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I admire your attitude, Twi.

I suffer with anxiety and bouts of depression that have restricted and impacted my life far more than my physical disabilities.

No matter how much I tell myself to get out there as, after all, life is not a rehearsal, I can't make myself make the most of it. Even if I can get into the right frame of mind I'm hobbled by awful fatigue - the kind of fatigue that makes me lie down after a shower, sit down for half an hour to recover from doing the washing up and need to rest after doing the simplest tasks around the house.

I'm sure when your time comes (a good while in the future hopefully) you will be missed a lot.
I've always felt this way but is it because I'm quite bumptious & so far I've been blessed with good health? I'm also more my grandmother's granddaughter than I'm anything else; she refused to attend the 75+ medical checks at her surgery, had her hair done two days before she died - walking to & from the salon & her favourite expression was 'The Magic of Ordinary Days'. My much missed mum died in a nursing home because her cancer had reached her brain, my father was in hospital after having his fifth heart attack & she needed round the clock care. The other residents were all in advanced stages of dementia & these frail ladies, with their empty eyes & incomprehensible mutterings, totally confirmed my horror of all things to do with getting old. I've known really bad times but can't say that I've ever suffered from depression, my feelings this year are common to most of us so that's different. I absolutely hate flying & go into a panic at airports but that's not really anxiety so to read that you have to deal with both is awful & I admire you so much for coping with them. Fatigue must be totally draining & sodding annoying by making everything so time consuming. Can anything be done to relieve such a debilitating condition?

I suffer from chronic fatigue due to a heart problem alter so I know exactly how you feel. Horrible when people think you're being a drama queen when in fact it's a monumental effort just to put your socks on. Fatigue is like a coat that you constantly wear. I have to just get on with it as there's no alternative but I totally sympathise and hope you can stay at home and take your time.

Good grief CC, that's awful.
I've always felt this way but is it because I'm quite bumptious & so far I've been blessed with good health? I'm also more my grandmother's granddaughter than I'm anything else; she refused to attend the 75+ medical checks at her surgery, had her hair done two days before she died - walking to & from the salon & her favourite expression was 'The Magic of Ordinary Days'. My much missed mum died in a nursing home because her cancer had reached her brain, my father was in hospital after having his fifth heart attack & she needed round the clock care. The other residents were all in advanced stages of dementia & these frail ladies, with their empty eyes & incomprehensible mutterings, totally confirmed my horror of all things to do with getting old. I've known really bad times but can't say that I've ever suffered from depression, my feelings this year are common to most of us so that's different. I absolutely hate flying & go into a panic at airports but that's not really anxiety so to read that you have to deal with both is awful & I admire you so much for coping with them. Fatigue must be totally draining & sodding annoying by making everything so time consuming. Can anything be done to relieve such a debilitating condition?

Good grief CC, that's awful.
It's that "invisible disability" thing. People think you're attention seeking, when you're actually quite ill! I always feel if I give in to it it will be the beginning of a long road downhill and I, of course, am not going to allow myself to do that. Just sometimes though it would be good to think someone was on your side. I once had a benefits assessment and the woman was just looking at me as if to say "Why are you here? You're alive aren't you?" So humiliating.

I read mid-week on the DM online(sorry I do read it now and then), people selling the Hidden Disability cards on eBay for £5! Then the even if you buy from the correct website they do no checks and just sell them. So, of course, the comments all these people wearing them are fakes etc. I do have one and was very surprised to not be asked for my doctor's details? But I have asthma since childhood and I really have tried wearing a mask, even still carry one in my handbag. I was given one of the face shields by a friend who is a care assistant if was even worth it. It was like being entombed in plastic.

I was told if the police stop you wearing one you have to give your doctor's info and tell them what your disability is. My doctor even saw me wearing mine and made no comment when getting my flu jab. Trust me he is the sort who would ask why are you wearing that if you did not need to?
This is different to my usual cartoons.

If you "get it" it will make you groan!

Cartoon space 122589990_1010248.jpg
I suffer from chronic fatigue due to a heart problem alter so I know exactly how you feel. Horrible when people think you're being a drama queen when in fact it's a monumental effort just to put your socks on. Fatigue is like a coat that you constantly wear. I have to just get on with it as there's no alternative but I totally sympathise and hope you can stay at home and take your time.


Oh, yes. Monumental effort.

