Having problem with Very.com not sure what to do next!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I am a long standing, extremely frequent shopper with Very.com. I've had no trouble with them in the past until recently. I ordered a fairly heavy, extra long sterling silver belcher chain and it cost me £55. When it came through the post the packet seemed worryingly light, and when I opened up the box inside there laid a much shorter, much thinner, normal silver chain (sort of thing you'd pay a tenner for in Argos). However the number on the little tag attached to the chain, when checked bore the same catalogue number as the item I'd ordered. Rather than just send it back and re-order I thought I'd call C/S to explain what happened as I was a little worried I may be accused of swapping the chains over myself! When I finally got through to somebody I spoke to a young lady, for whom English was obviously not her first language. After a very lengthy conversation I eventually managed to get her to understand what had happened and she was extremely apologetic and helpful. She advised me to return the package, but i'd have to re-order a new one, she said she'd processed the refund and that it should show up on my account in a few days. I have since received the replacement and it's perfect. However now I have checked my account I see that I've been refunded the value of the cheap chain £19...a deficit of £36. They have no email address so I had no choice but to go through the rigmarole of phoning CS once more. Again my call was answered by another lady with very broken English , but this time she just could not "get" what I was trying to tell her, she said she'd put me on hold if that was ok, and speak to a supervisor. She came back to me and pretty much said that because I'd re ordered as opposed to just letting them send out a replacement (This option wasn't offered btw, I was told I needed to re-order) that it was my fault and there's nothing she can do to help me!!!! I told her in no uncertain terms that this is totally wrong and unacceptable, but she kept insisting that I'd got the replacement...but couldn't seem to get the gist that I'd been charged for it. I told her that the replacement has nothing to do with it. In essence I've been charged £55 for a £19 product which I have sent back but have only received £19 back...she just could not grasp what I was saying. I told her I would like to take the matter higher, so she asked whether somebody could call be back within the hour...unfortunately I had to go out so they're supposed to be calling tomorrow afternoon. I'm kinda worried they won't and I'll have to call again, or if they do call they'll still not help. Obvs I'll have to wait but I'm disgusted with this treatment, and wondered what I should do next if I have no joy tomorrow..Any ideas?
I've just been on their site and there's a section - How To Make A Complaint and a postal address. Personally I would write to them and just explain about receiving the wrong amount. I wouldn't bother telling them about the second call it would just cloud the issue. Good Luck.
Thanks folks...I'll try resolver should they not contact me tomorrow...Really can't be doing with phoning them again and going through it all over again. If they had an email address you could simply explain exactly what you're trying to say without interruptions. Takes bloody long enough to get through to someone, and then to be met with someone who can't understand what you're saying just adds insult to injury. What staggers me is that they've got my details in front of them on their screens so they can actually see..that the refund doesn't correspond with the amount I paid, they can also see that I didn't order a cheapo chain for £19...so why have they refunded me for one? Unless of course they think I received the expensive one, put in a cheap replacement and sent that back. They should also see that I've been a customer for years who has spent a small fortune with them, and has always paid on time. £36 is £36 and I shan't be taking this lying down!
I read the money-saving site and in the consumer part, there are always complaints about Very.

