Someone stop me buying another handbag. It's a little Frank usher quilted crossbody bag with chain/"leather" handle...I normally hate chain handles but I think this bag is really cute and it has a little coin purse inside that you can attach your keys to. I have finally found my "forever bag" which I use a lot, I have another bag that was supposed to be my forever bag but it was too small so I use it for nights out 'cause I really like it. I have three tote bags, 2 medium and one enormous (great for serious shopping and collecting parcels). I've still got my Miche bag but rarely use as it's a very formal shape but I still use it on occassions. I have a bag shaped like a rubber chicken which I now don't use as my tastes are a lot more conservative lately..and a pleather backpack which I thought would be handy when riding my bike..but I tend to use a big canvas one if I'm going anywhere other than work on the bike. I was thinking that the little Frank Usher would be handy to wear to work, although it's a bit "dressy". At the moment I've commandeered OH's holiday bumbag to wear to work 'cause it holds all I need, even a little folded up canvas shopper. It's probably all I need (although it's technically not mine) but I love this little bag and want it..but then do I and with p&p it's nearly £40...I know I'll end up buying it but I wish I didn't have the urge.....I really really don't need it. It won't cause any more clutter 'cause I can store inside one of my totes..I've got 2 medium ones cos OH bought me a shocking pink one a few years back but as I say it's not really to my taste any more, but I use it to store bits and bobs in...a mobile junk drawer if you like..don't have the heart to chuck it out...Got stop looking at Q!