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I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?
I can't give any info about a flu jab, never had one & never will. However, you really need to go for your appointment. If you've got any mouthwash have a good rinse before you leave home, also if you've got any tea tree add it to your hand sanitiser & wear your best fitting mask. In all honesty the scare mongering about this virus is worse than the thing itself. My next door neighbour's mum is 92, she had a small cerebral haemorrhage in April & spent three weeks in hospital, followed by ten in a care home, seven with her son's family & is now in another home, probably indefinitely. She must have come into contact with hundreds of staff & patients, she hasn't caught a thing. You will be fine 💐
I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?

I had my jab 1 week ago, no after effects whatsoever.
Yes, here in Northern Ireland in one of the hospitals people on a cancer ward caught and died of COVID which they caught in the hospital.

As for C Diff, I know someone now retired who was a nurse and said it is widespread in all hospitals and they just cannot get rid of it.

This is where hospital cleanliness is so bloody important. My cousin nearly died of it a few years ago and is not allowed antibiotics in case they dampen his good bacteria the C. Diff will return.

The spores are really difficult to kill as they're found everywhere and are resistant to some methods of disinfection. However, there are still many ways they can kill C. Diff but cleaning has to be consistent and thorough. They could fog with Dew is it's active against it as is good old bleach. Every hospital I've been in or seen on telly has a packet of green Clinell wipes just about everywhere yet I've never seen the red packs that will kill C.Diff spores. Would I sound horribly judgemental if I put it down to laziness as the red wipes are dry but need wetting before use and that's harder than pulling a wet wipe out?

In my cousin's case, his wife watched the cleaner wipe his bathroom down (including the toilet) then start cleaning his room (including his table) with the same cloth! He'd been given a private room as the hospital had a high rate of C.Diff infections and he was at risk as he'd had a good part of his bowel removed and was on long-term antibiotics.

His consultant had done a stint on the derm ward years ago where they would give patients with eczema bleach baths. He advised my cousin to have one of these with dilute thin bleach or Milton every day for a week after getting home and told his wife all bedding and clothes either had to be soaked in Milton or hot-washed or he'd risk re-infecting himself and possibly the rest of the household. He also mentioned burning the clothes he'd worn in hospital and taking everything home in a bin bag so that could be dumped. He said it in a joking manner but my cousin's wife took his advice.

If I'd been in I think I'd do the Milton bath for a week just in case anyway! I know I over-react but people these days are so lazy about hygiene.

They could drastically cut rates in hospital but it would mean deep-cleaning each room and ward while empty and this would be difficult with patients in. But let's face it, it should never have been allowed to get this bad in the first place. Cleaning is so poor in hospitals I shudder at the thought of having to stay in one. I think the bosses of all hospitals should be made to stay in one of their wards for a few nights to see if they think they're acceptable.
I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?
Please don’t miss your hospital appointments your eyes are precious and can’t be neglected. I have been to my local hospital and GP surgery for flu jab and everything was running smoothly in both. Just take a mask and keep cleaning your hands.
I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?
I agree you would be best off going if you can. I have been a few times in lockdown and at St George’s Tooting the COVID procedures are very clear. They don’t want people arriving too early (one text said five minutes but such precision is impossible in London traffic), they don’t want you to be accompanied inside unless essential, and at the individual clinic doors they check who you are before letting you in. Over half the chairs are taped over to enforce social distancing and of course we all wear masks. I have to say it was much more stringent than I was expecting and I certainly wasn’t worried.

NOW BACK TO ME!!! Guess what.... well today I walked up and down stairs without using a crutch. Very slowly and very plonkily with the right foot, but it’s a start isn’t it. And indoors I am mostly using just the one crutch or none. I darent do any of this outside though and haven’t yet dared brave a crowded, well more bustling, environment.
Well done Mazza! ! Slow but sure gets there safely in the end.

Anna please don’t ignore your eyes. My gran had glaucoma and my mum was blind from macular degeneration. Whilst this can now be treated it’s wasn’t possible back then and it was heartbreaking to see both going blind. Mum used to say you only had one set of eyes and without them you are a prisoner in your home if it comes later in life rather than something you have learned to work with.
I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?

Please don't worry about attending hospital appointments. I have been at appointments 3 times since March and have another next week and am not worried, have felt very safe whilst at appointments.
I've got a similar one from Lidl. It works very well, but I haven't yet found a recipe for butter popcorn like you buy in packets.

