Thank God for lighter moments


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kuddle bunny

Registered Shopper
Oct 12, 2008
I was watching a Yankee Candle show last week with Ali K presenting along with the Yankee Candle lady. I waited with baited breath for the guest to get a word in edgeways about the products and was about to turn on the mute button, when I heard the guest say - Ali, you took the words right out of my mouth. So that's where they had gone. No wonder she had been unable to speak! Please don't get me wrong, I know it is a shopping network and the presenters are there to encourage us to buy, but they are so keen on sprouting about their own experiences, linen trousers and smell memories etc......that I wonder if they are even in the same studio as the guest at times. That one comment during the show has amused me ever since and thank goodness I didn't have the mute button then! I laughed so much that I never even bought a candle! (Thanks for listening.):32:
It gets on my nerves when the presenters sound like they have taken some sort of speed and are so hyper !
I sit down with a cuppa to watch a show and they are as if they are on drugs and talk so fast that it just goes right over my head :eek::56:
I can take or leave most of the presenters but recently Claire Sutton seems to spend most of her shows preening at her reflection in the monitor...
I think AK must be on something most of the time. If she is on something
then it is a great shame. She just needs to slow down and calm down a bit
and she would be fine.
Sometimes I think she must feel very pressured to sound as bubbly and
enthusiastic about a product as possible.
I just cannot watch when A.K is on,[which is a good thing, saves me money and gets my washing up done!] she just turns me off everything! Cannot stand the woman and certainly doesn't encourage me to buy!
Over the last few years the presenters seem to have gone from bad to worse when it comes to talking over the guest presenters, they almost seem to feel that if they let a guest get a word in edgeways then they are in danger of losing their jobs.
I was watching a show presented by AK the other day, she yapped at 100mph, never seemed to pause for breath and interrupted and talked over the guest. I was sitting watching saying " for bleep sake shut up!". It's odd that this is something I've only really noticed recently, I don't dislike AK but I just wish she would give the guests a chance to speak and slow down a bit.
Thanks for the lovely 'welcomes'. I don't dislike AK when she's on her own. Would be awful if she never spoke then! I would just like to hear the guests sometimes and the Yankee candles lady made the funniest and most spot on comment I've ever heard! Very funny.

Seems I also upset AY when I put a review on the QVC website and said that I watched with the mute button on! She made a comment about that on air on the day I saw my review appear online. At least they read them I guess.

Always putting my foot in it!
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hello kuddle bunny!

i have to say that sometimes i get mesmerised by what they are saying they talk so i guess they are doing their jobs well!!!!...unfortunately, the more effective they are at selling, the more irritating it is when you step out of the trance-like zone!

Seems I also upset AY when I put a review on the QVC website and said that I watched with the mute button on! She made a comment about that on air on the day I saw my review appear online. At least they read them I guess.

Always putting my foot in it!

ooh kuddle.. how fab!! what did she say about your review????
As I was watching a beauty show, AY made a comment to the effect that if you don't like listening to her talking, there is always the mute button. I laughed so loud that I almost fell off my chair. Could have been a coincidence, but I think not. Mind you, I still watch all the time and buy too much so I guess they win and I depart the field to spend more money.
I was reviewing the seche vite which I love and use. Obviously my sense of humour was not appreciated by some. I guess I am an aquired taste!:33:

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