What were YOU doing 20 years ago?


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Poison was an 80s powerhouse, by the early 90s everyone in the crowd wore Issey or CKOne the aquatics had taken over. But Angel was reigning and fighting the trend.

I was working for the home office and we partied hard. Loved the bomb scares, we had meeting points but then headed straight for the pub. The bosses used to have to come beat us out with a stick. Once Belfast got hit really hard that day, we all went to a pub in Ann Street and just sat down when told we had to get out now!!!! Pat a guy had just put money in the cd jukebox, he was demanding his money back before he would leave!!! The rest of us grabbed our glasses of drink and left. Hey we paid for them we took them with us. Next thing the whole place exploded with glass, we headed for another pub a few streets away out of the immediate area.

Next morning we went into work to find glass everywhere.
Myself and OH we're both working hard and taking two foreign holidays a year. We were awaiting the arrival of our 6th Grandchild (a boy). We were close to paying off our mortgage and had no health worries at all. The good life it most certainly was and still is although now we are 'poor pensioners'. lol.
I love this thread, these short snippets of life conjure vivid pictures of people's lives. Now QVC may copy this and we'll face half a dozen "I was a dancer" stories and my eyes will glaze over, real people are far more interesting!
It's really interesting reading these snapshots of peoples' lives. Sometimes life is really quite random and bizarre! I remember being unemployed and applying and applying and nobody wanted to employ me. This time round - 3 interviews, 3 offers! Am not going to pick one until I have my Brighton interview next week!
I was in the WRAF until the 31 March when we were all transferred over to the RAF. I left my first husband and was having the time of my life.
20 years ago the internet wasn't really available. When I used to get home from school I would turn on the TV, go to channel 4 and read the teletext. Page 446 there was a column called "Josh's Diary" which was a fictitious diary of a teenage guy. There was also "e-zine" and "Dear Nick" agony uncle page. (442). The weather was on page 110 on ITV. I used to love the teletext with its blocky graphics and automatically turning pages. There was something nice about its simplicity and the content was always updated really well. I used to like reading the pop charts. There was even a letters page where people would write in! Of course nowadays we have news on the internet but I don't think it's any better than the teletext. I miss it now :(
i was running around like a mad woman with two little ones....miss those days really....not babies forever.i was also child minding one child ...
I was a working girl, never thought I would meet anyone I was a cinema projectionist at ABC Leicester now closed and defunct cinema chain, also my profession is a dead 'un, all digital now. Just press a button and its done, cinema managers can even operate film shows from their iphones now) but it was the year before meeting my lovely hubby. Now a housewife with 3 teenage kids, feeling like a different person.
I left school nearly 44 years ago with just a couple of O levels as they were then called. Twenty years ago my oldest son had already joined the Army, my middle son was preparing for going to college and my late addition third son who was 5 had just started school so I decided to join them by returning to education as a very mature student. I did 2 A levels then followed with a degree but unlike my school days I did them for pleasure and in subjects I enjoyed. I felt very old on my first day at college but loved every minute of it and the other much younger students were great.
I had just started working for a company that would become very large, very quickly. I was still enjoying it at this point as it was a completely different culture from previous workplaces, and very dynamic. (I grew to hate it later and made some bad decisions but hey ho, 'tis all part of life's rich pattern!). I was also just about to embark on a very steamy, romantic attachment - we lived 60 miles apart which made it, if anything, better :heart: I knew it was never going to last, especially when I discovered that I didn't actually LIKE him, but we had some great times. Still have a huge pile of cards and letters somewhere :sun:
That's a good story, Prussian.
I had just started working for a company that would become very large, very quickly. I was still enjoying it at this point as it was a completely different culture from previous workplaces, and very dynamic. (I grew to hate it later and made some bad decisions but hey ho, 'tis all part of life's rich pattern!). I was also just about to embark on a very steamy, romantic attachment - we lived 60 miles apart which made it, if anything, better :heart: I knew it was never going to last, especially when I discovered that I didn't actually LIKE him, but we had some great times. Still have a huge pile of cards and letters somewhere :sun:
Sorry to hear of your loss. Kathy. I lost all of my family in 2000 / 2001. Time has eased things a bit but I know it's not easy.

my heartfelt sympathy to you both ...i lost my sis mum and dad and aunty within 18 months in 2000 and inbetween my son lost his best friend in a fire age 11 ,...without my hubby and two sons ...i would have sunk ...and my goal is to hyelp other people in crisis...
I was single and childless, Now I am still single but with a 16 yr old daughter whos my world. What happened there then?? haha.
What a refreshing thread, have really enjoyed reading all the posts.

Julius good luck with the interviews, hope you pick the right one and I also miss teletext, it was so clunky but that was part of its charm.

20 years ago I was working for a company which no longer exists, saving hard for a house deposit, which took me another 3 years..

I had split from my boyfriend and was single and ready to mingle.

The village I live in has changed very little since then, no pub anymore but still clinging on to the post office!

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