Has anyone got a recipe that works, and has the authentic taste, and leaves the popcorn slightly crispy?

Does popcorn (non sweet) actually have any nutritional value, or is it just empty calories? CBA to google toss & then have to sift the BS for the correct answer.

I had my jab 1 week ago, no after effects whatsoever.
My Mom sometimes gets a sore arm, but not this time. Note she is a physically a Susan & quite thin, but I'm still scared of her.
I had no side effects at all with my recent flu jab, nor with last year’s. My arm wasn’t sore either. It was the same with the pneumonia one I had a couple of years ago. I’m not in the Covid at risk category, but when they offered extra protection from other winter issues I decided to have them because you never know.
Please don’t miss your hospital appointments your eyes are precious and can’t be neglected. I have been to my local hospital and GP surgery for flu jab and everything was running smoothly in both. Just take a mask and keep cleaning your hands.
I have decided to go. Mask on, hand gel, keep away from me sign. I should be OK.

Well done Mazza! ! Slow but sure gets there safely in the end.

Anna please don’t ignore your eyes. My gran had glaucoma and my mum was blind from macular degeneration. Whilst this can now be treated it’s wasn’t possible back then and it was heartbreaking to see both going blind. Mum used to say you only had one set of eyes and without them you are a prisoner in your home if it comes later in life rather than something you have learned to work with.
I shall attend LATI. I have two appointments for my eyes, for two different things. Only one appointment given though at the moment so not quite sure which problem it is for. Hopefully all will be well.

Please don't worry about attending hospital appointments. I have been at appointments 3 times since March and have another next week and am not worried, have felt very safe whilst at appointments.
Thanks, that is good to know Sazza.
Had my first Tesco on line delivery today

Plus - arrived at stated slot and it appears to be complete

Minus -despite saying we are now vunerable and no one would be able to carry heavy bags the driver wore absolutely NO protection mask or gloves.

Shopping was in 8 trays lined with plastic, which he lifted out of trays and left lying all over on the path . Large water and coke bottles on top of eggs and biscuits and strong smelling dishwasher tablets and bleach on top of butter.

perhaps it’s because we are ultra fussy when at supermarket and do our own packing?
I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?
Well Anna due to asthma I have had flu jabs since 1997 and never had any side effects so fingers crossed for you.
This is where hospital cleanliness is so bloody important. My cousin nearly died of it a few years ago and is not allowed antibiotics in case they dampen his good bacteria the C. Diff will return.

The spores are really difficult to kill as they're found everywhere and are resistant to some methods of disinfection. However, there are still many ways they can kill C. Diff but cleaning has to be consistent and thorough. They could fog with Dew is it's active against it as is good old bleach. Every hospital I've been in or seen on telly has a packet of green Clinell wipes just about everywhere yet I've never seen the red packs that will kill C.Diff spores. Would I sound horribly judgemental if I put it down to laziness as the red wipes are dry but need wetting before use and that's harder than pulling a wet wipe out?

In my cousin's case, his wife watched the cleaner wipe his bathroom down (including the toilet) then start cleaning his room (including his table) with the same cloth! He'd been given a private room as the hospital had a high rate of C.Diff infections and he was at risk as he'd had a good part of his bowel removed and was on long-term antibiotics.

His consultant had done a stint on the derm ward years ago where they would give patients with eczema bleach baths. He advised my cousin to have one of these with dilute thin bleach or Milton every day for a week after getting home and told his wife all bedding and clothes either had to be soaked in Milton or hot-washed or he'd risk re-infecting himself and possibly the rest of the household. He also mentioned burning the clothes he'd worn in hospital and taking everything home in a bin bag so that could be dumped. He said it in a joking manner but my cousin's wife took his advice.

If I'd been in I think I'd do the Milton bath for a week just in case anyway! I know I over-react but people these days are so lazy about hygiene.

They could drastically cut rates in hospital but it would mean deep-cleaning each room and ward while empty and this would be difficult with patients in. But let's face it, it should never have been allowed to get this bad in the first place. Cleaning is so poor in hospitals I shudder at the thought of having to stay in one. I think the bosses of all hospitals should be made to stay in one of their wards for a few nights to see if they think they're acceptable.

