What if...


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Thanks for saying that...I do enjoy this forum as it's good to hear other views. I think we all have a little of the shopping addiction within us, albeit in differing doses.

Nothing wrong in liking to shop though, just as long as we all know our limits.

Here's to QVC!
Violet, its called debate. We say what we think honestly and you say your side.

And for the person who thought if you changed computer and order. Is very wrong. Its the home address which will be flagged do not send orders to that address. Also those who did suggest letting the OP use someone else's card to shop. You are enabling someone who perhaps should stop altogether. It might the best thing that ever happened to them being kicked off QVC.
Violet, its called debate. We say what we think honestly and you say your side.

And for the person who thought if you changed computer and order. Is very wrong. Its the home address which will be flagged do not send orders to that address. Also those who did suggest letting the OP use someone else's card to shop. You are enabling someone who perhaps should stop altogether. It might the best thing that ever happened to them being kicked off QVC.

I'm the person who suggested that they try using a different computer, but I also suggested that they actually "buy" something that they really want, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. However, you're probably right that it is the address that is flagged, however, I got the impression that the OP really didn't want to lose her QVC account, and would learn to operate her account differently in the future. I'm not trying to condone bunging stuff in your basket on cheque hold, with little or no intention of buying the goods, but as far as I can see, this person obviously liked the look of the stuff, but kind of realised that they either couldn't afford some of it, or could live without it, not thinking that their actions could cause problems for the company, or for themselves. I also think that it's a little heavy handed of QVC to give a first and final warning all in one go, could they not have reminded her to check out the contents of her basket, or to make arrangements to cancel?
Don't think it's up to us to decide where and when this person shops, and if it is an addiction, they'll find somewhere else to spend their money, so a banning from QVC isn't really going to be that life changing! Personally, I think this poster has been given a bit of a rough ride on here, at worst, all they've done is to have been a little bit thoughtless!
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I've been reading back through this thread with interest and the one thing I find myself agreeing with is that it would be a good idea if QVC did set up a message onscreen that the 30 day MBG is subject to Terms and conditions.

I remember the first time that I had heard of cheque hold was when I was temping somewhere and one of the girls there spotted me using L'Occitane hand cream. It was established that we both used QVC and she asked if I had heard of cheque hold. She said it's a great way to put something on hold whilst you decide whether you want it or not and if not chuck it out of your basket later. I said that usually I've decided before I order whether I want it or not and asked her whether she thought this fair to other customers. She then went on to say that she frequently ordered cosmetics and decanted them into smaller sizes, returning the residue to them and even bought a dress which she wore on holiday and returned. I was stunned at this behaviour and told her she was really taking the p&&& because she couldnt' do this on the High Street and she argued that the presenters tell us we can do this.

She has a point there though doesn't she? So if the MBG is subject to Terms and Conditions that condition should be announced on screen.
I've been reading back through this thread with interest and the one thing I find myself agreeing with is that it would be a good idea if QVC did set up a message onscreen that the 30 day MBG is subject to Terms and conditions.

I remember the first time that I had heard of cheque hold was when I was temping somewhere and one of the girls there spotted me using L'Occitane hand cream. It was established that we both used QVC and she asked if I had heard of cheque hold. She said it's a great way to put something on hold whilst you decide whether you want it or not and if not chuck it out of your basket later. I said that usually I've decided before I order whether I want it or not and asked her whether she thought this fair to other customers. She then went on to say that she frequently ordered cosmetics and decanted them into smaller sizes, returning the residue to them and even bought a dress which she wore on holiday and returned. I was stunned at this behaviour and told her she was really taking the p&&& because she couldnt' do this on the High Street and she argued that the presenters tell us we can do this.

She has a point there though doesn't she? So if the MBG is subject to Terms and Conditions that condition should be announced on screen.

That really is appalling!
I know many that did that with M&S goods in the days when they would refund you on virtually anything! I'm no goody-goody, but I honestly couldn't do anything like that.......
I've been reading back through this thread with interest and the one thing I find myself agreeing with is that it would be a good idea if QVC did set up a message onscreen that the 30 day MBG is subject to Terms and conditions.

I remember the first time that I had heard of cheque hold was when I was temping somewhere and one of the girls there spotted me using L'Occitane hand cream. It was established that we both used QVC and she asked if I had heard of cheque hold. She said it's a great way to put something on hold whilst you decide whether you want it or not and if not chuck it out of your basket later. I said that usually I've decided before I order whether I want it or not and asked her whether she thought this fair to other customers. She then went on to say that she frequently ordered cosmetics and decanted them into smaller sizes, returning the residue to them and even bought a dress which she wore on holiday and returned. I was stunned at this behaviour and told her she was really taking the p&&& because she couldnt' do this on the High Street and she argued that the presenters tell us we can do this.

She has a point there though doesn't she? So if the MBG is subject to Terms and Conditions that condition should be announced on screen.

