The 'Grinning Idiot' (Craig)


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Thanks Kathy,
I was beginning to think it was just me!:clapping:

But even if it was just you, it doesn't make your opinion any less valid! I can understand your reaction, in as much as the presenters that I don't like actually make me scream at the telly - "sillysausage" Claire Sutton can drive me mad sometimes!!!!! Thank goodness we all like different people, as QVC would be boring if we were all the same
I like Craig actually out of all the male presenters. I think he comes across as down to earth. Can`t stand the rest of the male presenters there. Simon, sooooo boring, Charlie, so cheesy, Dale, so smarmy, Anthony, so full of himself !!
I quite like Graig because you don't get the impression of a hard sell with him, quite honest as you can be selling on TV. The old person on QVC I can't stand with a passion is Glen! The fashion berk!
If there's one thing this forum has taught me, it's that we are all so very different and our tastes vary widely. I like Craig, he comes across to me as a likeable person. Of course he occasionally says things that are a bit annoying, all the presenters do, but it would be impossible to please all of the viewers all of the time.
I've made my fair share of criticisms of presenters on here and there are some that I just can't watch, but "the grinning idiot" as a title and "hate him to the point of obsession"? Good grief that really is a bit strong, I wouldn't want to get on your wrong side Ricky S! :sweat:
Craig and Julian are my favourite male presenters on QVC, if anything Anthony and Simon particularly are the ones that make me reach for the off button...along with Anne Dawson.
The 'Grinning Idiot' (Craig)

I agree, I thought he had brought his bed with him yesterday,everytime I switched on... there he was. I can't stand him, I just can't watch him ... everything about him creeps me out.

I always think that about Jill Franks and Debbie Flint. Why are they ALWAYS on? Do they live local or something? Or are they using them as the 'juniors'? giving them all the shifts that nobody else wants. If Jill Franks is on a lovely feminine show selling pretty things, eg. IMHO Lulu Guiness, Lola Rose, Silver Jewellery, she turns me off wiith her snorting and sniffing and I have to turn off. This girl I cannot abide but Craig, he's very nice. Saw him at Olympia and he was so natural and friendly. Leave him alone. That Sam who everyone thought should've win the presenter job is doing alright for herself anyway.
I'm not too bad with JF but it does get on my nerves when she plays the girly girl thing "Oh, I do love my pinks" or " I do love my bags/shoes/trinkets" etc, etc

She'll be doing the lame blonde thing next (I guess she's not really blonde though) " I'm so dippy, cause I'm blonde" thats so irritating when women do that:devil:
I always think that about Jill Franks and Debbie Flint. Why are they ALWAYS on? Do they live local or something? Or are they using them as the 'juniors'? giving them all the shifts that nobody else wants. If Jill Franks is on a lovely feminine show selling pretty things, eg. IMHO Lulu Guiness, Lola Rose, Silver Jewellery, she turns me off wiith her snorting and sniffing and I have to turn off. This girl I cannot abide but Craig, he's very nice. Saw him at Olympia and he was so natural and friendly. Leave him alone. That Sam who everyone thought should've win the presenter job is doing alright for herself anyway.

Believe me I do leave him alone! I would rather watch paint dry.:dull::mysmilie_496:
Another Craig fan here. I think he is a warm and genuine person. He gets a bit over enthusiastic sometimes but hey, don't we all.

He always knows his products and always looks interested in the guests and what they have to say.

I'd rather watch him than Clare Sutton who really should be on childrens TV.
Craig's OK. Harmless enough. Better than many others. Isn't it funny how the same names crop up time after time when forum members refer to their least favourite presenters - Anne, Claire, Debbie and Jill.
He is probably a very nice man in "real life" but I just cannot stand his presenting style. His habit of grinning and pointing at the screen, waving his arms about and even his voice all grate. Maybe it's because he is short that he feels the need to make an impact by acting larger than life but I just cannot bear it.

Apart from Anthony I'm not keen on any of the male presenters - they are all too smarmy and insincere for my liking.

Linda xx
Charlie doing "fashion" makes me feel queasy, it's just not right and I bet his partner would not be seen dead in some of the vile tat he almost dribbles over, so fake, so false oh just **** off man and stop it now!!
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I think poor old Craig gets all the boring slots, like NN and kitchen stuff. Just imagine how tedious it would get if you have to enthuse over yet another set of cotton sheets or another pot or pan. I think he does a good job and is pretty inoffensive. JR, meanwhile, as resident Queen Bee, gets all the best slots and popular TSV launches.
I'm afraid I'm not a Craig fan either and cannot bare to watch him. He talks too fast, often the details that are on the screen, or the price...he just whizzes through it all and now I'm so tuned into him doing this, I notice it more and more...arrrgh!:tongue:
I'm with you Ricky, especially being the Comp winner - no doubt he "ticked" all the boxes as to what was required to fill a quota at the time. Its his "wanting to be everyones friend" that gets to me, AND he must have one helluva large flat to accommodate all the qvc stuff he proclaims to have 'at home'. There is'nt a single show he does without he bangs on about how he uses/has/ this at home. eeeeh gods !
Another Craig fan here and I agree he gets all the boring hours ( although to be honest ALL of QVCs hours seem boring at the minute)

I'd love to see him doing a skincare or beauty show as I think that he would ask some relevant questions!

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