The all new Michael "The Spiv" Mason thread.


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There are people out there who don't like telling people their problems, and hide away from it. This way, they can speak to something, and it makes it easier for them. I know people do it so they don't get judged etc. (in the same way homeless people have a dog, as it keeps them company, and it cant judge you)

I could say you are just as bad for taking the mic out of these people, as everybody is different, and not everybody has the courrage to talk to people they know about their problems.
The worry angels can be a very spiritual item for some people.
Sometimes certain individuals have difficulties expressing their
Emotions & I'd like to think that items like this can help
people. Having been on the side of devastating & pointless losses, I think
Things like this (however silly people think they are)may help people
With their struggles I life.
Maybe he's thinking aloud of his future plans :wonder:

I agree! I bet if bid closes most presenters will do what the did, erase it from their CVs. If it stays open I can't see anyone taking them on hence the likes of Mike looking dead behind the eyes.


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Does Mike really look 'dead behind the eyes' to you PJ?
I guess as you are a trainee psychologist you'd know
such things.
Does Mike really look 'dead behind the eyes' to you PJ?
I guess as you are a trainee psychologist you'd know
such things.

Sorry I should have put IMHO at the end but yes IMHO he does. I won't edit previous post else it would cover mistake. As with any opinion I could and have been wrong before :)

At least I post with one name on here (I had on old username but I believe there was a db problem years ago or I forgot my password :p) I find it interesting that there's another pro Mike poster who has a dig at me who is a new member hmm how odd. M&M are you Mike Mason? ;-)


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No I am not Mike Mason & I'm not pro-Mm. I'm just
Interested in your posts because you seem to have a
Particular aversion to the man. There are some presenters
I dislike but don't have any personal opinions on the individual,
Just perhaps the way the do/say things. I guess! Having
been in a similar industry I appreciate that it is not their
Personal views that are aired but that of a 'sales person'
and often what the producers ask of them.
I have an aversion to any of the presenters who openly lie. I have also praised ones who I like (Mark Ryes, Mike Smith) I talk a lot about Miken because I have known bid shopping addicts who are taken in by their lies so the more people who know the better. Every time I watch (which isn't that much) it scares me to think of the people suckered in. I bet most people keep their purchases even if crappy because they have paid so much in the call charge and P&P amd thee cost to send back.

I personally don't agree with your 'lying' comment, but
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I do, however remember
a blatant lie Mike Smith
told in May saying a mascara lengthened
his eyelashes to an inch... Really? Now that was
bad! And any fool who was sucked in by that comment deserves
to be disappointed & that's physically impossible!!
I personally don't agree with your 'lying' comment, but
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I do, however remember
a blatant lie Mike Smith
told in May saying a mascara lengthened
his eyelashes to an inch... Really? Now that was
bad! And any fool who was sucked in by that comment deserves
to be disappointed & that's physically impossible!!

You don't agree with my lie comment but give an example of a lie hmm. I didn't say Mike was perfect and I said I thought he was out of order when he touched up the assistant but he was the best by far of a bad bunch.

Back to the lies. I have heard them when they sold a cheap tablet the iPads can't have keyboards attached. Total LIE. When the talkback is overheard on the Channel when a voice on TB tells the presenter to claim it was below cost when it wasn't and finding the whole thing funnny (from their laughter) and many more.

I'm really not trying to cause a disagreement, just interested
as to why you have this opinion.
What assistant did Mike 'touch up'
As I've never noticed him being inappropriate with the assistants
(even though he gives them some serious banter!).
Noone is privy to TB apart from the people present, do you
Have insider info' as it sounds like you do.

Have some insider info'? As it sounds like you do.
I'm really not trying to cause a disagreement, just interested
as to why you have this opinion.
What assistant did Mike 'touch up'
As I've never noticed him being inappropriate with the assistants
(even though he gives them some serious banter!).
Noone is privy to TB apart from the people present, do you
Have insider info' as it sounds like you do.

Have some insider info'? As it sounds like you do.

No insider info, never claimed to have. I can't remember much about the touching but I am sure if you search this forum You will find it or another member will recall it. What you mean by TB please? My posts have either quotes from the presenters or my opinion. Where have I said anything like "I have heard that x or y happens"? Not sure why you think I am claiming inside info?

Doh of course I used it myself. Sorry.

M&M if you listen to bid with headphones and there is no backing music you hear talkback as clear as day.


