Fallen Angel
There is a Ultrasun TSV on Thursday 2nd April.
Oh no! We are coming into the season of Ultrasun and the unbearable Any! I will be avoiding QVC like the plague as l can't stand the woman with her constant 'I want you to........'Her voice is like nails scraping down a blackboard!
I've used Superdrug's own brand with built in tan accelerator and it's a joy to use after struggling to spread Ultrasun (not sure which one probably spf20 or 30). None of our family got on well with Ultrasun, we even abandoned the giant pump bottle and bought P20 again mid holiday a couple of years ago. You can buy P20 with spf30 now. The only Ultrasun product that was ok on me is the face product but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy it.
To avoid Abbi and RJ I shall spend this summer in my garden wearing Superdrug SPF and trying not to kill off the robust young bedding plants I'll buy locally and feed with cheap and cheerful plant food! I do fancy a parasol though cos hats give me a hot head and a headache!