Too many groups spoil the broth?


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Registered Shopper
Oct 25, 2012
I know many of you don`t follow QVC`s facebook page but in recent weeks it appears to have died a death. QVC have put new rules in place and have been deleting posts, right, left and centre.
Consequently new groups are springing up everywhere. DF has gone private with her sycophantic groups and apparantly newly opened groups are heading the same way. Negative comments or threads deleted, everybody being ordered by over zealous admin to only be " nicey nicey " and talk about nothing but tsv`s or products. Sound familiar ?
I know QVC supposedly have a social media team but it strikes me that QVC are deliberately winding it down, not answering posts and ignoring many requests for information. With all these spin off groups and DF and other people doing their jobs for them, perhaps Q are planning a parting of the ways with FB.
RIP what was once an informative page and where views were aired, often vehemently and praise was sometimes heaped. In it`s place there`s a boiling pot full of wannabe power mad jokers forming various groups and thinking they`re running the World not a FB page and cracking virtual whips. Where will it all end ?
DF given an OBE for services to selly telly ? Other FB group admins sitting at their computers, fingers poised over a delete button with a swazika printed on it ? QVC`s own social media team queuing outside their nearest job centre ? Watch this space as the plot thickens but I`ve a feeling it will be us, the customers, facebook followers and human beings, who will have the last laugh on all of them !
What idiots!

A deluded organisation taking effort only to perpetuate their delusions.

Of course they don't need to move with the times... the sycophants don't complain about how out-dated and out-of-touch they are.
Of course they don't need to address p&p complaints... the sycophants don't complain about how extortionate they are.
I'm sure we could all list 100s of things they should be addressing, but won't while they continue to dwell in their own version of la-la land.

It doesn't appear to be part of the overall QVC culture - so when, why, and how has it all gone so wrong in the UK????
I honestly don't care whether they have a FB group, fan pages or anything else... as long as it doesn't affect my shopping habits.

If Q ever starts giving benefits for 'liking' on FB etc then I'll start caring - until then, I'll just carry on doing my own thing.
As I am not on FB it's interesting to read the shannigians of DBF and her followers.

As a nation who are quite rightly proud to say how their grandfathers fought for freedom of speech we seem to have allowed social media dictate our thinking for us. Thank goodness this forum is independent and free to express an opinion.

I was going to ask how on earth someone like DBF can generate the mass hysteria followers she seems to have in her groups but then I thought of some world leaders, founders of cults and zelbs and realised that some people are like lemmings and if it wasn't one thing it would be another. Not an original thought between them.
As I am not on FB it's interesting to read the shannigians of DBF and her followers.

As a nation who are quite rightly proud to say how their grandfathers fought for freedom of speech we seem to have allowed social media dictate our thinking for us. Thank goodness this forum is independent and free to express an opinion.

I was going to ask how on earth someone like DBF can generate the mass hysteria followers she seems to have in her groups but then I thought of some world leaders, founders of cults and zelbs and realised that some people are like lemmings and if it wasn't one thing it would be another. Not an original thought between them.

DBF, Uncle Tom Cobbley, next door`s cat, they`re all on the bandwagon opening groups. I think ST should decamp to FB as well lol and start a QVC appreciation or depreciation page !
DBF, Uncle Tom Cobbley, next door`s cat, they`re all on the bandwagon opening groups. I think ST should decamp to FB as well lol and start a QVC appreciation or depreciation page !

Please don't! I don't and won't engage with Facebook.
Thank god for this forum then that allows people to speak out without fear of over-zealous censorship.
Face book can create more problems than it solves from what I can see.Its ideal for power hungry people who might not otherwise have a platform..Thats why I'm very glad I'm not into it. Sounds like Q let things get out of hand and are reaping the reward.
I have never joined Facebook, and the more I hear about it, like QVC's and DF's censorship, the more it seems like a device to allow nonentities to wield power as if they were a North Korean dictator.
No I don't do FB either but I can see the benefits of it, it's just never been for me. I can also see the negatives too, were groups can bully and intimidate people who join their page and have a.....(gasp!! dare I say it!!).... a negative view, like the one DF sounds like she runs, if you don't tow the line you're out, not a FB group page more of a cult.
Well I was banned from the QVC FB page in January, I can still read some it seems cannot even do that) which is a bit weird. I do pop in for a nose, and its people praising QVC to high heaven or people complaining about service they received from them. Auto deliveries going wrong, damaged products and not arriving at all seem to be the main themes. Some ask question as said never answer(you can see the tumble weed blowing past:mysmilie_17:), some others try to it should not be up to them. A few used to post the monthly magazine with free gifts, this has been going on for a few years. Suddenly that was banned and anyone trying to do it got a major slapped wrist and may have been banned.

