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Sep 18, 2009
I'm looking to hear your experiences of statins as i'm having a few side effects and don't know if its worth persevering or going back to the Dr.
I'm sorry i'm going to give you a brief medical history as this.might be relevant.

Ok here goes i'm 48 5ft 1 and 8 and half stone.
My health up until 18 Months ago was excellent. I then got a virus that went into my heart, resulting in a fast but regular heartbeat. I am under a cardiologist for this and he put me on 5mg Bisoprolol a day. I also developed stomach ulcers, Gerd and IBS which is bloody painful and i take omeprozole daily.
My cholesterol has shot up from 4 to 6.7 and i've started to get the yellow fatty patches round my eyes. My father died of heart problems and i am a smoker so so the Dr has put me on 40 mg of simvastatin . My stomach has been playing up since. i started them and both the IBS and Gerd have got worse. I know this can be a side effect but don't know whether to stick with it or see if i can change tablets but i know they can all have side effects.

Sorry to ramble on, but i really would appreciate hearing your advice or experience of statins.

Sorry to hear about this - what a rough time you've had :(

My Father takes both Bisoprolol and a statin (he's on Atorvastatin though) after a serious heart attack in 2011. My ex boyfriend who I am still good friends with takes Simvastatin because his cholesterol was up at 8.6.

My Dad has had side effects of muscle spasms from the Statins and my Ex has had the IBS symptoms you describe (he's also on Omeprazole for stomach ulcers).

Both have been back to the GP, my Dad found out that they'd stopped giving him branded Pfizer Atorvastatin and to save money were giving him a generic make of the same drug - the generic stuff gave him side effects, the branded stuff didn't. It was the same with my ex too, when they switched him back to branded his side effects improved. It's worth asking at the GP and letting them know of the side effects, because I know myself how miserable IBS can make you feel. You can always be switched to another type - Atorvastatin is one which carries fewer side effects (that was what the cardiac rehab Dr told my Dad anyway).

Argh, sorry that's not much help. I think with anything like this it is always better to ask the GP. But I wish you well, because it sounds like you've had a rough old time xxx
Oh thanks Barbedwire that is very helpful. Our local health authority has stopped Atorvastatin as its too expensive. Ridiculous but the Gp said their hands are tied.
I have had a rough time but nothing compared too others on here. It sounds like theses statins are trial and error.
My dad used to be on Atorvastatin and when we had to change doctors surgery almost 7 years ago he was changed to Simvastatin. He didn't notice much in side effects but after a conversation with a friend, about a year or so ago now, who mentioned the dreadful pain Simvastatin gave him in his legs it got my dad thinking as he does get leg pain from his back condition but it had increased and he was getting a lot of muscle cramps in his legs. So he mentioned to the doctor and his thoughts with regards the Simvastatin so the doctor changed him back to Atorvastatin, said it was worth trying to see if legs improved and I think they have. So if you are having side effects mention it to your doctor, they are likely to try you on another even of they as general rule don't prescribe a certain drug they probably still will for some if side effects on others warrant it.
I have been on Simvastatin for several years with no side effects so can't answer your question BUT please make sure you don't have grapefruit in any shape or form (juice/fresh or tinned) as this has a serious effect on the dose of statin. I asked the nurse last week about this and grapefruit must be totally avoided
Thanks Sazza and ND. Since having the ulcers i avoid grapefruit anyway as it really aggregates my stomach.. but i noticed on the packet of tablets it has in bold letters avoid grapefruit. Must be something to do with the enzymes i suppose, i don't know i'm just guessing.
So sorry you've had such a difficult time LEL. I personally have no experience of statins, but my I do know that my friend (who is a doctor) is firmly against their use and believes they cause more problems than they cure. Have you discussed alternative ways to lower your cholesterol with your doctor? From what my friend says many doctors see statins as a miracle drug. There has been talk of putting everybody on them when they hit 50 whether they needed them or not so it may be difficult to get a doctor to entertain the idea! Needless to say she is totally appalled at this. I know you're slim, but could changing your diet be a step forward?
I'm not a medical person (and not on statins) so please forgive me for putting my two penneth in! However I'm with my friend on this and I would always explore all other possible avenues first rather than drug treatment. I sincerely hope you find a solution xx
At the risk of stating the bleedin' obvious, isn't it time now to ditch the ciggies? Whatever drugs youre on continuing to smoke will be having a detrimental effect on your overall health, possibly the effectiveness of the medicine too.

I know. It's hard. Been there! But I maintain that if I can kick it anyone can. And if its true that people need a reason to stop what better one than a decline in your health?
Oh bless you PP. I eat a very low fat diet, BB know i should give up smoking but whey father died i was so stressed that it was not easy to stop. not an excuse but i have cut down recently.
My Dr is not particularly pro statins but said with a family history of heart disease ,it was better to try and get it under control.
I really appreciate your input.

BB how give up smoking? cold turkey or another method?
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As a smoker myself I appreciate just how difficult it is to stop LEL! Well done on cutting down which is hard enough!
As a smoker myself I appreciate just how difficult it is to stop LEL! Well done on cutting down which is hard enough!
Its sheer habit and a very expensive one at that. I tried the electronic cigs, patches, you name it i've tried. I have immense willpower for most things but cutting the cigs is proving difficult.
I take Simvastatin and do suffer from aching muscles and leg cramps sometimes. When I discussed this with my GP he suggested I take the statins in the morning instead of at night and I think this has helped a little.
PP and I have discussed this before I think, but cold turkey for me was the best way - however, I always had cigs to hand, because that way I was in control, I was choosing not to smoke them - if I hadn't had any I'd have killed to get one I think! I was a heavy smoker, 40-50 a day. Been stopped since 1985 and like BB said "if I can do it anyone can"!

