Table presents


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Table gifts, tree gifts, stockings (on top of all the other gifts) never done any of those. Not as a child or an adult. Crackers on the table - yes. Ideally with relatively crappy prizes - the plastic fish that curls up, that kind of thing - that you could all laugh at. I did start a Christmas Eve box. A small box I would fill with sweets and sweeties - dolly mixtures, chocolate buttons, fruit jellies that sort of stuff. Not for kids though but for Mum who was a total sweets and chocolate addict. She is not with us this year, so no Christmas Eve box this year. But overall, it's all nonsense designed to fill their pockets and empty yours.
Christmas crackers are good enough! These Christmas Eve boxes that they do now are quite the thing, so children get presents on Christmas Eve, presents on Christmas Day and probably more on Boxing Day. It's become all about money and photographing your family in matching pyjamas to put on Dick Tock.

Not to mention advent calendars! An expensive gift every day up till Christmas Day. Years ago there was just a festive or religious picture behind each door, then a tiny chocolate, now a full blown present! Adult advent calendars can now cost anything from about 50 quid upwards, some costing hundreds, with expensive full size beauty products. Do people really need all this stuff?
Err... I must confess to a choccy advent calendar. I used to get one for Mum and the same for me. (I lived with her and looked after her.) I am continuing the tradition this year - although no Mum now - because it has good memories and reminds me of how I came home once to find she (at the age of 80) had picked all the doors open and scoffed the lot on day 3! Total choc-a-holic! :ROFLMAO:
Err... I must confess to a choccy advent calendar. I used to get one for Mum and the same for me. (I lived with her and looked after her.) I am continuing the tradition this year - although no Mum now - because it has good memories and reminds me of how I came home once to find she (at the age of 80) had picked all the doors open and scoffed the lot on day 3! Total choc-a-holic! :ROFLMAO:
I did the same, but it was my Son’s advent & I had left the evidence for him to find.
We did have stockings as well as main presents and up until a couple of years ago my mum still made one up for me. Very nice to have and open but I honestly didn't need any of the things in it. Christmas is far too commercial these days and parents spending money they don't have so their kids can have the same as next door/next street.

I would like a stocking for Christmas, especially if the owner was still wearing it.
Is this the sort of thing you have in mind, Strato?

Not to mention advent calendars! An expensive gift every day up till Christmas Day. Years ago there was just a festive or religious picture behind each door, then a tiny chocolate, now a full blown present! Adult advent calendars can now cost anything from about 50 quid upwards, some costing hundreds, with expensive full size beauty products. Do people really need all this stuff?
Hubby always gets a choccie advent calendar,he's 74!!! My mum always got him one every year. He got a Lindt one this year,even sharing it with me.
We did have stockings as well as main presents and up until a couple of years ago my mum still made one up for me. Very nice to have and open but I honestly didn't need any of the things in it. Christmas is far too commercial these days and parents spending money they don't have so their kids can have the same as next door/next street.

We used to have a stocking on the bed as well as a few pressies downstairs. Our stockings usually had something for the doll's house,chocolate coins,sweet cigarettes.
We used to have a stocking on the bed as well as a few pressies downstairs. Our stockings usually had something for the doll's house,chocolate coins,sweet cigarettes.
I loved those!! My Grandad used to smoke and I used to wander around after him with one of those sweetie cigs in my mouth. I never touched a real one to this day (except a try behind the bike sheds :sick:). I miss my Grandparents so much, Grandad died in 1971 and Gran in 2000. Two wonderful people and the best Christmasses were spent with them.

To be honest I don't even remember getting a Christmas stocking let alone anything to fill it. I remember that I'd wake up to a bolster case full of presents, anything too large to fit in would be underneath the tree. I'd get little bits like a selection box, an annual (remember those?!) felt tip pens but they'd included in the present bag and wrapped up along with the more expensive stuff, there was none of these extra bits just because. I've also heard of people giving their kids a present from Santa. As a parent I was never into all this extra stuff either, there was no opening one present on Christmas Eve, and again I'd wrap up the smaller and the larger presents and give them on Christmas day. We used to buy treats like tins of celebrations, twiglets, cheese footballs etc so there was always treats in the house. Once you start all this nonsense it's only gonna go one way and it's gets more and more silly every year.
OH's family do all the silly stuff, giving each other expensive aftershaves and perfumes and table presents, Christmas Eve boxes for all the kids. God knows what the kids will be like with their own families when they grow up. Bankrupt most likely!!!

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