One of the biggest problems is beds are not allowed to be empty for more than five minutes...... senior managers constantly hassle and bully nurses to get patients out and get the next one in. It’s still no excuse for poor hygiene, but back in the days, we used to wash the bed and let them air for half an hour. You barely get time to wash them nowadays.
And we used to have deep cleaning days, where all the beds were pulled out and a proper clean done. Not seen that in many a year.....
Anyone thinking of bulk buying popcorn..... I have just read an article in today's Sunday Times about Joe and Seph's. Apparently they had a tie in with the Bond producers and made a Dry Martini version! Because if the deferral they are now getting all their stock returned from cinemas and many orders cancelled. They have managed to shift 75% but are having to sell below RRP. It is now a race against time because of the expiry date.

Eyes peeled for an OTO on Q?!? Cue Andi Peters and Dale going into 007 mode.
that's interesting Mazza - I had a lot of coupons to use on my Ocado account for Joe and seph popcorn, wonder if connected. Plus we'll done on tackling the stairs you have had a rotten journey in more ways than one the last months!

I have a hospital appointment in a week's time. I cancelled the last one in March and now am worrying about this one. It is for my eyes, so close contact so to speak. In two minds what to do.

Also I am having a flu jab on Tuesday. Never had one before, should I just expect a sore arm or other side effects?
Anna my mother has frequent injections for macular and was at Moorfields about a week ago. She commented that the precautions and sanitation were excellent with everything being wiped/sanitised etc . As others have said eyes are too important to risk.....
Had my first Tesco on line delivery today

Plus - arrived at stated slot and it appears to be complete

Minus -despite saying we are now vunerable and no one would be able to carry heavy bags the driver wore absolutely NO protection mask or gloves.

Shopping was in 8 trays lined with plastic, which he lifted out of trays and left lying all over on the path . Large water and coke bottles on top of eggs and biscuits and strong smelling dishwasher tablets and bleach on top of butter.

perhaps it’s because we are ultra fussy when at supermarket and do our own packing?
Sainsbury's used to put items like Demestos in with food when they used to do plastic bags. In the end I stopped ordering those items. These days everything is just plonked in a tray, and we have to empty the trays in the porch and quickly put them in the hall. I know they can deliver the trays into the kitchen, but I just have visions of the delivery man hitting my fridge/freezer or something and damaging it. No thanks.

Well Anna due to asthma I have had flu jabs since 1997 and never had any side effects so fingers crossed for you.
I had my jab today, and so far my arm is fine. My husband had his at the same time, and his arm aches, but he had a different flu jab as he is older, only 5 years, and his jab contains slightly different ingredients than the one I had, and egg based technology was used in his as well, but none in mine. Fingers crossed all will be well.

that's interesting Mazza - I had a lot of coupons to use on my Ocado account for Joe and seph popcorn, wonder if connected. Plus we'll done on tackling the stairs you have had a rotten journey in more ways than one the last months!

Anna my mother has frequent injections for macular and was at Moorfields about a week ago. She commented that the precautions and sanitation were excellent with everything being wiped/sanitised etc . As others have said eyes are too important to risk.....
I have confirmed I am going for the appointment now. Unfortunately, we are on the 3 tier lockdown, so am still nervous about going. I am not sure I like the sound of injections Mollie.
Had my first Tesco on line delivery today

Plus - arrived at stated slot and it appears to be complete

Minus -despite saying we are now vunerable and no one would be able to carry heavy bags the driver wore absolutely NO protection mask or gloves.

Shopping was in 8 trays lined with plastic, which he lifted out of trays and left lying all over on the path . Large water and coke bottles on top of eggs and biscuits and strong smelling dishwasher tablets and bleach on top of butter.

perhaps it’s because we are ultra fussy when at supermarket and do our own packing?

No, you're not. We get deliveries and have had to complain a few times. Mostly frozen food being delivered defrosted! Substitute roulette is fun, though.

We've also had breakages due to, as far as I can see, carelessness. I get really bloody annoyed when staples like milk don't turn up especially when I ticked the subs box.

We almost always get a call asking if they can deliver as they're in the area. Otherwise, they have to either go back to the store which is a 40 mile round trip for them. No idea who plans the routes but they're bloody awful at it!
That weird screaming sound you all might have heard was me. Yes, they are closing the hairdressers here for 4 weeks. I was booked in for my hair cut next week! Oh, well, the Amazon clippers will have to come out again.😭
That's my dread too. Having mine cut Friday, well I hope so!

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