I love the fact that I can catch up with so many people I'd otherwise never have seen again on FB. Sorry to those who don't like it but I'm a keen advocate of FB. There's some very interesting facts that we share around on there too.
Example-Just re-posted an article that was on my homepage today about beggars in poor countries with children, babies & toddlers who are constantly asleep in their arms. Seems that a number were monitored by concerned members of the public. The small children are continuously drugged & forced vodka. When they die they are dis-guarded and the next baby victim is found. The women aren't even their mothers. The money that can be made in tourist hot spots is ridiculous, hence it all done by organised gangs. Think about that when you next see a woman with a child asleep in her arms begging whilst abroad please.
Also-many campaigns against cruelty have been given a massive boost courtesy of decent people alerting others & taking part on Facebook.
I ended up being one of the forerunners of one such campaign myself. I discovered that a man due to be a crufts judge this year was reported by his own vet for unimaginable neglect to his own dog. He & his wife were successfully prosecuted by the RSPCA, yet Crufts/The Kennel Club thought it was still fine to maintain his position of judge for the breed of dogs he was prosecuted for being cruel & neglectful to. After posting about it it went kinda viral, someone even did a FB page about it. (The dog in question was riddled with cancer and had been in agony for months yet had never been to a vet until it had to be put to sleep by the vet who reported the man & his wife).
Crufts,The Kennel Club & a breeding club probably hated me & my fellow campaigners but they had to back down. David Blaxter was not a judge this year, mainly due to actions derived from FB. Judging by their public reaction they had no intention of changing their choice of judge for this year for Bull Mastiffs until FB & the media got involved. I believe Mr. Blaxter stood down, not b4 he called the people who campaigned "The underbelly of the dog world" allegedly, (what ever that means lol).
There's loads of very creative, hilarious and cute stuff on there too as well as all kinds of informative articles about nutrition, what's good, what's not etc.
You can alter settings, just like V said, it's really easy to do. Personally I think FB has done a massive amount of good overall.