Sent from my Nokia 3210 using Snake.
I didn't assume you had inside info' it was just a question.
I mentioned Mije Smith as you said you didn't like liars
but have known him to blatantly lie on one
Occasion (I do not know him personally & do not believe
This to be a regular thing)
It was yourself that said 'I thought he was out of order
when he touched up an assistant' but now u say you
'Don't know much about it'.
...and also it was yourself that referenced TB, so as you well know
it means talk back.
As one might say, you're slightly inconsistent and your case
'wouldn't stand up'.
I didn't assume you had inside info' it was just a question.
I mentioned Mije Smith as you said you didn't like liars
but have known him to blatantly lie on one
Occasion (I do not know him personally & do not believe
This to be a regular thing)
It was yourself that said 'I thought he was out of order
when he touched up an assistant' but now u say you
'Don't know much about it'.
...and also it was yourself that referenced TB, so as you well know
it means talk back.
As one might say, you're slightly inconsistent and your case
'wouldn't stand up'.

As my previous post I made a genuine error re tailback being TB. I said sorry. I am in a lot of pain most of the time so forget things easily so as I say, sorry. I don't believe I am not consistent.

Talking of being consistent how about you creating a new name to Mike so either you are someone hiding in a new name, a previous banned person or a bid shopping employee or are you just a new member having this as your first debate? Least I post in one name, my real name and hide nothing.

As you can see from Steve I am not the only one to notice talkback 'bleeding' if you put headphones on you will hear it.


Sent from my Nokia 3210 using Snake.
There are people out there who don't like telling people their problems, and hide away from it. This way, they can speak to something, and it makes it easier for them. I know people do it so they don't get judged etc. (in the same way homeless people have a dog, as it keeps them company, and it cant judge you)

I could say you are just as bad for taking the mic out of these people, as everybody is different, and not everybody has the courrage to talk to people they know about their problems.

Sure, and that's a fair comment.

The problem I have with Bid is that they sell these 'things' as a solution to life's problems... but sadly, for most people out there they aren't going to change much (apart from Bid's bank account) - that only comes through doing something (like talking to a real person) which can make a real difference! This might be hard for some, I've been there myself. By all means if people get comfort from these things then that's ok with me, whatever floats your boat - maybe they can use the worry angels as a stepping stone to finally speaking to someone real? I don't know.

Mike Mason is wrong though.... they are praying on the vunerable and he knows it. Why dress it up with the dreary music and slow talk sales pitch. It stinks! Bid know what they are doing as they have to maximise their sales pitch in order to shift them - so of course cue the music, waterfalls, deer running in the background. ugh!
I didn't assume you had inside info' it was just a question.
I mentioned Mije Smith as you said you didn't like liars
but have known him to blatantly lie on one
Occasion (I do not know him personally & do not believe
This to be a regular thing)
It was yourself that said 'I thought he was out of order
when he touched up an assistant' but now u say you
'Don't know much about it'.
...and also it was yourself that referenced TB, so as you well know
it means talk back.
As one might say, you're slightly inconsistent and your case
'wouldn't stand up'.

Just my opinion, take it however you chose, but you appear to be trying to cause arguments for the sake of it, and your passive-aggressive stance is becoming quite tiresome (to me at least - I am not speaking on behalf of anyone). I don't see where you are coming from...Mike along with many other so-called presenters have been proven to have lied many times and this forum is loaded with such examples...yet you are calling out one member on his opinion.

May I suggest if you really need 'proof' you browse through these forums and have a look for won't take long to find what you are looking for.
Last edited:
I personally don't agree with your 'lying' comment, but
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I do, however remember
a blatant lie Mike Smith
told in May saying a mascara lengthened
his eyelashes to an inch... Really? Now that was
bad! And any fool who was sucked in by that comment deserves
to be disappointed & that's physically impossible!!

You don't agree with my lie comment but give an example of a lie hmm. I didn't say Mike was perfect and I said I thought he was out of order when he touched up the assistant but he was the best by far of a bad bunch.

Can I just check about which Mike we are refering to in regards to touching up assistants? From the posts I think PJ is refering to Mike Smith whilst M&M is refering to Mason.

I'll add, I have seen Mike Smith act inappropriately with one assistant (and have posted about it in the past), but can't remember Mikey Mason ever doing anything like that.
At no stage has ANY host 'touched up' any assistant. Can we keep the thread to selling techniques please.

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