Fallen Angel
TSV today, and now another one on Wednesday 2nd July.
I think feeling of constant Ultrasun presentations is exacerbated by the way Abbey drones onnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnn.
What I hate most is when she says "I want you to....." (eg, "I want you to take shade breaks", "I want you to apply this when you get up in the morning")
You WANT me to? Who are you to tell me what to do?! :mysmilie_51:
an expert on how to protect you from the sun? after all your skin is your biggest organ and you only get 1... but she is quite patronising.
It's the terminology she uses. "I want you to".
"I would advise you to" or "It would be a good idea to" is far more palatable and engaging.
Will two tubes be enough for 2 adults and a toddler in France for a fortnight?