the scary ladies of QVC!


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Keeley,a bit on the edge and unpredictable.
Harald..not technically a lady but scary plastic man!
Liz Earle..a smile that never quite reaches the eyes.
Another vote for Kim. She looked positively scary in the 7 o'clock hour. Big hair, too much slap and eyes fixed wide open without blinking. All that forced giggling too, she must be on something surely??
Another vote for Kim. She looked positively scary in the 7 o'clock hour. Big hair, too much slap and eyes fixed wide open without blinking. All that forced giggling too, she must be on something surely??

Maybe she should sell that instead of that God awful cheap stuff she peddles.:happy: I can't watch her, she is just dreadful.
I like her! She is a cheery person who seems to love her work. I don't yet have any of her clothes as dhe does not do tailoring for work or maternity wear as I have been preggers twice in 18 months. However some of the prints are very pretty. I didn't like the TSV though. I think it's just the accent she has, the Canadian equivalent of American Southern drawl. I can think of a few British accents that are much much worse. Anyhow, she's been laughing all the way to the bank for many years and she still comes over smiling on our screens a few times a year. I also like Canadian design in clothes. By pure coincidence my wedding dress, and the one that was my second choice were both Canadian so I have a positive impression of Canadian design. Apart from design, does anyone have any of her clothes? Are they made in Canada or China?

To return to the thread, mine are Tova (of course), and Suarti. If I could choose honorary women I would include Simon Wilson and Lenny of Nina Leonard.
But every woman presenter has a "type" or " demographic" dont they?

Jill Franks- single woman/self obsessed/spends money on frivolities for herself and her "girlfriends"

Jolly-Hockey-Sticks Halliday- part time mumsy, likes to buy soft furnishings for second home.

Debbie "Camden Market" Flint.. will sell anything to anybody, does not discriminate. BUY 2 of these incontinence gadgets, one for you, one for your bessie mate who will thank you for it, I promise you.

Me Me and More Me Julia Roberts. Appeals to all the husbands and Simon Wilson. Women copy her style and buy what she buys. A good presenter though. And in case you didnt know, she wears a size small.

Kathy Taylor. Normal woman. Not in the slightest bit vain. A mum. More beautiful than she realises. I like her.

Pippa Whatever. The mum who you cant believe is really a mum. The " go- getter" fast- paced busy mum, blink and you have missed her. Belongs in the 80's singing with the human league really.

Carmel. Appeals to the 30 something newly-wed just like me. Leave her alone, I like her!

There is a Q presenter for everyone, If I have missed anyone or anyone has a different take on anyone....over to you!
I want to know if the Suarti lady walks out on the street with that headgear on.
Very good !! You've pretty much naled it except that Julia Roberts doesn't appeal to ANY men that I know...married or not,and that includes me. I agree with you about Kathy Taylor too.
Then you have smarmy ,creepy ,Guy Smiley..Dale.Loathsome & Annoying camp little Craig who I have to switch off whenever he presents Computers etc ( all I watch on QVC more or less).He's cringeworthy,and was especially so when he was trying to flirt with the guy who sells the Click Free onQVC.
They all annoy at sometime or other (maybe my age but the older I get the less patience I seem to have, I used to have the patience of a saint or so I was told but not now!! ) when they start saying they bought this for their best friend mother brother etc..I really don`t want to know, the assistant in M&S doesn`t give forth all this personal info.. I want them to research the product and not cover their lack of knowledge with inane drivel!! Can you imagine them wearing a `fib monitor` whilst presenting that bleeps when they are telling porkies......half of them would be lost for words not being able to` embellish` their presentations!!
Not sure whether it was JR or JF that said they have spoken for 12 minutes on an ordinary lead pencil !!!!! now THATS a talent to write home about isn't it ?

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