What makes a good presenter?


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Just to re-iterate what I said on another thread. I do not hate any of the presenters. I don't know any of them personally as we only see the 'personna' that they give on TV. Hate is too strong a word anyway, in my opinion. It's some of the presenting styles that I dislike, not hate.

Anyway .......... back to the title of this thread.

For me, a good presenter is one who has done their research, lets the guest speak rather than talking all over them, one who doesn't make the viewer pressurised into buying through heavy-handed tactics like "you must have this to feel safe in your home" etc and, above all, one who doesn't think that they're better than their colleagues, who isn't besotted with their iPad and who doesn't spend most of the show reading out irrelevant tweets.
This topic has been raised and answered without rancour previously and QVC know what they want so whatever we add to previous discussions is superfluous and potentially inflammatory. Allegedly.
Hi everyone
I've been lurking for a while and decided to take the plunge and join you.

For me a good presenter has done their homework before the show, and doesn't get into a muddle explaining colour combinations (eg: on Lola Rose shows or Yong Kim). A good presenter lets the guest shine and keeps to the business of moving the show along, providing updates on details of sizes and how stock is moving along.
I don't want to be yelled at (Simon Biagi is the worst at this, in my opinion) and I don't want to hear or see twitter comments endlessly unless they are specific questions about the product on air that will aid the viewer to understand the product better. I want to see products demonstrated thoroughly and explained clearly - preferably by a knowledgeable guest.

Some presenters seem to be much better on some shows than on others, and some have better chemistry with guests than others. I think Dale seems to get on very well with most of the guests he presents with, as does Julia. On that basis alone, I'd say they were the best QVC currently has on air.

The presenter I really cannot watch unless she's presenting a show solo is Sara Griffiths. She is, in my opinion, terrible with any guest. She doesn't let them speak, or she asks questions really aggressively. Not comfortable watching at all. As far as the others are concerned, they all have irritating quirks but are not totally unwatchable in small doses.

Despite the fact that she's often rude and unprofessional, for sheer entertainment value, Ali Young gets my vote.
Welcome to the forum, marymorganlondon. I agree with much of what you say. I also cannot abide Sara Griffiths when talking over everyone and burbling on about ruddy tweets. Sadly, IMHO, she is no longer alone in that presenting style. Someone should remind them about good manners!!!!
welcome maymorganlondon i agree re sarah grithiths cant abide her. she seems to think qvc is all about her and her needing to talk rather than present a show and support the guest presenter. alison young is a hoot. at the beauty bash she was kind and hard working. i know she is not everyones cup of tea but she was lovely to the beauty bash guests and stood for many hours taking to everyone in a very long queue.
Welcome and happy posting maymorganlondon.......

What I want from a presenter is clear facts and no talking over the guest.
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No one needs to post why they're not posting because it just derails another thread. I don't want to read this stuff and this forum is better than this.

I think thats for Sazza and Graham to decide, If you dont like what someone posts use the Ignore button.
Odd post lol. A good presenter does not talk over the guests - Ali Keenan and Sara Griffiths just cannot shut up and it is very annoying to watch them, so I don't.

I wouldn't want them all to be the same though. Watching ClaireMummyBear on the morning show, she's quite an easy watch for me but I know her soppy voice irritates the bejesus out of some viewers. I'm sure QVC know that presenters are like Marmite but by varying the presenting styles they'll hope to secure more sales - at some time during the day we'll see a product presented "well" in out opinion and make a purchase. Ofcourse that doesn't explain why some presenters do so many hours. :headbang:
A good presenter to me is one who gives out the sizes at the beginning of an item and not at the end when it's too late any your size has gone.
And, in my opinion, a good presenter doesn't order goods while she's meant to be presenting ......... i.e. SG in the diamonique show. Alison, who was the guest, commented on it.
And, in my opinion, a good presenter doesn't order goods while she's meant to be presenting ......... i.e. SG in the diamonique show. Alison, who was the guest, commented on it.

I agree. I don't think presenters should do this.

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