f.a.r.t.s where are you save this soul from qvc redeem her back to f.a.r.t kingdom!:cash:
Crafting is not usually our domain as crafters are sensible and don't tend to impulse buy. (Do they?)
Are you kidding, crafters, not impulsive!!!
I stand corrected Choppysocks. In that case I'd better patrol the crafting threads with more care.
F.a.r.t reporting. Been at work all day. Crafting is not usually our domain as crafters are sensible and don't tend to impulse buy. (Do they?) However, if you don't need it don't buy it is what we f.a.r.ts say.
Simply put, another word for crafting is hording! :bandit:
OMG Loveheart, we are prob the worst! I have enough stuff in my craft room to sell back to QVC! I can't even remember what I have any more-ridiculous state of affairs! But today I have resisted-see the FARTS thread
so true, you should see my craft room :tongue2:
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