As to the statins, no experience whatsoever so no advice from me I'm afraid, but I echo other posts and say talk to your GP about it, different ones suit different people - my dad, my sister & myself all on BP meds and they started us all off with amlodipine, which is probably the cheapest - dad and sis it didn't suit at all, but I seem to be fine on it, so horses for courses, see if you can get changed onto something that might suit you better.. Omeprazole suits me but it didn't suit my on and so forth - that's your best bet I think, and good luck, I hope you'll soon be feeling much better :sun:
Sorry to hear your having these side effects LEL.

I asked my doctor for a cholesterol test after my dad died from a massive heart attack ... he was elderly and ironically I'd been so concerned about his mental health it never occured to me he might have something physically wrong with him. I don't think he'd ever had his cholesterol checked even though his father had died in exactly the same way.

I was shocked and amazed when mine came back at 8.6. My doctor mentioned statins but told me as I was in good general health and my "good" cholesterol was high and my triglycerides low she wouldn't necessarily start me on them yet. I don't know whether that was good advice or not, I'll probably have to go on them at some point.

In the following year I was really good, watched my diet and lost a stone in weight ... when they checked me again it was down to 8.1 ... hardly a big difference. I believe there are just people out there pre-disposed to high cholesterol regardless which can't be helped much by a change in diet.

I have some friends who came off statins because they just couldn't settle down on them at all and others who swear by them. I think it is trial and error and would definately suggest you talk to the doctor again. Good luck, I hope they get you sorted out.
Okay, I am on Simvastatin 40mgs a day, have been for must be 3 years now. No side effects or problems for me.

There is a history of strokes in my family on my mother's side. Most of them died at 39 my uncle, or 60 my mum and aunt at 62. My grandfather had a stroke in his 40s and had to be cared for by my granny for years when he had another major stroke at sixty something.

Perhaps you need to speak to your doctor about a different brand.

And please try to stop smoking, yes I know another whiner at you. But your health is more important.
Sorry to hear about your illness LEL, again i don't take statins, but my OH has heart problems in family and takes that flora proactiv spread and his cholestrol

is always very low.(if you wanted to try and lower it with alternatives) I do have IBS and i take buscopan, have you tried them for the pain or colofac. My friend in work has been taken statins for many years and she says it has left her hair very thin , but thats in the long term id say. I thinkk BurlyB is right the smoking isn't helping any of your symptons and if possible you should get help to stop. I don;t smoke, but have watched him try, Boots do a good thing, they bring you in and give you what you need and you go back every week , think the doctor refers you, or my DS just gave up cold turkey and my DD when her boyfriend came to live with her she just gave up, suprise what you do for love.

But basically i'd go back to the doctor and tell him your concerns. xx
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BB how give up smoking? cold turkey or another method?

I used nicotine gum for a while, and it definitely helped with those stood in a bar/drink in hand times. But I didn't use it for very long. Maybe a month.
The real driver was that I'd wound myself up into a state of self hatred, every time I lit one I hated myself for being so weak. I'd convinced myself I was about to have a heart attack, and was having weird breathing stuff which would wake me up gasping for air. A week after I stopped I went to my GP and asked her to tell me I wasn't about to die. She obliged (thankfully) and I just carried on from there. It will be 9 years next month. I don't want to come off as some paragon of health and virtue. Far from it, I'm overweight and I drink too much. But not having to "deal" with that nasty smelly pernicious habit is a load off the mind.
I had a heart attack last April and am only in my early 50's, but have been put on bisoprolol and Atorvastin plus many other drugs as I had a stent fitted because the artery was 90% blocked. I've been told Atorvastin is the better of the two but I do have cramps in my legs and pain but also an acidic feeling in my chest especially at night (which feels like another bliddy heart attack!). I've been given Lanzoprazole for that but absolutely hate the fact that I have all this medication but then realise its saving my life.

How about looking on the British Heart Foundation website? There's a lot of info on medication and in particular a forum where there is quite a bit about the effects of Statins. Stopping smoking will def bring yr cholesterol down and then there's exercise.......:)
I used nicotine gum for a while, and it definitely helped with those stood in a bar/drink in hand times. But I didn't use it for very long. Maybe a month.
The real driver was that I'd wound myself up into a state of self hatred, every time I lit one I hated myself for being so weak. I'd convinced myself I was about to have a heart attack, and was having weird breathing stuff which would wake me up gasping for air. A week after I stopped I went to my GP and asked her to tell me I wasn't about to die. She obliged (thankfully) and I just carried on from there. It will be 9 years next month. I don't want to come off as some paragon of health and virtue. Far from it, I'm overweight and I drink too much. But not having to "deal" with that nasty smelly pernicious habit is a load off the mind.

Thanks you don't come off as a paragon of health, but as someone with more willpower than me, which i greatly admire.! I. get annoyed with myself for smoking too and i can totally relate to the self hatred when lighting up. .Thanks for the tips and well done 9 yrs is quite an achievement.
I had a heart attack last April and am only in my early 50's, but have been put on bisoprolol and Atorvastin plus many other drugs as I had a stent fitted because the artery was 90% blocked. I've been told Atorvastin is the better of the two but I do have cramps in my legs and pain but also an acidic feeling in my chest especially at night (which feels like another bliddy heart attack!). I've been given Lanzoprazole for that but absolutely hate the fact that I have all this medication but then realise its saving my life.

How about looking on the British Heart Foundation website? There's a lot of info on medication and in particular a forum where there is quite a bit about the effects of Statins. Stopping smoking will def bring yr cholesterol down and then there's exercise.......:)

Oh Ribbons i hope you're feeling better now,it must have been an awful shock for you.
That acidic feeling in the chest is both bloody painful and scary. Thanks for the advice and i hope your health improves.

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