The coat you always wear. The one that feels like lead chainmail and that you can't take off in the hottest weather.

You have my sympathy, too. I won't tell you to take your time as if you're anything like me you have to - and you'll find it beyond irritating.
Know what you mean! But to be fair at the height of the lockdown I was able to see Booths as my go to supermarket and joked ‘no fighting for toilet rolls in Booths’ but having worked for pensions all my life I can afford to shop in Booths and my first love Aldi!
I thought about you today as I nipped to Booths for something I couldn’t get elsewhere. I parked quite close to a Bentley 😂
I have just been discharged by the District Nurse!!👍🤗💐🥂🥂🥂

She said if I was happy to do it I could just put on a dressing to protect the skin but otherwise it didn’t need any specialist dressings or honey etc, so it’s just like putting on a regular plaster. I wasn’t expecting anyone today so it was lucky I decided to go for an early walk. That still leaves a lot to be desired but I am not on crutches, use a walking stick outside and nothing in the flat even on the stairs! My gait is decidedly “rolling” but am much more squared if using a stick so maybe that will be needed for a while. But that is nothing compared to where I was a few weeks ago. So yippee!
That most definitely was not me the Bentley does not come out on a Sunday.
My neighbour wanted to hire my garage for his Rolls, as his garage was not long enough.

But that would have meant leaving my own car outside, so I didn't.

Mine was not a Rolls or Bentley but only a Rover. which I bought cheap through my firm as they owned Rover.
I have just been discharged by the District Nurse!!👍🤗💐🥂🥂🥂

She said if I was happy to do it I could just put on a dressing to protect the skin but otherwise it didn’t need any specialist dressings or honey etc, so it’s just like putting on a regular plaster. I wasn’t expecting anyone today so it was lucky I decided to go for an early walk. That still leaves a lot to be desired but I am not on crutches, use a walking stick outside and nothing in the flat even on the stairs! My gait is decidedly “rolling” but am much more squared if using a stick so maybe that will be needed for a while. But that is nothing compared to where I was a few weeks ago. So yippee!
I am so pleased, relieved & quite emotional. Your posts from hospital, when you were in such despair & about the evil BC, were awful. Onwards & upwards, but defo only gently 💐

Mines a Fiesta, elderly like me!
You're not elderly, you're someone who has been young for longer than others.
I have just been discharged by the District Nurse!!👍🤗💐🥂🥂🥂

She said if I was happy to do it I could just put on a dressing to protect the skin but otherwise it didn’t need any specialist dressings or honey etc, so it’s just like putting on a regular plaster. I wasn’t expecting anyone today so it was lucky I decided to go for an early walk. That still leaves a lot to be desired but I am not on crutches, use a walking stick outside and nothing in the flat even on the stairs! My gait is decidedly “rolling” but am much more squared if using a stick so maybe that will be needed for a while. But that is nothing compared to where I was a few weeks ago. So yippee!
Beyond wonderful news! All happy news and positive outcomes gratefully received. You must be ecstatic.
Well it is raining with me and I have just changed my Christmas holiday away.Don’t think it would be operating, cannot see the situation changing enough by Christmas to allow continental travel.Looking forward to 2021 and it is only a few days anyway.Picked up Booths luscious Christmas food book, lovely to look at but I think it will be a chicken leg for me! Dream on! The sun has just come out.
What is Booths? Like Harrods?
The town where I was born and bred and lived there until my mid 30`s had a branch of Booths and I loved it. Smaller than other supermarkets and it had proper deli counters where the staff knew what they were on about and the minute you walked in you were met with the smell of ground coffee which they prepared and bagged as requested.
The original store disappeared in the 80`s and a new modern looking branch was built in another part of town and sadly it didn`t have the same atmosphere. I moved towns shortly after (1987) and haven`t been in a Booths since.
The town where I was born and bred and lived there until my mid 30`s had a branch of Booths and I loved it. Smaller than other supermarkets and it had proper deli counters where the staff knew what they were on about and the minute you walked in you were met with the smell of ground coffee which they prepared and bagged as requested.
The original store disappeared in the 80`s and a new modern looking branch was built in another part of town and sadly it didn`t have the same atmosphere. I moved towns shortly after (1987) and haven`t been in a Booths since.
There is a Booths not far from where I live and they still had the ground coffee machine last time I shopped there. I remember the Christmas Catalogue and it was full of delicious food and drink but I don’t know if they still do one these days.

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