I second Juiius and his recommendation of Boots Soltan. I wrote about it on a thread recently, the last time Ultrasun reared its head. Having fallen for a multipack offer years ago because of Abi in hyper mode, I only realised afterwards that two stonking great bottles of F 20 are no use to someone who needs F 50. Didn't like the F 50 when I finally made another expensive purchase of Ultrasun, bulked out as someone else said, with after sun, which is only cream like Nivea etc.
Since then I have got Boots Soltan (being careful to get the packs labelled Once) for one a day application, and it has done me well. Shall be ordering this summer at a 3 for 2 offer time to stock up for India.
Since you have mentioned your 4 day writing freebie, Julius, I think it only fair that you throw open to competition the role of pencil carrier. I am ready for the audition.
Hello Quiet,
Yes Soltan is good, isn't it? Usually they do them on 2 for 1 around this time of year so I usually get one for the body, one for the face. Last year I noticed they changed the fragrance of the Soltan Once (body). It smelled like cat sick and I took it back. They said I could choose any product as an alternative so I picked the Soltan once spritz / spray for the body. It is superb. So now I have Soltan Once Face (30), Soltan Once body (30) spray, Soltan Baby (50) (for when I'm going out only for an hour or 2 so I don't waste my "Soltan" Once) and a big bottle of Soltan body (15 with tan accelerator) - not Once. I still got loads left over from last year and the bottle of 15 I still have in my flat in Lithuania, so I shall grab it when I'm there and use it all up.
It is nice to travel and stay somewhere nice at someone else's expense but I won't be doing much relaxing. I will be out all day researching and making notes, talking to people, taking photos etc. Then I have to write up the piece by Day 4 and send it with photos. If I don't bring home the bacon, I'm stuffed
BTW for lips I find there is nothing better than Uvistat SPF 50 stick. Expensive but offers 5* UVA protection. The cap changes colour under UV light. Products also contains tea tree and vit E so is soothing and healing. Alternatively Nivea do a lip SPF (comes in yellow stick tube) which is either SPF 25 or 30 and protects instantly.
Was in John Lewis in Oxford St today and they had Ultrasun in there. I forgot to go to Boots. Was too stressed out hunting flat caps / socks in Primark. Went into Debenhams to see if they had single L'Occitane soaps and they only had a gift set for £29, so sod that. Will get soap online.