People returning stuff and still being charged, items breaking down and they try to pass the buck when under consumer law it is up to them to sort it out.
Someone is supposed to be calling me around 4pm to discuss this. I just hope that they'll understand what I'm trying to say. It's quite simple...I've been sent the wrong item, charged for the right item (more expensive) but refunded for the wrong item that I sent back (£36 pounds cheaper). It's not rocket science. However I've been going round in circles on the phone speaking to operators who aren't grasping what I'm saying, and to be honest I'm struggling to understand what they're saying back due to the heavy accents...It's so frustrating. I'm hoping that if some does call that English is their first language as communication is much easier. For obvious reasons I cannot request to speak to someone who's English, as I'd be closed down very quickly indeed...and quite rightly so, however trying to explain a situation over the telephone isn't great at the best of times, so again frustrating that they don't have an email address for customer service. If I don't hear anything this by this evening..I shall open a case with resolver in the morning. There's absolutely no way I'm going to go through phoning them again. Should they refuse to reimburse me..again I'll take the matter further and withdraw my custom forthwith!
OMG! The plot thickens...but it's sorted- I've been told that the full refund amount should appear on my account later on today...I chuffin' well hope so! I decided that I would make a last ditch attempt to speak to somebody at customer service. Obviously the call centre is based overseas so no joy on speaking to someone with a clearer accent. Explained very concisely that I returned an item that I'd paid £55 but only received a refund for £19. I didn't mention being sent the wrong item, reordering etc..I literally just put it like that. I was put on hold, lady got back to me and then said she'd have to telephone the correct department in order to arrange my refund...Waited another good five minutes, to be told that I'd be better off actually speaking to that department myself and she put me through. I spoke to a young man this time who explained that for some reason that the refund of £19 related to a silver chain I bought from them back in January! What he said is that he'd debit the £19 back onto my account as I still have that product..then process the refund for £55. Very strange...I actually get the impression that they thought that I'd ordered the expensive chain, kept it, replaced it with the cheaper item and tried to sent it back for a larger amount of money! This is the reason I phoned customer service in the first place as opposed to just sending the product back without calling them first. I'm not sure how if asked I could actually prove that this wasn't the case, unless I had a representative from the company with me from the moment I received the item through the post and opened it in front of them...Even photographic or video evidence could be fake. Like I say I shan't be breathing any major sighs of relief until I see the money's been credited back to me...What can I learn from this? I most certainly will never order any items of jewellery from them again, and should I need to make any returns in the future I'll simply fill out the returns form, take it back to the post office and leave customer service well out of it!
Keep checking my account, even though he said it'll show up in a few hours time..but frankly quite scared that it won't...I know I'm pre empting problems that may not even happen..but how on God's earth if I do end up having to take the matter further, be able to explain what happened without it looking like I've swapped the items over. I'd literally forgotten that I'd ordered the other chain back at the start of the year, I'm actually wearing it now cos I bought it to replace one that I broke last christmas! What a bloody complicated palaver eh? Please folks keep everything crossed for me!
I can understand your anxiety but if you still have the earlier bracelet you can prove you didn’t swap it over. And the young man who you last spoke too said they refunded the earlier bracelet in error - so their mistake. Try to stay calm or you’ll make yourself ill.
Well blow me down! The money's back on my account. Talk about a relief! Reading all the reviews they're a terrible company when something goes wrong..The review site shows 48% bad reviews, 30% are good and the rest are shared between poor and ok. To be fair to the company most people won't bother to pass comment if everything's hunky dory. I mean I've been a satisfied customer of theirs for many years and not once have I ever posted a review on their good service, yet as soon as something went wrong I was livid and would have happily added to the pile of bad reviews had this issue not been resolved. This has left me quite wary though, as now I know that customer service is based overseas, and there's no email address to contact, do I really want to go through all this hassle again should something else go wrong?...and the answer has got to be no!" This incident has left a massive dent in the confidence I had in this company.
Omg...It gets better! Mix up with the three chains...cheap one I was sent it error, sent back and given refund for £19 instead of £55, then turning out they'd refunded a cheap one I'd bought months ago. Sorted....adjustment made regarding £19 put back on account ..but then taken off again to cancel it out..and full £55 refund given, then bizarrely saw the £19 refund had been applied again, and then today I got a cheque in the post for £19. They only owed me £55 and I've ended up getting £93. Result!!! To be fair I'd be more than happy to tell them of their error as I don't like to be dishonest..but in this instance I'm not contacting customer service again, as God knows what might happen...Anyway, I feel I've been more than compensated for my trouble albeit accidental!!!
I've actually started filming myself opening packages over the last few years. I've had several problems with missing items and trouble with customer services with almost every company I've dealt with lately.

If I order anything from Holland & Barrett I now film not only opening the box but opening the containers and counting the tablets - a result of a package containing 42 instead of the advertised 100! Having said that, their CS was excellent. They didn't ask for evidence, just promptly sent a new bottle out, telling me to keep the original.

If I order ANYTHING from Q I keep the original show on my planner and keep screenshots because the presenters lie so much. The minute I refer to my recordings I'm passed on to someone higher up and refunded or had the complaint sorted.

I had to get Trading Standards involved with a complaint over a Kuhn Rikon pot that the non stick was coming off. I eventually got a reply from TS but I also emailed KR directly who told me they would replace the pot directly if Q was still being difficult. I forwarded the TS reply about my rights and had a snitty call from Q telling me they were refunding me but to keep the pot as it would be cheaper than refunding me the cost, postage and sending a freebie returns label (the pot was the tall coloured one that was a TSV a few years ago that had awful reviews about the coating).

If in doubt with damaged packaging or something that feels too light film it.
Don't blame you for doing that, especially as online shopping has so many potential problems, wrong item sent, damaged goods, lost in transit, damaged in transit, items not sent at all but charged for it...the list is exhaustive. Even though my problem left me in pocket...I could've done without the hassle that's for sure. Least in a shop you can examine, try on what you're going to buy and then if there are any subsequent issues you can return it to the shop with the receipt and get it sorted there and then. Very has absolutely terrible reviews, however most of it boils down to their piss poor customer service department. I love the convenience of online but I really wish it hadn't had such a damaging effect on the high street!

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