The 'Grinning Idiot' (Craig)


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I first remember Craig on the Express channel. He used to be on with Stephanie W doing craft. I always thought he was a little in love with her then but - he now seems to enthuse over all the female guests. He can't seem to keep his hands to himself. That, I think, is a turn off. I also don't like his 'our Dawnie' when he does craft now. Sorry I can't take to him. J.
Does anybody else hate him to the point of obsession, or is it just me?

Sorry to be personal, but the guy is an idiot.
How the hell he won QVC's version of X Factor is beyond me!

I don't mind him at all,as long as I don't see him or hear him.Then ,I have no problem with him.
I really can't take him at all.The guy creeps me out completly and he's a terrble presenter.
Never mind HOW he won QVCS talent seatch ,more to the point is what the hell were they thinking to even have something as stupid as that,and were the people they had on the best they could find???Slim pickings for sure.
He's a bit too twee and precious for my liking.
Does anybody else hate him to the point of obsession, or is it just me?

Sorry to be personal, but the guy is an idiot.
How the hell he won QVC's version of X Factor is beyond me!

Couldn't have put it better myself. He reminds me of a puppet with someone else pulling his strings - the only explanation I can think of for his silly over-exaggerated movements, arm-waving and finger gesturing. The inane grinning plus the completely over the top Bristol accent just are just too ridiculous for words.

He is no doubt a lovely man but his presenting style is just horrible, it spoils any show that I'm interested in.

Linda xx
Aw, I like him, he doesn't have the airs and graces about him like some of them do, and I thought he dealt with Julia's obvious dislike of him, and downright nastiness during the competition, if only to put her in her place I hoped he would win.
Aw, I like him, he doesn't have the airs and graces about him like some of them do, and I thought he dealt with Julia's obvious dislike of him, and downright nastiness during the competition, if only to put her in her place I hoped he would win.

Exactly, that's when I completely went off Julia, she showed a rather unpleasant side to her character.
We all have our likes and dislikes in presenters and are all very different, but I always felt that this thread title was particularly vicious and have no idea why it had to be resurrected after such a long time. However, just to balance out the thread I'll reiterate that I like Craig - can't imagine he's got a bad bone in his body.
A number of times recently that I've seen and worse heard him, I would swear he'd been drinking. I used really like him until this.
So do I, I think he's a lovely, gentle soul. He's very courteous and respectful too.
Love him :heart:
I'm sure that everyone who criticises Craig's presenting style would still agree that he is probably a very nice man "in real life" - this is not in dispute.

All we can do is critique (is that a verb ??) his performance on screen.

Exactly, that's when I completely went off Julia, she showed a rather unpleasant side to her character.
We all have our likes and dislikes in presenters and are all very different, but I always felt that this thread title was particularly vicious and have no idea why it had to be resurrected after such a long time. However, just to balance out the thread I'll reiterate that I like Craig - can't imagine he's got a bad bone in his body.

Surely the point of this forum is to have opinions????? To have a go at folk for expressing them is a bit off I think.
If everybody liked the same thing, life would be pretty damn boring!
Surely the point of this forum is to have opinions????? To have a go at folk for expressing them is a bit off I think.
If everybody liked the same thing, life would be pretty damn boring!

I'm sorry if you feel I'm censoring people's opinions, this was certainly not my intention. You started this thread back in March and, as you know, at the time I commented on the the strong words you used, maybe I'm just over-sensitive to the word 'hate'.
As I acknowledged in my reply yesterday, we are all different and of course we are all entitled to our opinions, but I also feel we are responsible for the manner in which we express them. I have certainly criticized presenters in my time on this forum, so I'm not blameless.
I was just expressing my feelings, but my apologies again if I upset you.
I find Craig very smarmy and creepy, and qvc couldn't pay me enough to watch him. Each to their own and all that.
Does anybody else hate him to the point of obsession, or is it just me?

Sorry to be personal, but the guy is an idiot.
How the hell he won QVC's version of X Factor is beyond me!

I'm with you Ricky S, I don't like him either. I think he is a bit creepy especially when he is on with females - still again, it's good we are all different otherwise we would all be after the same husband wouldn't we.:confused: lol. (Not that I am after a husband). Have a great weekend everyone.J

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