The Gatineau 'Trap'


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On QVC facebook page yesterday a long thread about the new wonder serum in the last TSV. Woman asked if anyone using it has notice a difference in their skin?
Seems not, quite a few saying they intended to return the TSV. Some just keeping because they like and use the face cream etc.

Andrew of course said a diffence would be noticed straight away or in a few days.

So I wonder how many have gone back?
I've always used skin care possibly because I was brought up in Africa and sunbathed a lot and my mum was an avid skin care junkie. I started using a daily moisturiser in my teens ~ just anything I could get my hands on at the time (mum's mainly! I think she used Ulay and decleor) Then in my 20's I switched to Clinique and stuck with that for a long time until I developed an allergy to it.
I enjoy using and experimenting with skin care. It's a bit of affordable daily luxury and pampering. I love the smells and the whole ritual that goes along with it.

I smoke but everyone who meets me and finds out I do, is amazed saying I don't look like a smoker. My skin is good. Hardly any lines at all and quite glowy and plumpy. Someone I met recently thought I was in my early 30's! (I'm 50) My mum still has great skin to the amazement of her doctors (she's very unwell) who always remark on it, so I guess I have inherited her skin gene, but I really think that my skin care regime has helped a lot. I've used Gatineau in the past but find it no longer suits and I'm now loving Liz Earle. What suits today may not suit tomorrow and since I love experimenting it's all good!
I have read this thread with interest and although I tend to agree that some of it is total hocus pocus I do want to start thinking about anti aging skincare - I have used Dermalogica for a long time and like it but it is getting a little too expensive now as I used to get it in pro sizes from the states (on the bay) when exchange rates were more favourable. My big question however is that it seems to me essential to have a day moisturiser with a high SPF to protect the skin but unless I am mistaken all the big brands on Q don't seem to do this???
When I first got Freeview, I tried quite a few of the Gatineau products because I'd not heard of them and I got 'sucked into' the sales patter. Luckily for my bank balance, I found that a lot of the creams were too heavy for my skin (despite being in that age bracket who are told they need an anti ageing routine.) I decided that the oil slick look wasn't what I wanted so stopped buying their different moisturisers, age benefit etc etc. The only one I've stuck with is the neck and decollete gel, but I buy that from somewhere else for about a third of the price that QVC charge. I only use it at night so it lasts for ages.

Up until five years ago (when I first got Freeview) I'd only ever used soap and water on my face (I can hear a sharp intake of breath from AY :wink:) but I do now use a moisturiser on my skin in the morning (from Aldi.) I'm heading towards the big 6 0 in March and people don't believe me (as if I'd lie about that number) and I've been told on numerous occasions that I look in my early 40s.

I can safely say that the misconception about my real age is not down to copious amounts of beauty products over the years ....... it's down to my genes and the fact that I have never been sunburnt or even been a sunworshipper. Creams can protect the skin but, in my opinion, they don't and can't halt the passage of time - although they might help a bit.
I've turned the other way Beakerange - I try to avoid anti-aging products other than Aldi's Lacura Multi-Intensive Serum which I have used for quite a while now because it suits my skin. I am wary of anti-aging creams now, they seem to be getting more toxic sounding and the claims are outrageous in my view.
I agree that sunscreen is necessary and I've just started using one with an SPF of 40. Wish I had cottoned on earlier.

I am also a long time smoker petpixie & people are surprised. My mother's skin was good so I think that's down to my genes more than anything else.
Quite a few brands will not put spf in their creams because of allerges it seems. Some people dislike chemical sunscreens so the other sort has to be applied on top of face creams. Elemis have their 30 spf liquid layer and I believe Decleor also has something similar. Some thinking is the chemical ones may cause cancer.
I've read, and it seems to make sense to me, that unless the SPF in any face care product is of the day long p20 / ultrasun ilk then it's a waste of time it being in there unless you plan to reapply your moisturiser every hour all day every day, like you would have to do with a regular SPF cream.
Well at the risk of being shot down, I am as surprised as anyone, have been using the new Gatineau serum and it really HAS made a difference to my skin, quite noticeably so. am in my 70s, and certainly do not look younger, but skin is definitely brighter and smoother. Probably will not purchase again as it is too expensive and have just order the new Alpha H kit, which I was happy with until I gave the new Gat a try.

