of their regulars such as Elemis and L'ocittaine just flog varying combos of the same old same old rather than bring new products. When I go to Boots in the seventh circle of hell aka the high street there are new brands and products almost every week, good offers, no p and p and advantage points so that's where I get my beauty fix when I need it.

In regard to the new premises the banging and crashing adds to my entertainment, I commented a while back that the new sets remind me of a panto stage and when I hear the "noises off" I almost expect a pantomime horse to come lolloping on, maybe with A Y in the saddle!
I have to say I do feel the varying "kits" we're given for TSV's ......some items are there just to "make up the numbers" and justify the price tag.
QVC have been playing it safe for a long time. They know what sells and just keep with that. Beauty is their biggest seller, hence all the beauty day and now the beauty pick of the month.

The own NN(as far as I know) and Cooks Essentials so push and push though brands as they make more money for them.

As for the new website, I don't have it yet but others are begging for it back. A three year old left to do it no doubt could do it faster and better.
QVC have been playing it safe for a long time. They know what sells and just keep with that. Beauty is their biggest seller, hence all the beauty day and now the beauty pick of the month.

The own NN(as far as I know) and Cooks Essentials so push and push though brands as they make more money for them.

As for the new website, I don't have it yet but others are begging for it back. A three year old left to do it no doubt could do it faster and better.

quite, not even sure why they do not get interns from the local college doing ICT courses, I am sure they would do a better job and help build their profitability ( as they would be very very very cheap) - and to boot they qould be useful advertizing as a company that pushes their "social responsibility" ahhh
(having a very cynical day today, sorry)
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Q seems really naff and stuck in the 80's despite Twitter and Will with his tablet. They are like some ageing diva or superannuated action film actor still plundering their glory years in an to remain in the public eye. Do you think they will modernise when all the loyal customers actually start to die off?
The "noises off" are not acceptable. They wreak of amaterism. They need to stop using omi-directional mikes and use a more dynamic one which picks up a much narrower range.

Sort it.

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