Don't worry QVC is all about Twitter now and tapping the adapt, that is all they are interested in.
This all sounds to me like they're just clamping down on any negativity, which is stupid because if you don't know what the negatives are, you can't address them.
The problem with social media is that it gives a platform to those who either like the sound of their own voices, or love to complain - and all facebook groups have their share of over-contributors who like to push for heated debate, and deliberately change the emphasis on innocuous topics - and that leaves the admins on those pages facing a choice when the mishchief-makers start taking over... either they have to censor more, or close down.
For me, it's insulting to be referred to as a sycophant because I don't complain on QVC's social media - do not assume that because I don't complain that I'm completely happy with everything that happens in QVC land, because I do think they need to review their postage charges, but if the total cost to get an item delivered to me outweighs the saving on the goods - I just don't order.
I've been shopping with QVC for nearly 20 years, and can genuinely say that I've never had a reason to complain. My goods have all arrived safely, in perfect condition, and my lovely Hermes lady is delivering my Christmas orders within 48 hours at the moment........ am I in a tiny minority of happy shoppers who carefully choose what we buy, and am happy with those purchases, and the service I have received .... or one of the silent majority?
This all sounds to me like they're just clamping down on any negativity, which is stupid because if you don't know what the negatives are, you can't address them.

Here's a novel concept for Q, you can reduce negative comments by improving the service you offer.

To whom do I submit me consultancy fee invoice? :mysmilie_19:
to be fair on the "official" facebook page there are some absolute nutters who are like blood sucking insects and are beyond rude. i sometimes feel sorry for the admin team having to police the rubbish thats spoken on there
The problem with social media is that it gives a platform to those who either like the sound of their own voices, or love to complain - and all facebook groups have their share of over-contributors who like to push for heated debate, and deliberately change the emphasis on innocuous topics - and that leaves the admins on those pages facing a choice when the mishchief-makers start taking over... either they have to censor more, or close down.
For me, it's insulting to be referred to as a sycophant because I don't complain on QVC's social media - do not assume that because I don't complain that I'm completely happy with everything that happens in QVC land, because I do think they need to review their postage charges, but if the total cost to get an item delivered to me outweighs the saving on the goods - I just don't order.
I've been shopping with QVC for nearly 20 years, and can genuinely say that I've never had a reason to complain. My goods have all arrived safely, in perfect condition, and my lovely Hermes lady is delivering my Christmas orders within 48 hours at the moment........ am I in a tiny minority of happy shoppers who carefully choose what we buy, and am happy with those purchases, and the service I have received .... or one of the silent majority?

I don’t mean this in any derogatory way to you as a person but I’m afraid that you HAVE been lucky in your dealings with Q.
Over the years the quality has diminished to non existent, and unfortunately the much acclaimed customer services have gone down the Suwannee as well.
Q is an organisation stuck in the 90’s but trying to tack on 2015 technology in their trendy twatting and other social media and the whole organisation needs a complete overhaul.
I often wonder if they were as bad in the old days but without the means to go on line and check out the competition we were unaware of it and in those days we would never ever have had the notion that reviews were manipulated.
This coupled with the vast reduction in choice of products (especially if you don’t do beauty) means that I have gone from being a big big spender to spending very little now and I know I am not alone in this, so it must say something about the whole system. The money is there to spend but not with Q.
As I am not on FB it's interesting to read the shannigians of DBF and her followers.

As a nation who are quite rightly proud to say how their grandfathers fought for freedom of speech we seem to have allowed social media dictate our thinking for us. Thank goodness this forum is independent and free to express an opinion.

I was going to ask how on earth someone like DBF can generate the mass hysteria followers she seems to have in her groups but then I thought of some world leaders, founders of cults and zelbs and realised that some people are like lemmings and if it wasn't one thing it would be another. Not an original thought between them.

So true, look at the reaction Donald Trump gets in his rallies. It seems like he can say any outrageous and unsubstantiated nonsense and they all cheer. Scary.

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