The butcher is back lay out he red carpet.


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
We all know, by now, that QVC does not listen to customers' concerns, regarding the core business practices of this odiously narcissistic man. Those of us who feel extremely strongly, including myself, about the relationship between this murdering, smug individual, and QVC, won't even watch his shows. The presenters fawn all over him, so much so, you would think he was the second coming, a cultural genius. I have nothing against people making money, I am all for it, but when the methods you employ are unethical and morally corrupt, even cruel, I draw the line. I can honestly say, if I was presented with a way to become a millionaire, but animals would be injured or killed in the process, I would not, could not do it. I have always lived my life alongside the consideration of one rule : if you don't have good morals and principles, you have nothing. When it comes to Basso's tat, I would beg that you question whether you really do NEED it, knowing what happens to the animals who make up his real fur line? If you can say I don't need it, but I want it, I would remark : everyone has a conscience, some are more liberal and flexible than others, and less moral than others. The latter have consciences which allow them to accept this torture. So, saying 'they have to live with their conscience' means nothing.
I hope he gets his comeuppance I can't abide that man.....:screamingpumpkin:
He does a lot of heavy breathing now, so perhaps with any luck his time on this planet is coming closing in.

Id hate for him to just drop dead though , he should be made to suffer like the poor animals he makes his living from . :michaelmyers:
For as long as I have been a member of this forum we have complained about this odious man and his "real life " business which is beyond the pale for most of us how ever Q try to sanitize what he does.
I have never watched any of his hours and would rather go naked than wear any of his clothes be they the Fake fur they are flogging on Q or the real thing which is where he has made his blood money.
This so called 'human' makes my blood boil. Such a vile and evil person. Words cannot describe how I truly detest anyone who can inflict such cruelty on animals. He is so smug and I truly hope he does get his comeuppance. I am appalled that QVC continue to let him flaunt his products with them and even more disgusted by the presenters gushing at his products. I know they are there to do a job, but in my opinion you have to draw the line at this man. I never watch his shows and never intend to.

Animals are too precious, just like humans and should be treated with love and care.
I could never 'square' the fact, that JR has often made it known she is a vegetarian so does not appear on the cookery programmes where animal gelatin is used, and yet she has appeared on countless shows with DB.
I always turn off when Basso is on. I find him totally repulsive. I have no idea who would want to line his bank balance buying his hideous stuff. Why is he given so much airtime? He seems to be on every other week with some presenter fawning over him and his awful products. Get rid of him I say!!!!
I could never 'square' the fact, that JR has often made it known she is a vegetarian so does not appear on the cookery programmes where animal gelatin is used, and yet she has appeared on countless shows with DB.

Maybe she is being a touch hypocritical like some of the posters on this forum? While I am sure that in some superficial way they care about animals, many remain blissfully ignorant of the sheer horror that has gone into the production of the meat that sits on their dinner plate! Is it only OK to murder animals if you are going to eat them? Surely if someone has a fur coat and wears it for 20 years this is better than a dinner that is consumed within one hour?

As for Julia Roberts and the gelatin, nobody is forcing her to eat gelatin, are they? I can understand why she doesn't like it. I don't like it either, but it's not a reason not to present a show. I'm sure QVC has countless egos and many people with whom I would not wish to associate, but if I were paid to work in a role working with them I'd have to get on with it.

And before you all start to turn your hatred an vitriol on me, just stop and think for a minute? What are YOUR boundaries and limits? What is acceptable to YOU? Where does YOUR meat come from? How is it sourced? Where do your shoes, your handbag, your belt, come from? I know animal welfare is a hot topic and I am not accusing everyone of being hypocritical. There are many who take great care over their choices, but there are many more who simply don't think things through and are OK to make vitriolic statements.

Look up how the milk is produced that goes into your morning cup of tea. Learn about the processes. Oh you may wish to do this on an empty stomach.
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I didn't know about that dreadful man's fur coats. I always switch channels when he's on anyway - can't abide the presenters fawning over him, either. Julian - if we all stood on our principles about everything, we'd be living like cave men. But occasionally something sticks in our gullets, like this man, and we make a stand.
Apologies, Julius - got your name wrong and too late to edit. Julian you're not.
Maybe she is being a touch hypocritical like some of the posters on this forum? While I am sure that in some superficial way they care about animals, many remain blissfully ignorant of the sheer horror that has gone into the production of the meat that sits on their dinner plate! Is it only OK to murder animals if you are going to eat them? Surely if someone has a fur coat and wears it for 20 years this is better than a dinner that is consumed within one hour?

As for Julia Roberts and the gelatin, nobody is forcing her to eat gelatin, are they? I can understand why she doesn't like it. I don't like it either, but it's not a reason not to present a show. I'm sure QVC has countless egos and many people with whom I would not wish to associate, but if I were paid to work in a role working with them I'd have to get on with it.

And before you all start to turn your hatred an vitriol on me, just stop and think for a minute? What are YOUR boundaries and limits? What is acceptable to YOU? Where does YOUR meat come from? How is it sourced? Where do your shoes, your handbag, your belt, come from? I know animal welfare is a hot topic and I am not accusing everyone of being hypocritical. There are many who take great care over their choices, but there are many more who simply don't think things through and are OK to make vitriolic statements.

Look up how the milk is produced that goes into your morning cup of tea. Learn about the processes. Oh you may wish to do this on an empty stomach.

