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That weird screaming sound you all might have heard was me. Yes, they are closing the hairdressers here for 4 weeks. I was booked in for my hair cut next week! Oh, well, the Amazon clippers will have to come out again.😭
Me too Donna I was down for next week but would have had to cancel as she is out in the country and no transport with Mr L in recovery mode.
Luckily I am growing mine so spent most of lockdown with different hair clips and bands. Visited eldest daughter 2 weeks ago for the first time since December and she gave me a trim. She isn't a hairdresser but she cuts the granddaughters hair and their Yorkie (😯). I am very pleased with it so have coloured it today. Must have saved a fortune since last year.
I’ve got long hair so hairdressers not being available isn’t a problem. My son takes length off it when needed. I had 3 inches cut off the length in May and it won’t be long before I’m calling on his service again because my hair grows like a weed. 😳
Luckily I am growing mine so spent most of lockdown with different hair clips and bands. Visited eldest daughter 2 weeks ago for the first time since December and she gave me a trim. She isn't a hairdresser but she cuts the granddaughters hair and their Yorkie (😯). I am very pleased with it so have coloured it today. Must have saved a fortune since last year.
The length, in my case, isn't the issue as much as the roots!
I made Mr C have his cut 2 weeks ago (I bet his barber didn't have to cope with as demanding a customer as I did in lockdown) and I had mine cut last week so it'll keep it going for a few weeks. I cut mine in lockdown just about hair by hair in case I messed it up and I don't want to repeat that. I absolutely loathe anything to do with hair so hairdressers have my undying respect and admiration.
I’m overdue for a hair cut and my daughter who is a hairdresser has to stay in isolation for two weeks as a work colleague tested positive. Fortunately my daughter tested negative, so haircut for me is delayed.
I’ve put mine off until mid November so hopefully all will be back to normal both in terms of lockdown and us being housebound.
There is a big hospital in our area which has had a lot of cases and deaths, my best friend works there, albeit in management so can keep herself semi isolated at work, but it is worrying so I can only imagine how those with family working on the wards must feel.
Mr V had his flu jab yesterday and is really off colour today but that happens every year. He had a heart attack several years ago plus he`s diabetic so he`s had flu jabs for the past 10 years and it makes him feel rotten everytime.
I`ve never had a flu jab, have always refused but this year I`ve agreed to have one on the 29th only because if I catch covid and it reduces my immunity even if I only have mild covid symptoms then should I catch flu my body would struggle to fight it off.
I did actually have flu several years ago and it put me flat on my back for 5 days and I`ve never felt as ill in my life plus my friend`s dad died of the flu and he was a similar age to what I am now. He came home from work feeling ill, went to bed, by the day after he was ten times worse and he died the day after being admitted to hospital.
I had the flu jab a few weeks ago. I didn’t feel great that evening and had a sore arm but better approx. 24 hours later. My husband had no symptoms at all. He had a quadruple heart bypass a number of years ago and really needs to keep well.
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It's your own antibodies that make some feel ill after the jab. I was given a leaflet when I got mine done explaining this.

I got my hair cut this morning and most people are saying this lockdown will be longer than 4 weeks here. The universities are now saying online courses only unless this cannot be done. My neighbor is a tutor at Jordanstown University and doing only online since the lockdown.
I am not tarring all from Liverpool and similar cities, with the one brush but the authorities really need to clamp down on those people who haven’t adhered to the rules anyway and going mad to get a night out before curfew rules. Perhaps a water cannon and in a holding compound overnight might put a bit of sense into them but I doubt it.

In the taxi on my way home from getting dressings for Mr L wound, I heard people on J Vine show complaining about their freedom of movement etc and that we should be forced into a herd immunity situation. Well I would use my freedom of movement and put them in the COVID ward at our hospital (without treatment) to ensure the herd immunity theory either killed or cured them.
I just don't understand where they get the money from. And just how many last nights out have they had? I have lost count.
I am not tarring all from Liverpool and similar cities, with the one brush but the authorities really need to clamp down on those people who haven’t adhered to the rules anyway and going mad to get a night out before curfew rules. Perhaps a water cannon and in a holding compound overnight might put a bit of sense into them but I doubt it.

In the taxi on my way home from getting dressings for Mr L wound, I heard people on J Vine show complaining about their freedom of movement etc and that we should be forced into a herd immunity situation. Well I would use my freedom of movement and put them in the COVID ward at our hospital (without treatment) to ensure the herd immunity theory either killed or cured them.

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