I have to say, and this is not easy, that I do have thank Alison for my skin, it is far from perfect,enlarged pores, sun damage, but could be far far worse. When she is not plugging a particular range and competing with the guest, i.e. when she is on her own answering questions as she did on New Year, she is really interesting, knowledgeable and helpful.

As for all the SPF hype, it makes me laugh. too little sun in this country to worry about except in high summer, and we need the sun's rays for Vitamin C. Only use it in midsummer,when there is any!
On QVC facebook page yesterday a long thread about the new wonder serum in the last TSV. Woman asked if anyone using it has notice a difference in their skin?
Seems not, quite a few saying they intended to return the TSV. Some just keeping because they like and use the face cream etc.

Andrew of course said a diffence would be noticed straight away or in a few days.

So I wonder how many have gone back?

I didn't see ANY difference whatsoever from using the 'wonder serum' so it is going back. I've given it a good run but sorry, did nothing whatsoever for my skin. I must stop falling for all the hype. Someone help me please?!?!
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Whilst looking after our skin is very important, I have learnt over the years (often with painful results) that there are just 5 basic things that help our skin stay young looking and healthy. First clean it properly. Second keep it moisturised. Third, use a sunscreen especially in sunny weather OR if you are spending long periods outdoors in daylight, whatever the weather. Fourth, drink water and eat a healthy, balanced diet. 5, don't smoke. Of you drink alcohol, don't allow yourself to get dehydrated. That's it. What brand to use depends on what suits the individual. Eve Lom said once that as long as you cleanse properly you can use any old moisturiser, and I believe she is right. A lot of you have proved this if the number of compliments for Lidl or Aldi moisturiser is anything to go by (I must try that!). Serums etc are a complete waste if money in my view. So is toner. I only use Liz Earle skin tonic because I love the smell. Just find the cleanser and moisturiser that suits your skin and that's enough.
One more thing Kat73
6th - choose your parents wisely as their genes matter!
I have a problem with my parents!

My mum until she died (too early at 66) had really lovely skin so I always felt quite confident that I would age well. Especially as we had the same colouring/hair so we did look alike in a lot of ways. I know my mum hardly ever went out in the sun and ate very healthily although she did smoke a little many years ago when everyone did.

But my dad who is now 75 (who didn't live with us since I was a baby) has smoked regularly for 60 years and has several holidays abroad every year while refusing to use suncream and likes a couple of drinks a day and will absolutely not eat a vegetable. He is very wrinkled, quite prune-like in fact although he has lived so far 10 years longer than my mum.

So all in all, goodness only knows whose genes I'll inherit when it comes to skin ageing, I'm 50 now and don't have any real wrinkles on my face, just the forehead 11 lines, but have a bit of sagging around my jaw and my cheeks are now starting to sink a bit in the last 12 months or so, while I hate looking older there's nothing really wrong with actually getting older is there?
while I hate looking older there's nothing really wrong with actually getting older is there?
I saw something the other day,a comment somewhere....................'what is wrong with a few wrinkles?they are a sign of getting older,a privilege not everyone is afforded'

I rather liked that!
I haven't got a single wrinkle on my forehead. So what's my secret, is it some horrendously expensive wonder cream, Botox, facelift. No, none of these. It's very simple, genetics, runs in my family. Unfortunately I still have wrinkles around my eyes. Can't win them all lol!
I'm just the same Posy because I don't really frown; I can smile when my heart is breaking so I've got crows feet instead!

Jude xx
I have a lined forehead, but I am very mobile with that part of my face. The eyes and neck are fine.

Yes, I'm the same Donna.
I have lines on my forehead but none anywhere else & my neck is fine, which is lucky.
A fringe works wonders!!
There is an article in Red magazine about skincare,facialists are saying they are seeing more and more clients with sensitive and damaged skin due to overuse of too many anti ageing products. they are recommending a return to simpler and more natural products such as facial oils to these clients to help heal their skin.There are comments from Decleor's Fiona as well. Seems all this layering of umpteen anti ageing stuff is not so good after all.

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