Suggestions for my kitten's names !


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Thanks for your ideas BM, funnily enough Jazz is already on my female consider list, inevitably the decisions will be made once they arrive somehow you look at them and think your a ........ !
Yes you do somehow get inspiration once you meet them. Alfie couldn't really have been anything else although I do normally call him Alf.

A old neighbour came by and told me off for giving such a beautiful cat such an ordinary name. But it suits him. He is beautiful but he's scruffy and he's usually got something grubby about him. A leaf stuck to his arse, or a baby slug caught in his coat or his dinner about his chin.

Mind you if I got him now I would have called him Elvis. Having had his upper left canine removed he's usually got that Elvis lip curl thing going on lol.
Thanks for your ideas BM, funnily enough Jazz is already on my female consider list, inevitably the decisions will be made once they arrive somehow you look at them and think your a ........ !

that's them telling you their name :)
Oh and my S-i-L's cats are Paddy and Max (beautiful British Blue Shorthairs)! No guesses as to the inspiration there then!
Yes, I got them Sunday evening they're gorgeous, real little characters! :mysmilie_515:

I haven't had kittens for 22 years and have forgotten what fun they are, they're hurtling around like little dynamo's, playing with a ping pong ball, climbing up the curtains, my Yucca tree and roughing and tumbling with each other, then they collapse in one black and white heap on my lap for a long snooze, adorable! :mysmilie_496:

I'm having to look very carefully before I move my feet in case I step on one of them!

I've tried to take photo's but my camera is playing up so have sent for a new charger and batteries which should will be here tomorrow or Friday and then hopefully I can post pictures, I still haven't decided on names yet though! :mysmilie_378:
I'll lend you my camera! My two climb up the yucca too and as they overnight in the conservatory I can always tell by the amount of soil from the Yucca whether they have been up playing. I have two small harnesses ( no charge) if you want them DD from when I was showing them the neighbourhood before they became independent adventurers.
I'd forgotten about harnesses, lol, we had them when our "boys" were kittens. They did somersaults and back flips to get out of them and were in danger of strangling themselves so, unfortunately, we had to give up but they are a great idea if kittens will tolerate them.

Looking forward to the pics, DD!
They sound gorgeous DD, I can't wait to see photos of them. Its like having two babies in the house, I remember it well.
They're both on my lap as I'm typing this, they were settling down for a nap but have decided to have a play fight instead!
I love how kittens just flop asleep where they were when they realised they were tired lol. Gosh it seems like forever since my two were kittens. Mind you the regularly play fight but with a combined weight of over two stone I don't want the both sitting on my lap let alone play fighting on my lap ... lol.
They sound adorable DD, looking forward to the pictures.

When Millie was a kitten she use to climb the wallpaper - in every room. This was only discovered when I started decorating about two years later, everywhere was magnolia so it didn't show. She must have been scaling the walls when I was out or asleep - until she got too fat!
ooh...:clapping:...can't wait for the pics! Years since our Daisy had her kittens, I've forgotten what it's like!
What a coincidence believe it or not BM I was toying with the name Daisy for the little girl yesterday and tried it to see if she liked it !
What a coincidence believe it or not BM I was toying with the name Daisy for the little girl yesterday and tried it to see if she liked it !

And did she..?! Our Daisy started life as Coal (being all-over black) but we soon changed that when she came to live here at three months old...the name Daisy fitted her like a glove somehow - as we were saying earlier in the thread, you just seem to know when the name suits, even if it takes a little time to find the right one!
And did she..?! Our Daisy started life as Coal (being all-over black) but we soon changed that when she came to live here at three months old...the name Daisy fitted her like a glove somehow - as we were saying earlier in the thread, you just seem to know when the name suits, even if it takes a little time to find the right one!

The jury's out on that one, she wasn't bothered one way or the other too busy climbing the curtains and using the Yucca pot as a loo to take much notice of me! So far I've tried Lily & Daisy with same response. She also looks quite comical as she has no whiskers, I know their mum's nip them off if they are too adventurous or they're the last one left of the litter.

At present the are both fast asleep on my lap and I'm having to type this with the laptop on the arm of the chair with my left hand, bless !
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Lol..! You could just eat them couldn't you (well not literally obviously!)...Poppy & Elly were two we tried on Jess when she came here, but in the end we left her with Jess as she was around two years old and what with being from a rescue centre etc etc we figured she'd had enough chopping & changing without us trying to get her used to a new name too. I didn't know that about their mums nipping off their whiskers - talk about you learn something every day!
The jury's out on that one, she wasn't bothered one way or the other too busy climbing the curtains and using the Yucca pot as a loo to take much notice of me! So far I've tried Lily & Daisy with same response. She also looks quite comical as she has no whiskers, I know their mum's nip them off if they are too adventurous or they're the last one left of the litter.

At present the are both fast asleep on my lap and I'm having to type this with the laptop on the arm of the chair with my left hand, bless !

that sounds very familiar. i have to do it all the time when louis wants to get on my lap. only a 2 finger typist at the best of times so 1 finger is torture. lol!

i had no idea about the whiskers!
Yes as they use their whiskers to gauge spaces etc it's supposedly to stop them wandering too far and likewise if it's the last one to leave it's the mum's way of keeping it close by

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