Today I bought....


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I just tracked down which bag you were talking about. I liked It. Sadly when I am out there is no way I get away with a bag that small, lol. I seem to carry half the world about with me! If you like it and reckon it is beautifully made then the price doesn’t sound bad to me. 😀

I noticed that when on with the BA who is an older, posher lady who speaks fairly slowly, Alison did not go into her rapid fire delivery. She was much better than usual.

I used it for the first time today and it was ideal, and the purse that comes with it has room for more than just a few coins, so I've got my vending fob and locker key in there as well. The posh lady suggested you could store your mask in there, but as coins aren't the most hygienic things in the world I don't think I'd want my mask next to them, or even where they've been. My mask for work is snood style anyway so it's always around my neck. It would be totally no good for anything other than what I'm using it for, or maybe a night out where you literally want to take the bare necessities. New jumper has arrived already (less than 2 days after ordering and free P&P). Probably could've got away with the smaller size, but it's a relaxed fit without being too baggy so I'll not bother to exchange it. Tried it on with a few things and I'm very happy with it..Hopefully my urge for buying stuff will start to wane now. I literally can't think of anything I need, that isn't wine lol!
I haven't bought anything since Q told me my Cozee TSV has likely walked. I hope the **** that nicked it is allergic to it and freezes to death. See, I'm not that nice after all 👿 I really wanted that set for my caravan. Now I'll have to socially snuggle up to Mr CC to keep warm. Ah! Wait! The heated blanket did arrive . . . .

😛😛 (off to bed)

Don’t hold back .. tell us what you really think 🤣👍
Each to their own and all that, and who am I to say what people should spend their money on...but browsing the customer comments on FB earlier I came across this - and this totally illustrates the bad side of shopping telly addiction. Hope this "collector" has somewhere they can actually sit down, can keep up with all the dusting and has enough money to bury themselves (if they're not buried alive under that lot)! As much as I love teddy bears that is actually quite scary and not a pleasant sight!
bears 2.jpg
Each to their own and all that, and who am I to say what people should spend their money on...but browsing the customer comments on FB earlier I came across this - and this totally illustrates the bad side of shopping telly addiction. Hope this "collector" has somewhere they can actually sit down, can keep up with all the dusting and has enough money to bury themselves (if they're not buried alive under that lot)! As much as I love teddy bears that is actually quite scary and not a pleasant sight!View attachment 19733View attachment 19734
Never mind the teddies, why is there a fried egg hanging on the wall?
Never mind the teddies, why is there a fried egg hanging on the wall?

Cause there's no room to put it elsewhere?! Also seen pictures of some people's yankee candle collections and they look like ****** shops. They don't look decorative or attractive, it looks like you've walked into a shop that sells Yankee candles. I'm all for having a nice collection of candles to burn, but I keep mine on a shelf in a cupboard and bring them out one at a time when I'm actually gonna use them. There's definitely some unhealthy shopping addictions out there!
My ex brother in laws wife was in poor health, and housebound. She had a frightening collection of dolls everywhere, some in glass display cabinets, some just sitting about on chairs and shelves. I know she paid a fortune for them,
. Anyway,she died a couple of years ago, and the next time I went to visit him lo and behold, not a doll or display cabinet to be seen! I think they all went straight to the charity shop PDQ.
I always think when it comes to collections that things can spiral out of control very easily, and what starts off as a few well chosen and atrractive looking pieces, can turn into a hideous nightmare, even if you know when to stop, you'll find that well meaning friends and relatives will continue to add to your collection for birthdays and xmas whether you like it or not. My (ego) mate loves dragons and her collection is out of control, they're hanging from the ceiling, on the walls, in the cabinets, on the shelves and it really isn't a good look and her front room looks like a new age gift shop from the 1990's and doesn't look as though it's been dusted since then! Another mate has a massive collection of salt and pepper pots, but now she's at least recognised that the collection has got out of hand and has told people not to buy her any more. Personally I don't understand why people would want to fill their homes with "collections". I guess it's quite difficult to control though, you see something you like, so you get another one, then another one and before you know it, what looked lovely and tasteful has become an eyesore!
I have a friend who collects those lifelike baby dolls, I think they`re called reborns. I`ve spoken about her before and she lives in an old house with lots of dark woodwork and dark furniture and she has her dolls in her dining room. They`re in moses baskets, in a pram, on shelves, in large dark wood and glass cabinets and so on and you have to walk through the dining room to get to the kitchen. It`s downright ****** spooky and I hate to say it but its how I really feel, it resembles a funeral parlour filled with babies. It literally makes me shiver but she loves the damned things (her hubby hates them) , she spends a fortune on them because they tend t be special orders and each time I visit I have to see her latest addition.
There`s no psychological or emotional reason behind her wanting a house full of lifelike babies, she just likes them and every so often she cleans them, changes their outfits changes their poses and moves them around. I hate the damned things and whenever I visit and she asks me to go look at her new ones, I can see her hubby raise his eyebrows and an audible tut from him.
Oh and I forgot to add that each one has a name.
I have a friend who collects those lifelike baby dolls, I think they`re called reborns. I`ve spoken about her before and she lives in an old house with lots of dark woodwork and dark furniture and she has her dolls in her dining room. They`re in moses baskets, in a pram, on shelves, in large dark wood and glass cabinets and so on and you have to walk through the dining room to get to the kitchen. It`s downright ****** spooky and I hate to say it but its how I really feel, it resembles a funeral parlour filled with babies. It literally makes me shiver but she loves the damned things (her hubby hates them) , she spends a fortune on them because they tend t be special orders and each time I visit I have to see her latest addition.
There`s no psychological or emotional reason behind her wanting a house full of lifelike babies, she just likes them and every so often she cleans them, changes their outfits changes their poses and moves them around. I hate the damned things and whenever I visit and she asks me to go look at her new ones, I can see her hubby raise his eyebrows and an audible tut from him.

