PPC delves back into the mists of time......
And remembers as a child remarks were always made about me being so small and skinny (JR eat your heart out) and I was constantly referred to as 'little dot' and 'little legs' and other such hurtful names :sad: so it's obvious to me now why I became such a retrospective recluse with a huge inferiority complex. :bandit: In hindsight my subconcious obviously took those humiliating comments onboard and I ate and ate and became a chunky lump as well!!Do you think I'm beyond help with therapy?? :wonder: Will I ever fully recover and achieve equilibrium?? :doh: Oh ****, all this self psycho-analysing bollox is taking its toll and giving me the stressies so I'm off to nosh a huge slab of Dairy Milk. :happy: