Okay, what is going on with the diamonique 30th anniversary pricing?
I saw the live demo of this tennis bracelet, old Dale was doing it. Thought oh, I love that, and it is only £34+! It was £75, I thought it must be in clearance and jumped and bought it. Now the reviews when I went to look up and down mainly because people having problems with the clasp. Mine arrived at lunchtime and no problem for me, I spotted the tiny little silver button you press to open. Holy crap, it is £75 again!!!!! Now, in the reviews, one woman said she bought it for £54 and loved it would have paid £75!!!! Er, not me. So that means it was £54 then went down to £34+ and now back to £75. I have noticed with the anniversary range it is on pre-order and special price, and they must only make so many as they seem to disappear quite quickly.
This is the bracelet.