Suggestions for my kitten's names !


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Make the most of them DD , they grow up so fast. My two were inseperable but now they are 7 months old they are becoming more inclined to do their own thing. They do still play together and curl up together etc but not as much as in the early days.
Must be lovely to see them curled up together, mine are a few years apart and have never got together even when one was a kitten. They chase each other round the room and wash faces occasionally when they are waiting to be fed, and that's about it.
My two still curl up together and they're four now. They play together and it makes me smile when they come back in one after the other after being outside.

It'll be fab to see pics when you have some.
it's funny how things come round again - when I was a girl - 60 years back this would be - my auntie's cat was called Alfie...takes me back! I used to go up to the butcher for her for "some lights for Alfie please"! Don't ask me, I don't know what "lights" are!

Mum used to cook these for our domesticated menagerie BM, they would stink the house out too!
I was brought up on a farm and my parents believed even way back then that it was important to use the entire animal once you'd slaughtered it. They used to slaughter/butcher pigs at home. Cattle went to the slaughterhouse. Anyway you got the whole shebang back to eat. Consequently I was given pretty much everything to eat. And I can happily eat most things but I cannot get tripe down my neck for love nor money. Dreadful stuff. It's not the thought of it that bothers me its the reality. Neither am I keen on pigs trotters!

Its a wonder I survived childhood really.
I was brought up on a farm and my parents believed even way back then that it was important to use the entire animal once you'd slaughtered it. They used to slaughter/butcher pigs at home. Cattle went to the slaughterhouse. Anyway you got the whole shebang back to eat. Consequently I was given pretty much everything to eat. And I can happily eat most things but I cannot get tripe down my neck for love nor money. Dreadful stuff. It's not the thought of it that bothers me its the reality. Neither am I keen on pigs trotters!

Its a wonder I survived childhood really.

Yes totally agree as long as the non-desirable bits are not being cooked in my kitchen lol! There's not much I haven't tried over the years but, like you, tripe and pig trotters are two of them. I could never eat tripe having seen/smelt it in its unbleached state, I think I would like the taste of trotters if someone else cooked them and I could get past the look of them on the plate! :eek:
I can eat pigs trotters. I'd just rather not. Mind you I've never been round to someone's for dinner and they've slapped tripe or pigs trotters on my plate. Thankfully. But other than tripe I will eat it. Well we had to as kids.

I dunno about Janie. I'm feeling a bit queasy myself now.
They're lovely FP they're currently sitting on my lap play fighting!!

Have decided to call them Saffy and Harry. Saffy is mostly white and more grey than black although her tail is definitely black and Harry is black and white with just the top of his ears being a silvery grey.

She's very much the adventurous one, now I know why her mum nipped her whiskars off, she's been running up and down curtains, chewing the tasselled tiebacks, knocking ornaments off the TV cabinet and has no fear of jumping from heights! Harry's bigger than Saffy but follows wherever she leads, he even lets her push him aside when they're eating. They both very affectionate and when not trying to ransack the place love to sit on my lap purring before falling asleep in one big heap so it's difficult to see where one starts and the other finishes. They're just like toys rushing about all over the place and then just as if their batteries have run out they stop and have a cap nap ! :mysmilie_496:

It's been 22 years I've had kittens and you forget just how delightful and mischevious rolled into one they are. Although I've had no 'toilet accidents' I have three large pot plants and have had to construct covers to stop them digging & using them as litter trays! :mysmilie_514:

I've managed to get my camera sorted out and have taken lots of pictures, no mean feat as they don't stand still for long, I've tried to post them to no avail I think I need to ask my friend for assistance but will post ASAP :mysmilie_515:
They sound delightful company and you are obviously enjoying them. I'm glad your Saffy is the boss and putting him in his place as Boris bosses Katya around here. Please, please get your friend to help with the photos.
DD - perfect names for the little rascals :) i remember the flower pot problem. when dylan and thomas were kittens, i caught tom in my cheeseplant just as i was leaving for a job interview. as i lifted him out, he pee'd in a big arc all across the carpet and my shoes. just what i needed ;)

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