Debbie Flint hinted a few days ago that she and her family of Vaccine Volunteers will be featuring in an article in the Sun newspaper on Saturday. I took a look today wnd indeed the Flint family does feature in the article. There are photos and a few lines about a number of other volunteers. However, The Flint family dominate the article with far more text than the others. Yes, there are more of them but still...... I stress again how much I thank and respect all those who are giving their time to serve us all but why does Debbie Flint seem to never miss an opportunity to self publicise? No doubt many will disagree with me, as is their right, but I can’t help feeling that pushy Ms Flint would have ensured she supplied the paper with the maximum of text to dominate the article. That’s my impression because that’s how she operates. Publicity seeking attention seeker.
I thank all volunteers who quietly and selflessly give up their time for the benefit of us all. Debbie Flint does not shut up about it. She is obsessed with filming and sharing on Social Media everything she does from going for a walk to having a cup of tea.
I thank all volunteers who quietly and selflessly give up their time for the benefit of us all. Debbie Flint does not shut up about it. She is obsessed with filming and sharing on Social Media everything she does from going for a walk to having a cup of tea.