What a horrible, selfish, person. In the end, it's honest people who will pay for this woman's behaviour when the P&P charges are loaded, and the price of goods rises. :12:

With regard to "cheque hold", her comment that it's a way to "hold" goods while you decide seems to be a common misconception. Surely, the ten day "hold" should be the time when your cheque is being posted and processed. Perhaps if QVC included a pop-up box statement for those who choose cheque payment, things would be clearer all round. Perhaps a statement along the lines of "Whilst your statutory rights are not affected, this represents your intention to pay...blah, blah,blah...."

Regarding the returns policy, there have been times when I've felt that the presenters get over-excited about shifting units and their discussion around the 30 day MBG pretty much invites buyers to "get their use" out of something and then send it back. I think I've particularly noticed this with Pipa.
I'm the person who suggested that they try using a different computer, but I also suggested that they actually "buy" something that they really want, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. However, you're probably right that it is the address that is flagged, however, I got the impression that the OP really didn't want to lose her QVC account, and would learn to operate her account differently in the future. I'm not trying to condone bunging stuff in your basket on cheque hold, with little or no intention of buying the goods, but as far as I can see, this person obviously liked the look of the stuff, but kind of realised that they either couldn't afford some of it, or could live without it, not thinking that their actions could cause problems for the company, or for themselves. I also think that it's a little heavy handed of QVC to give a first and final warning all in one go, could they not have reminded her to check out the contents of her basket, or to make arrangements to cancel?
Don't think it's up to us to decide where and when this person shops, and if it is an addiction, they'll find somewhere else to spend their money, so a banning from QVC isn't really going to be that life changing! Personally, I think this poster has been given a bit of a rough ride on here, at worst, all they've done is to have been a little bit thoughtless!

I really do not think that we know the full story. But out of interest I wonder if a store, any store - would suspend a persons account without any previous discussion/contact?
Regarding the returns policy, there have been times when I've felt that the presenters get over-excited about shifting units and their discussion around the 30 day MBG pretty much invites buyers to "get their use" out of something and then send it back. I think I've particularly noticed this with Pipa.

Yes, and when selling cosmetics and pushing the 30 day MBG they say "you can't do that in a department store".
I really do not think that we know the full story. But out of interest I wonder if a store, any store - would suspend a persons account without any previous discussion/contact?

I do think you are right. We do not know the full story only the vague say 10 and paid for 3.

I have heard of stores banning people from going into them and shopping. Its usually shoplifters but their photo is put up and even if they want to actually buy something they are lead out by security.

Now I am not siding with QVC over this bit. But how many people actually read the terms and conditioners on most things. Credit cards, loans, buying on HP, getting a store card etc. The T&C are always in small print and no one reads them. I wander over to the moneysaving site and thread after thread is about my interest rate has gone up can they do this? The answer is yes, but you would know that if you read the T&Cs. The presenters are there to sell and they will not suddenly stop and read you a paragraph of T&Cs. I think though I don't really watch much QVC these days, that the 30 day MBG is not mentioned all that much.
The comment about presenters suggesting you get your use out of something and then return it made me LOL! I remember a presenter (can't recall which one though) selling a 30 day supply of facial Capsules, possibly Elemis, and quite clearly saying you could spend the first easy pay, get your capsules and use them and then return the jar before the second easy pay was due!! :drunk: I never heard such back pedalling in my life once she'd realised what she said, it was hilarious!! I bet the guys in her ear were going mental!! HAHA!

I used to have to put things on cheque hold as for a while I didn't have a debit card, if after a day or so I changed my mind I used to call QVC up and cancel the order, I just thought it was a common courtesy to do so, I wouldn't just let them lapse.

To be honest I don't see how you will get round it if they cancel your account. Plus QVC is not the be all and end all.

I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear.
sorry to bring this thread back up -but I have found it really interesting.

I've never used cheque hold,so its interesting to hear peoples views on it.

I have had the dreaded letter about returning over 50% and TBH I was really shocked to get it.Yes,I did have a phonecall beforehand - but from a woman who completely sympathised with my buying habits.

I had no idea it was in T&C and am really shocked now I do know about it that no presenter has ever metioned it.

I've never worn or used anything,I make up my mind when I open the parcel if I want it - and if I don't it goes back the same day or the next.I did go through a stage of trying out loads of things,as I didn't realise,I couldn't! If I even vaguley liked anything I would send for it,because I didn't think I had anything to loose.limited stock also made me order quicker and more on impulse.

I had the letter round about christmas time - and its done me a favour.I buy much much less because of it.Some of it on principle,some of it because I now realise it was habit - and TBH because,I don't want them to close my account.

I can't imagine watching it and not being to order - at all - ever again - and yes,although I'm a newbie to this forum and have come here for a bit of a laugh and a moan - I still want to be able to benefit from some of the items and prices of the things I like.