Oh dear..that sounds most horrendous. I know a lady at work who's got a few of those. I really don't mean to offend anyone here, but I don't understand adults wanting dolls or teddy bears. I can get maybe one that reminds them of a doll or bear that they had in their childhood, or even keeping hold of an old teddy or doll that they have had since childhood..but for me..dolls are to be played with not displayed in people's houses looking spooky! And on a positive note...seeing this collection has totally dampened my appetite for buying stuff..the urge has totally gone, so that's good. Hope it lasts!
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Each to their own and all that, and who am I to say what people should spend their money on...but browsing the customer comments on FB earlier I came across this - and this totally illustrates the bad side of shopping telly addiction. Hope this "collector" has somewhere they can actually sit down, can keep up with all the dusting and has enough money to bury themselves (if they're not buried alive under that lot)! As much as I love teddy bears that is actually quite scary and not a pleasant sight!View attachment 19733View attachment 19734
Yikes!!! That has me concerned for the mental health as well as the bank balance of the owner.
'I always think when it comes to collections that things can spiral out of control very easily, and what starts off as a few well chosen and atrractive looking pieces, can turn into a hideous nightmare, even if you know when to stop, you'll find that well meaning friends and relatives will continue to add to your collection for birthdays and xmas whether you like it or not '.
You're so right Merry. Can buying all the books written by an author you enjoy be seen in this way or are book collections different? My Mr T loves football & has the beginnings of a mug collection - ugly crockery that's crowded together on top of the bookshelves in his study & looks totally out of place next to his beautiful first edition climbing books. The only good thing about unattended football matches has been the end of this buying spree. I do admit to having a bear sitting on our sofa, he's a Boyds bear called Donovan & came from the Q & one on the stairs that I found squished down the side of a shelf in the PDSA shop, no way to treat a Deans bear, so I had to buy her. As for reborn dolls :eek::eek::eek:
Has anyone ever heard of a travel doll? Some years ago we had a visit from an American couple, well educated, rational people, and she showed me this cheap little doll that she took with her and changed its clothes every day when she was away. To her it was normal to talk about a travel doll, but to me it was, well, odd for an educated, middle-aged woman to do. But maybe it's me who's odd.

But those teddies!! How sad. It's like not being able to part with "stuff" same as these super hoarders you see on reality tv. But if they're QVC bears, the two Charlies and Bill will be happy, pockets lined all the way to the bank.
Today apparently I bought something else! Yep Q have kindly helped themselves to the money to pay for my gingerbread tin I’d got on advanced order. I was expecting the money to come out at the beginning of November at the least , as when I ordered it said delivery would be sent on 9th Nov. I certainly wasn’t expecting the funds to be taken before my October pay date! I had to think hard about buying that bag because I needed to make sure my money lasted the month. Anyway- it’s ****** tight, but I can literally just about scrape through! That’s not the point though, this could’ve easily put me into overdraft. I most certainly won’t be buying anything on advance orders ever again! Although the Slatkin candles have already on order. Dread to think when they’ll take that.. gonna have to keep a close eye !

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