The Gatineau 'Trap'


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I am almost 53...I am not saying I look fantastic or anything so self absorbed,but I have less wrinkles than Keeley,Fiona or Andrew and I have never paid over 25 quid for a pot of skin cream.
I don't believe it's all about products,and most of the claims are frankly ridiculous!!
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They get away with it because people want to believe it! I myself did go through a small panic when I suddenly realised that yes I do look older all of a sudden. I had major surgery 4 years ago and lost a lot of weight immediately afterwards as I couldn't eat much, my face practically collapsed in the space of a month!! It was scary and I rushed to buy every anti-ageing cream going... but then realised none of them actually do much at all and came to my senses and stopped buying the stuff.

All I do now is keep my skin clean and comfortable and have gone back to a simple routine and have accepted now that actually after the health scare I'm lucky to be here and not waste my time and energy stressing over a bit of sagging. I confess only to having a bit of a Liz Earle Superskin concentrate habit, I'm not saying it does anything amazing I just like the feel and smell of it and I think the process of massaging it in does more than the ingredients!

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid! (the stupid is me not you folks)
As a little thank you for all that have contributed to this thread, and for making every post so interesting, this following link is an extremely resourceful website, which will tell you everything about everything beauty-wise, look out for forum opinions on different brands too!
Click on your favourite product on the left of the page, to read all about it

Love to all xxx
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Oooo Err - I've never thought about forehead lines before, just been to look in the mirror and I haven't got any! Loads of crows feet though.

Must be the genes because I rarely used anything before joining this forum.
It really makes me laugh when Andrew says 'please please please don't use any of those petroleum jelly products on your lips' when he's flogging the Perfect Design Revolumising Lipcare. He obviously hasn't read the ingredient list for his own product - yes, mineral oil (paraffin/petrolatum), i.e. exactly the thing he's telling you not to use. Hilarious.
But how do they get away with it? That's what I would like to know.

Me too, minim. In fact I've posted about this on a previous occasion. Surely the Trade Descriptions Act applies to claims about beauty products ?
Ah, but this is not just mineral oil.. this is super laser-infused, peptide rich, collagen-enhancing fromage, organically sourced by virgins from the planet Zod.
I notice Andrew always says minimizes the "appearance" of fine lines and wrinkles...not makes them go away!
Legally he has to say that as to say that something is actually capable of penetrating below the top layer of skin would be a false claim and the advertising standards agency would be on their backs. No product has ever been able to do this and "cure" a wrinkle, only can make it "appear" better. Listen to the ads on tv for any face cream and every single one will say the same words, and if they don't they have to amend the ad pretty sharpish.

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