The wedding, the honeymoon.... Now it's "my new house"


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Jun 24, 2008
Yes, Caramel is moving into a new house in the summer.

Can you imagine the mileage she's gonna get out of that???
ooh Carmel and her voice annoys me, where's the wrinkly nose one gone, has she left - not seen her for ages.
You know what they say about a new house ....... it can herald the arrival of a new baby. That'll give enough mileage to get to the moon and back. :thinking:
You know what they say about a new house ....... it can herald the arrival of a new baby. That'll give enough mileage to get to the moon and back. :thinking:

It might also give us a break when she goes on maternity leave!
Anything she's flogging at the time she'll have to get for her new house/garden. The place will be bursting at the seams with pure tat (if we believe her of course).
I can see it now - Northern Nights bedding, Kelly Hoppen lampshades, Peony flaaares and the latest Oreck - for her cleaner to use.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a major Carmel fan but give the girl some slack.

Yes she went on about her wedding but she was obviously just excited as anyone would be. It must be nerve wracking knowing you have so many people watching you so you will try and talk about things you feel confident with

More than anything she is extremely young and has just lost her mum...she will be trying to focus on anything 'happy' eg a new house......she's not hurting anyone and I say good on her for keeping going during a horrible time
Don't get me wrong I'm not a major Carmel fan but give the girl some slack.

Yes she went on about her wedding but she was obviously just excited as anyone would be. It must be nerve wracking knowing you have so many people watching you so you will try and talk about things you feel confident with

More than anything she is extremely young and has just lost her mum...she will be trying to focus on anything 'happy' eg a new house......she's not hurting anyone and I say good on her for keeping going during a horrible time

And I say be careful of making the sale too personal. It will come back and bite you on the arse.
I am tired of hearing about how when she arrived at her honemoon destination she realised that she had only packed maxi dresses. I can only bear her for so long so I can only imagine how many times she says the same thing. She's a bit tedious but will probably improve with time.
I agree with giving her some slack, but she is a sales person not an entertainer. I do not care what she has/wants/would look good in her whatever/on her I like details of the product. I have to say I am not a fan of hers, but heavens she really milks the " make it personal" touch or "engage with the viewer by making them like you". And that can lead to even more criticism later
I am tired of hearing about how when she arrived at her honemoon destination she realised that she had only packed maxi dresses. I can only bear her for so long so I can only imagine how many times she says the same thing. She's a bit tedious but will probably improve with time.

Oh, please, Carmel, credit your viewers with a bit more intelligence than that. Surely anyone who packs a Suitcase knows what they've put in it. If you're going to tell fibs, at least make them a bit more plausible.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a major Carmel fan but give the girl some slack.

Yes she went on about her wedding but she was obviously just excited as anyone would be. It must be nerve wracking knowing you have so many people watching you so you will try and talk about things you feel confident with

More than anything she is extremely young and has just lost her mum...she will be trying to focus on anything 'happy' eg a new house......she's not hurting anyone and I say good on her for keeping going during a horrible time

extremely young? she's in her 30's so hardly a teenager lol
Erm... Sorry but we still need our mums even in our 30's. In fact I could not have coped without my mum when I got married/moved house/had my babies at ages 34, 36 and 38 respectively. They have all been happy, stressful and the last one even traumatic so without my lovely mum I would not have coped. I often feel very sorry for those who dont have their mums for whatever reason and regularly count my blessings, especially when she drives me potty telling me I drink too much white wine. But she's right.

I like Carmel, apart from her incessant use of the word "Phenomenal". I can relate to her more than any of the other female presenters. Dont forget the newlywed/new mums on maternity leave who also watch QVC. I would rather watch Carmel than Jill, and find I dont have much in common with JR, AY KT, AK or JH (although I dont dislike them at all). Oh, and I love Julian and Craig.... Especially when they try to sell me a handbag!
Erm... Sorry but we still need our mums even in our 30's.

I don't think anyone has said they don't, Queen Bee was just replying to a post stating Camel was "extremely young", which she's not really, being in her thirties.

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