I do things the people who abuse the system - although maybe I fall into that category,without intention or realising it - do inflate the prices that we all moan about.
I think that's a very good point rainbowdottie. Like you, I don't want to keep harping on about this forever, but I think the problem is that if QVC keep offering the cheque hold option, they are setting themselves up to have the system abused.

If you have a cheque book you also have a debit card with it, and therefore can use a card like most customers do. Cheque hold as such is just buying time, giving people breathing space in which to decide.

QVC just get rid of it, problem solved. People subsequently returning stuff if they have purchased without thinking is another issue entirely. In these lean times I'm surprised this area hasn't been looked at to be honest.
I think that's a very good point rainbowdottie. Like you, I don't want to keep harping on about this forever, but I think the problem is that if QVC keep offering the cheque hold option, they are setting themselves up to have the system abused.

If you have a cheque book you also have a debit card with it, and therefore can use a card like most customers do. Cheque hold as such is just buying time, giving people breathing space in which to decide.

QVC just get rid of it, problem solved. People subsequently returning stuff if they have purchased without thinking is another issue entirely. In these lean times I'm surprised this area hasn't been looked at to be honest.

That would be unfair to people like my sister and many others who pay for alot of things using cheques.
It's not cheque hold though, it's cheque payment. People who have ordered selecting this method of payment and contacted QVC to cancel haven't had a problem. It just seems to be one member on the forum who has ordered a number of items and not paid and not contacted QVC to cancel who has had a problem.

As Yazrose points out it would be disappointing for people who use this facility as it is meant to be used if QVC withdrew it.
Hello all,

I agree that cheque payment is a valuable service for many people who do not have debit and credit cards. Many elderly people are cautious / wary of electronic payments and prefer to send a cheque. I also agree that the system is being abused by a minority of customers. This must be frustrating and perhaps instead of withdrawing the cheque payment facility, perhaps they could adopt a "three strikes and you're out" policy. This will sort out persistent offenders.

The shopping addiction theory is also very valid. I am an ITU nurse. Earlier this year, I was nursing a very sick patient who had attempted suicide. Their family found the patient on their settee, having consumed painkillers. Beside the patient was a letter from their credit card company, stating that "in line with their responsible lending policy", they had withdrawn the card facility and that the card may not be used for purchases and to return it to them immediately.

It subsequently came out that the patient, a middle aged gentleman, who was disabled and housebound, frequently bought goods from shopping channels using his debit and credit cards. He had only state benefits as income and had racked up immense debits at his bank and credit and store cards, catalogues etc... Depression fuelled a hoarding / shopping addiction, it was his way of communicating with people and made him feel valued and important as an individual. His family had no idea that he even felt so lonely and to their dismay, they had not been able to rescue him from these problems. I am absolutely certain that his is not the first case and neither will it be the last, though I wish it were.

This man never regained consciousness and died two days later.

I do not mean to upset or offend anybody but he was one of my patients whose story really touched me.

One positive outcome of this recession is that cards are not so readily being granted without proper, responsible credit checking. I truly hope that this checking continues and that shopping addicts may be saved from their own self-destructive behavior. It is a serious problem in today's society.

I cannot say that I entirely blame the individual companies for enabling his habit but i believe that the shopping on tv, the internet, catalogues do tempt vulnerable folk into buying for the sake of it. I am guilty of needless shopping on QVC and elsewhere and have plenty of impulse buys under my belt!

Anybody else agree about the "three strikes and you're out" idea?

On a ligter note, I have to say that I absolutely lurrrve farting! I have saved about 90.00 so far - in just one month! Makes me realise what a naughty girl I was until I joined my fellow flatulent chums on ST :)

Hope to hear your views,

Inge xx
A very sad story Inge, I can sort of understand the shopping addiction thing, I went mad for a bit but didnt get so bad that I would have been worried if they had threatened to close my QVC account luckily. FARTing has been a brilliant therapy for me and I am delighted with the way it is going. I havent bought from QVC for ages but have got a couple of things I wanted from other sources at a more respectable price so I am very happy.

I do agree with the three stikes idea Inge, It would be a real shame to penalise the majority for the recklessness of the few.
Thanks Bet, I'm glad i didn't upset you but it goes to show what an impact virtual shopping can have.

Inge xx
Thanks Bet, I'm glad i didn't upset you but it goes to show what an impact virtual shopping can have.

Inge xx

I think that these sort of tragedies need to be heard Inge. We may recognise ourselves or someone close to us from them and if can be a lifesaver if dealt with in the proper way. Years ago, when I used to watch Gems, one of the presenters said about a ring......if you cant afford it then wait for something you can, its not worth getting into debt for. I thought that was a lovely. genuine and caring thing to say.

You do a difficult job Inge,both physically and emotionally and its nice to know that you havent developed a barrier to stop you caring - something I would imagine is very easy to do for your own mental well being :flower:.

Bet x

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