I'd be interested to know how long they're going to give this model before they have to throw in the towel? I'm a bit confused, well very confused . We've been told that the channel owe money right left and centre, yet they've been able to pay for a total rebranding and at the same time keep price drop on the air, or does this mean that they just added another creditor to the long list when this was done? Or did they just hire Gollum's kid to knock something up on daddy's pooter?! Don't get me wrong I hope the don't have to throw in the towel, but there's very few changes I can see that is going to compel a new generation of viewers to spend their money with them. P&P's still way too high, delivery times are even longer - a "per order" delivery charge wouldn't have been a bad start. Phone call on the surface is cheaper and if the call is kept down to five minutes or less, great, but somehow, just somehow I can't see that happening very often. Sorry but the heavy foreign accents from the operatives will more often that not have the caller asking them to repeat themselves, and the operatives themselves no doubt will be instructed to ask the caller to repeat themselves as often as they can get away with, and are probably told to repeat back everything the caller has said...so adds up! Buy via the web then? I will, but I'm sure they're banking on a lot of older people who perhaps don't have a computer, who may be a little hard of hearing etc to phone in at their own expense! Really not convinced by this!