I can honestly say that, being vegetarian - I would be vegan if it were not for my doctor insisting my blood level was dangerously low - for almost thirty years, I have set myself certain stringent principles, which I live by definitively. I have nothing to reproach myself for, regarding any contribution I might make to the suffering of animals, because I do not. A true vegetarian will not eat any item with gelatine in it, regardless of whether they like it or not - how do you find out if you like the liquid which is produced by boiling animal bones? If I use milk, rarely, it is soya.
I can honestly say that, being vegetarian - I would be vegan if it were not for my doctor insisting my blood level was dangerously low - for almost thirty years, I have set myself certain stringent principles, which I live by definitively. I have nothing to reproach myself for, regarding any contribution I might make to the suffering of animals, because I do not. A true vegetarian will not eat any item with gelatine in it, regardless of whether they like it or not - how do you find out if you like the liquid which is produced by boiling animal bones? If I use milk, rarely, it is soya.

I understand what you mean, Louise. I try ethical as I can but it's not easy. The organic beef / milk I buy from Asda may be organic, however I cannot vouch for the happiness of the cows prior to slaughter. Anything produced will be done with budget in mind and I do have some concerns. But what can I do? Eat nothing? I cannot monitor the conditions of every farm. I can but try to buy slightly higher quality produce which will be produced in (hopefully) less unpleasant conditions.
I will not eat meat that is 1) Not organic or 2) of unknown origin. I won't eat mince, only steak / chunks. I don't eat gelatin full stop, not will I take gelatin capsules. The idea of eating boiled up eyes and hooves is revolting! I don't think I would want to kill the cow myself, therefore I am like most people in that I rely on someone else to do that side of things. I was vegetarian for 12 years but became very ill and have been better since I have been omnivorous. I don't like eggs and won't eat them in cakes or anything. I don't like fish therefore buy the vegetarian gluccosamine tablets for my joints from Holland & Baarrett even though they are 3-4 x more expensive than the standard ones.

As for Basso, I think someone or something higher than me will decide his fate. I am sure some of the most famous people on Earth are the least known in Heaven. Who knows, maybe Basso will share the same vat of burning oil as Jimmy Savile? I am sure anyone jumping to Basso's defence would point out his charitable work, but let's not forget that Savile did charitable work too, although in hindsight it seems that it was insincere and, ultimately, a means to a vile end.

It's very hard to be fully vegetarian / vegan. I have a Zegna wallet which is very suave and stylish, but it is lambskin. Some poor lamb died to make my £240 wallet. But then would the lamb not have been killed anyway? Is the skin not a by product? People think about your purse! Look at your shoes! What are they made from?

I have my views on Basso, too. I think he has few, if any, redeeming features, apart from being so terrible with that growling voice and aggressive persona, so dreadful as to seem almost like a caricature! He is ridiculous! I wonder who is worse? Basso, or Savile? I would say Savile, ever so slightly, for he inflicted suffering on children that will have remained with them throughout their lives. Humans are slightly up the pecking order than animals. Savile's victims were the marginalised, the unloved, the problematic. They wouldn't have have had more of a voice than the animals, but likely will have had more of a capacity for remembrance. At least when the animals are dead, they are dead. That's not to say if Savile had gone killing children it wouldn't have been any better, because of course it would have been worse. I think Basso ranks along with Bernard Matthews (a turkey farmer who died a few years back). He was quite repulsive too!
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Maybe she is being a touch hypocritical like some of the posters on this forum? While I am sure that in some superficial way they care about animals, many remain blissfully ignorant of the sheer horror that has gone into the production of the meat that sits on their dinner plate! Is it only OK to murder animals if you are going to eat them? Surely if someone has a fur coat and wears it for 20 years this is better than a dinner that is consumed within one hour?

I agree with this...

Wearing fur is cruel and unnecessary - unless you're, say, an Eskimo in a self-sufficient community - but what about leather? Silk? Pearls? Do any of you wear those without a second thought?

Why are some animals more valued than others? You sit with your pet whilst tucking into a chicken sandwich... that bird will have suffered terribly in its life and its slaughter. The same goes for pigs, cows etc. Even fish die horribly.

The Basso threads always smack of double standards.
Vegetables deserve a life! So do the bacteria that we kill with antibiotics! It's the way of the world - nature is a great provider but we need to control nature to survive.
... BUT it is how the animals live and die that is appalling. Have you looked at farming conditions? Slaughterhouse procedures?

The 'vegetable' argument is laughable really... I've heard it for the last 30 years... it all boils down to biology and how entities can feel pain and emotion.

Cows mourn the loss of their calves, show fear when they are in the slaughterhouse etc... how is that 'better' than those animals killed for Basso's coats?
It is interesting to see peoples' logic (or lack thereof) and where they draw the lines. Basso seems to engender strong feelings in people. I don't like him. I think he is repulsive, but I don't buy his products. I just laugh at his growly, pantomime villain persona. It won't be me that decides his fate. I just try to concentrate on how I live my life, aware of the fact that I am not perfect.
I've been vegetarian for 45 years and have latterly made the transition to being vegan. Since the age of 15 I haven't had anything made of leather, and I don't have anything made of wool or silk. I often wonder if people consider the origin of pearls when they buy Honora - which I wouldn't wear. I also don't buy any cosmetics or household products that aren't endorsed by Cruelty-Free International. I would never do a job which conflicted with this. Living a cruelty-free life is the most important principle in my life, and I do everything I can do not to be part of the animal Auschwitz that is today's world. People think I'm nuts - and I couldn't care less.

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